Partner Program

Partner programs are loyalty programs that are created outside Capillary. This entity contains APIs to add customer to a partner program and manage details.

Status Codes

Error Codes

2001Cannot process the partner program event.
2002Cannot proceed if updateDetails, updatedTierName, or partnerProgramName is empty or null.
2003Partner tier expiry date should not be a past date.
2004Link the customer with the partner program.
2005Customer is already linked with the partner program.
2005Enroll the customer in the Loyalty Program.
2006Cannot find the partner program.
2007Cannot find the partner program tier.
2008Cannot process if partner program limit is more than 50.
2009updateType supports only UPDATE, RENEW, DOWNGRADE.
2010Partner program events are presented in a queue for the user.
2011Cannot find partner program activity for the customer.
2012Cannot fetch partner program activity.
2013Input time interval should be less than a year for activity history.
2014Invalid input. Activity type passed should be LINKINGUPDATES or BENEFITSAVAILED.
2015Cannot allow the date parameter if activityType = linkingUpdates.
2016Incorrect benefit name.
2017Benefits count should be more than 0.
2018Cannot add benefits to supplementary membership.