get https://{host}/v2/customers/bulk
Retrieves all child customers for a parent customer.
Make sure that you have appropriate access control configured. For more information, see access group documentation.
API endpoint
Query parameters
Query Parameter | Type | Description |
source | string | Indicates the origin of the data. |
associationEntityType | string | Type of entity associated. |
associationEntityIdentifierType | string | The type of identifier used for the associated entity. |
associationEntityIdentifierValue | integer/string | The actual identifier value for the associated entity. |
limit | integer | The maximum number of records to return per page. |
offset | integer | The starting point in the list of records. |
sortOrder | string | The order in which the data is sorted. |
includeNoOfChildren | boolean | A flag indicating whether to include the number of children entities. |
includeCustomerAssociateDetail | boolean | A flag indicating whether to include details of associated customers. |
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
entity | object | An object containing information about customers and their parent relationships. |
customers | array[object] | An array containing customer profiles and related details. |
profiles | array[object] | An array containing customer profile details such as first name, last name, identifiers, communication channels, source, user ID, account ID, and more. |
firstName | string | The first name of the customer. |
lastName | string | The last name of the customer. |
fields | object | Additional fields associated with the customer profile. |
identifiers | array[object] | An array containing customer identifier details such as type and value. |
type | string | The type of identifier, e.g., "mobile". |
value | string | The value of the identifier, e.g., mobile number. |
commChannels | array[object] | An array containing communication channel details such as type, value, primary status, verification status, meta attributes, and attributes. |
type | string | The type of communication channel, e.g., "mobile". |
value | string | The value of the communication channel, e.g., mobile number. |
primary | boolean | Indicates if the communication channel is the primary one. |
verified | boolean | Indicates if the communication channel is verified. |
meta | object | Meta attributes associated with the communication channel. |
source | string | The source of the customer data, e.g., "INSTORE". |
userId | integer | The unique identifier of the user. |
accountId | string | The account ID associated with the customer. |
conflictingProfileList | array | An array containing conflicting profile information. |
autoUpdateTime | string | The date and time when the customer profile was last updated. |
identifiersAll | array[object] | An array containing all identifier details for the customer. |
roleCode | string | A string representing the role code associated with the customer profile. |
createdDate | string | The date and time when the customer profile was created. |
noOfChildren | integer | The number of children associated with the customer. |
defaultChild | boolean | Indicates whether the customer is the default child. |
parentCustomer | object | An object containing details about the parent customer of the specified customer. |
extendedFields | object | An object containing extended fields associated with the customer profile, such as city and gender. |
city | string | The city associated with the customer. |
gender | string | The gender of the customer. |
count | integer | An integer indicating the count of entities in the response. |
errors | array | An array containing any errors encountered during the request. |
warnings | array | An array containing any warnings generated during the request. |
success | boolean | A boolean indicating the success status of the request. |