
A transaction represents a purchase or return event.

Transactions are classified into the following types:

  • Regular: Normal transactions made at the PoS. Regular transactions could be loyalty, non-loyalty and not-interested.
  • Return : Transactions that are returned at the PoS. Return transactions need an identifier reference. Hence, only loyalty and non-loyalty transactions can be returned through APIs. See Transaction Return API for more details.
  • Mixed: A transaction that involves both regular and return is termed as mixed transaction.


Before using transaction APIs, understand the transaction configurations of your organization. You can see the transaction related settings on InTouch.
Intouch > Settings > Systems and Deployment > Intouch PoS Configuration > Billing

  • Mandatory parameters required to submit a transaction.
  • Scope of transaction number uniqueness (store level or TILL level) and duration for which repetition is not allowed (20 days, 30 days etc.).
  • Maximum and minimum amount allowed per transaction.
  • Maximum and minimum amount allowed per line-item.

For information on how the system handles different timezones, see Handling different timezone.

The transaction/add API lets you do the following:

  • Supports transactions with Product Variant and Product Bundle details.
  • Adds product variant to the database when a new variant product is passed with an existing base product.
  • Adds base product to the database when a new base product/variant product is passed. However, if a new base product is passed with variant details, it adds only base product and ignores variant .
  • Adds custom field and extended field details both at the transaction and line-item level.

Variant Product: A same product having different variations in terms of common properties such as size, and color.

Product Bundle: A group of items that are sold as a single pack. This can include Combo items (Example: pack of 2, combo offers), Split items (Example: a necklace having gold rate, store rate, making charge, wastage charge and so on) and add-on items (Example: Pizza with extra cheese, and personalized toppings).

The maximum size for storing transaction data is MEDIUMTEXT (16,777,215 bytes or 16 MiB).