Update Transaction

Lets you update deliveryStatus, custom fields, and extended field details of a transaction.

API endpoint example

curl --location --request PUT 'https://eu.api.capillarytech.com/v2/transactions?identifierName=mobile&identifierValue=919986000586' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic bmVlc3RvcmV0aWxsc3NzoyMDJjYjk2MmFjNTkwNzViOTY0YjA3MTUyZDIzNGI3MA==' \
--header 'Cookie: _cfuvid=nqxTNRsWRIahnyM3eUc36V7PaRf1iZMfFubj3vNvPJA-1721630804772-' \
--data '{
  "id": 873547608,
  "extendedFields": {
    "ship_first_name": "Test1updatedagain",
    "ship_last_name": "Singh",
    "checkin_date":"2010-06-04 21:08:12",
    "checkout_date":"2010-06-05 21:08:12"
  "customFields": {
    "ordersource": "testnee123updatedagain"

        "MetalRate": "10577",
        "GrossWeight": "10.50"


Request Query Parameters

identifierNameEnumPass any of the registered identifier name of the customer.
Values: mobile, email, externalId, id, wechat, martjackid, fbId, cardnumber, cardExternalId
identifierValuestringPass the respective identifier value. For example, if identifierType is mobile, identifierValue is mobile number.
sourceEnumPass the source from which the transaction is made. Values: INSTORE (for InStore), WECHAT (WeChat), MARTJACK (AnywhereCommerce), WEB_ENGAGE (Web-engage integration), ECOMMERCE (ECOMMERCE), JD (JD), TAOBAO (Taobao), TMALL (TMall), FACEBOOK (Facebook), WEBSITE (other website), OTHERS (any other source).
accountIdstringFor sources with multiple accounts (such as MARTJACK, WECHAT), pass the respective account ID. Not applicable for INSTORE source.

Request Body Parameter

idlongUnique id of the transaction generated internally.
numberstringUnique transaction number that needs to be updated.
extendedFieldsobjValid transaction level extended field details in name and value pairs.
customFieldsobjValid transactional level custom field details in name and value pairs.
lineItemsobjObject to include line item level extended fields that need to be updated. Either item code or line item ID is mandatory to update the line item level extended fields.
itemCodestringItem code of the line item.
idintLine item ID generated during addition of the transaction.
deliveryStatusEnumDelivery status of the item.
  "id": 873547608,
  "extendedFields": {
    "ship_first_name": "Test1updatedagain",
    "ship_last_name": "Singh",
    "checkin_date":"2010-06-04 21:08:12",
    "checkout_date":"2010-06-05 21:08:12"
  "customFields": {
    "ordersource": "testnee123updatedagain"

        "MetalRate": "10577",
        "GrossWeight": "10.50"

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!