get https://{host}/v2/customers/
Retrieves tier details of a customer for a single program or across all programs of the org.
This is a light API.
Important Note
When | fetchDataForAllPrograms is true | fetchDataForAllPrograms is false |
programId is passed | You will still see tier details of the customer across all programs | You will still see tier details of the customer for that particular program. |
programId is not passed | You will still see tier details of the customer across all programs | You will still see tier details of the customer for the default program. |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Datatype | Description |
entityId | long | Unique ID of the customer. |
currentTierSerialNumber | int | Serial number of the current tier. For highest tier, this value is shown as -1 meaning no next tier is available. |
nextTierSerialNumber | int | Serial number of the next tier. For highest tier, this value is shown as -1 meaning no next tier is available. |