get https://{host}/api_gateway/rewards/core/v1/management/issuals/
This API retrieves the detailed information of a specific issued reward using the reward transaction ID.
For detailed information about our APIs and for hands-on testing, refer documentation in API overview and step-by-step guide on making your first API call in Make your first API call .
- Authentication: Basic or OAuth authentication
- Default access group
API Specification
URI | /api_gateway/rewards/core/v1/management/issuals/{rewardTransactionId} |
HTTP Method | GET |
Pagination | No |
Batch support | No |
Rate limit information | None |
API endpoint example{rewardTransactionId}
Request path parameters
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
customerId* | String | Unique identifier of the customer. Ex: 112295 |
rewardTransactionId* | String | Unique identifier of the reward transaction. The reward transaction is generated during the issual of the reward. |
Response parameters
Parameter | Description |
status | An array containing the status details of the reward issue transaction. |
success | Indicates whether the transaction was successful. |
code | A unique code representing the status of the transaction. |
message | A message providing details about the status of the transaction. |
data | Contains detailed information about the reward transaction. |
rewardTransactionId | Unique identifier for the reward transaction. The reward transaction is generated during the issual of the reward. |
customerId | The ID of the customer associated with the reward transaction. |
orgId | The ID of the organization associated with the transaction. |
rewardIssueRefId | A reference ID for the reward issuance. |
rewardTransactionDate | The timestamp of the reward transaction in milliseconds. |
status | Status details of the reward issuance. |
success | Indicates whether the reward issuance was successful. |
-code | A unique code representing the status of the reward issuance. |
-message | A message providing additional information about the status of the reward issuance. |
-quantity | The number of rewards issued. |
requestedQuantity | This field represents the original quantity that was requested. |
groupRedemption | Indicates if the redemption is a group redemption. |
rewardDetails | Contains details about the specific reward. |
-rewardId | The ID of the reward. |
-languageCode | The language code for the reward details. |
-name | The name of the reward. |
-description | A description of the reward. |
-rewardRank | The rank of the reward. |
-groups | A list of groups associated with the reward. |
-imageId | The ID of the reward image. |
-imageUrl | The URL of the reward image. |
-intouchPoints | The number of intouch points associated with the reward. |
-images | A list of images associated with the reward. |
--name | Name of the image. |
--altText | Alternative text or description of the image. |
--id | Identifier for internally stored images, generated when uploaded to the file service. Not applicable for external images. |
--url | URL of the image. |
--isExternal | Indicates if the image is hosted on an external server. |
-videos | A list of videos associated with the reward. |
--name | Name of the video. |
--altText | Alternative text or description of the video. |
--id | Identifier for internally stored videos, generated when uploaded to the file service. Not applicable for external videos. |
--url | URL of the video. |
--isExternal | Indicates if the video is hosted on an external server. |
pointsRedemption | Details about the points redemption process. |
-redeemedPoints | The number of points redeemed. |
-pointsRedemptionRefId | A unique identifier generated each time rewards are issued. This field stores identifier, allowing you to track points redemption transaction. |
-pointsRedemptionRefIds | A unique identifier generated each time rewards are issued. This field stores a list of these identifiers, allowing you to track multiple points redemption transactions. |
status | Status details of the points redemption. |
success | Indicates whether the points redemption was successful. |
code | A unique code representing the status of the points redemption. |
message | A message providing additional information about the points redemption status. |
redemptionDetails | An array of objects specifying the details about the redemption process. |
-redemptionType | Specifies the category of reward redemption available. It indicates how users can redeem the reward. |
-totalRedemptionValue | The total value of the redemption. |
vouchers | A list of vouchers associated with the redemption. |
vendorRewards | Contains vendor-specific reward details. |
rewards | A list of rewards issued by the vendor. |
customFields | Custom fields for additional information. |
transactionCustomFields | Custom fields associated with the transaction. |
fulfillmentDetails | Fulfilment details associated with the reward. |
fulfillmentDetailsAuditLog | Displays history of fulfilment statuses. |
ownerId | The ID of the owner associated with the reward transaction. |
eventLogId | A plain string identifier used to identify the transaction associated with a reward issual. |
"status": [
"success": true,
"code": 200,
"message": "Reward issue transactions details fetched successfully"
"data": {
"rewardTransactionId": "295572",
"customerId": 558189490,
"orgId": 100725,
"rewardIssueRefId": "transactionNumber",
"rewardTransactionDate": 1732944642000,
"status": {
"success": true,
"code": 200,
"message": "Reward issued successfully"
"quantity": 1,
"requestedQuantity": 1,
"groupRedemption": false,
"rewardDetails": {
"rewardId": 273653,
"languageCode": "en",
"name": "5% off on zomato orders",
"description": "5% off on zomato orders",
"rewardRank": 1,
"groups": [
"groupName": "Hero Rewards",
"groupRank": null
"groupName": "Special Reward",
"groupRank": null
"imageId": "696f9013-49e0-435f-b123-416aeda5e925",
"imageUrl": "",
"intouchPoints": 0,
"intouchSeriesId": "654479",
"redemptionType": "INTOUCH_REWARD",
"images": [],
"videos": []
"pointsRedemption": {
"redeemedPoints": 0,
"pointsRedemptionRefIds": [
"status": {
"success": true,
"code": 200,
"message": "Points redeemed successfully."
