Retrieve search criteria details

This API enables you to retrieve the search criteria details using the search criteria ID obtained during creation of the search criteria.


Make sure that you have appropriate access control configured. For more information, see access group documentation.

API endpoint


Query parameters

idStringThe search criteria ID obtained during the search criteria.

Response parameters

dataAn object containing the criteria data.
data.idThe ID of the search criteria (e.g., "64b117d756bb3f20312aae7f").
data.orgIdThe ID of the organization associated with the criteria (e.g., 2064).
data.nameThe name of the search criteria (e.g., "criteria_1231_1").
data.entityTypeThe type of entity associated with the search criteria (e.g., "TRANSACTION").
data.fieldDefinitionsAn array containing the definitions of fields used in the search criteria.
data.fieldDefinitions[].fieldIdThe ID of the search field (e.g., "destination" or "origin").
data.fieldDefinitions[].fieldAliasThe alias or display name of the search field (e.g., "destination" or "origin").
data.fieldDefinitions[].dataSourceDetails.fieldReferenceThe reference to the search field in the data source (e.g., "extendedFields.destination" or "extendedFields.origin").
data.fieldDefinitions[].dataTypeThe data type of the search field (e.g., "STRING").
data.searchDataPolicyAn object defining the data retention policy and expiration details for the search data.
data.searchDataPolicy.dataRetentionPolicy.unitThe unit of time for the data retention policy (e.g., "DAYS").
data.searchDataPolicy.dataRetentionPolicy.valueThe value or duration for the data retention policy (e.g., 30).
data.searchDataPolicy.expireDataFromSpecifies the event that triggers the expiration of data (e.g., "CREATE").
data.activeIndicates whether the criteria is active (true/false).
data.bulkJobStatusThe status of any associated bulk job (e.g., "OPEN").
data.auditInfoAn object containing audit information about the criteria.
data.auditInfo.createdOnThe timestamp indicating when the criteria was created.
data.auditInfo.createdByThe ID of the user who created the criteria.
data.auditInfo.lastUpdatedOnThe timestamp indicating when the search criteria was last updated.
data.auditInfo.lastUpdatedByThe ID of the user who last updated the criteria.
errorsAn array containing any error messages.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!