"redemptionDetails": {
"redemptionType": "INTOUCH_REWARD",
"totalRedemptionValue": null
"vouchers": [
"code": "O4IXL1B4",
"codeExpiry": "2027-11-30 00:00:00",
"paymentDetails": {
"paymentMode": "FREE",
"id": 2286
"redemptionDetails": {
"redemptionType": "INTOUCH_REWARD",
"redemptionValue": null
"vendorRewards": {
"rewards": []
"customFields": {
"Test": "hello1",
"Name1": "test value"
"fulfillmentDetails": {
"createdOn": 1736369294000,
"status": "Out for delivery"
"fulfillmentDetailsAuditLog": [
"createdOn": 1732944642000,
"status": "Delivered"
"createdOn": 1736369294000,
"status": "Out for delivery"
"ownerId": ""
"status": [
"success": true,
"code": 200,
"message": "Reward issue transactions details fetched successfully"
"data": {
"rewardTransactionId": "17337",
"rewardIssueRefId": "transactionNumber",
"rewardTransactionDate": 1709715033000,
"status": {
"success": true,
"code": 200,
"message": "Reward issued successfully"
"quantity": 1,
"groupRedemption": false,
"rewardDetails": {
"rewardId": 6834,
"languageCode": "en",
"name": " INTOUCH Enabled",
"description": "Description",
"imageId": "EXDR12987U",
"imageUrl": "",
"intouchPoints": 1,
"intouchSeriesId": "1135336",
"redemptionType": "INTOUCH_REWARD",
"vendorName": null,
"vendorId": null,
"vendorRedemptionId": null,
"vendorRedemptionName": null,
"images": [],
"videos": []
"pointsRedemption": {
"redeemedPoints": 1,
"vendorName": "Points vendor_1",
"referenceId": null,
"pointsRedemptionRefId": "0rjghc",
"status": {
"success": true,
"code": 200,
"message": "Points redeemed successfully."
"stageReferenceId": null,
"vendorId": null,
"requestBody": null,
"responseBody": null,
"headers": null
"pointsRedemptionCheck": null,
"issueReward": null,
"revokeReward": null,
"constraintsCheck": null,
"catalogPromotions": null,
"appliedPromotions": null,
"vouchers": [
"code": "XS35QH1HA1OFHP269NZ0H0UCIZSY7S22F2DMP",
"revenueDetails": {
"brandCommission": 1.00,
"capillaryCommission": 0.00,
"affiliateCommission": 1.20,
"endCustomerCommission": 1.30
"promotions": null,
"customFields": {
"0a17": "defaultValue",
"2d8a": "defaultValue",
"ownerType": null,
"ownerId": "",
"groupName": null,
"groupRank": null,
"rewardRank": null
"status": [
"success": true,
"code": 200,
"message": "Reward issue transactions details fetched successfully"
"data": {
"rewardTransactionId": "338926",
"customerId": 564488660,
"orgId": 100737,
"rewardIssueRefId": "transactionNumber",
"rewardTransactionDate": 1739180128000,
"status": {
"success": true,
"code": 200,
"message": "Reward issued successfully"
"quantity": 1,
"requestedQuantity": 1,
"groupRedemption": false,
"rewardDetails": {
"rewardId": 313501,
"languageCode": "en",
"name": " INTOUCH Enabled",
"description": "Description",
"groups": [],
"imageId": "EXDR12987U",
"imageUrl": "",
"intouchPoints": 0,
"redemptionType": "PHYSICAL_REWARD",
"images": [
"name": "imageName",
"altText": "product picture",
"id": null,
"url": "",
"isExternal": true
"videos": [
"name": "videoName",
"altText": "product picture",
"id": null,
"url": "",
"isExternal": true
"pointsRedemption": {
"redeemedPoints": 0,
"pointsRedemptionRefIds": [
"status": {
"success": true,
"code": 200,
"message": "Points redeemed successfully."
"redemptionDetails": {
"redemptionType": "PHYSICAL_REWARD",
"totalRedemptionValue": null
"vouchers": [],
"vendorRewards": {
"rewards": [
"json": "{}"
"ownerId": ""
API-specific error codes
Error Code | Description |
6004 | Reward not found or disabled |