Get purchased rewards for user in connected orgs

This API is used to get the rewards purchased by the user, without any aggregation on reward ID, and gives a unified view of the rewards purchased in order of the last purchased date.



For detailed information about our APIs and for hands-on testing, refer documentation in API overview and step-by-step guide on making your first API call in Make your first API call .


Use this API exclusively for connected orgs. For other orgs, use this API instead.


  • Authentication: Basic or OAuth authentication
  • Default access group

Resource information

Batch supportNo
Rate limit informationNone

API endpoint example{mobile}


DATA-SCOPE-ORGList of Organization IDs
DATA-SCOPEScopes define what data can be accessed using the API. You can use scopes to control access to data from a parent or child organization. Defining a scope ensures that the response contains only data from the respective organization.

Supported headers: SELF, OTHER and ALL.

Refer to connected orgs data scopes for more information.

Request query parameters

ParametersData TypeDescription
mobile/email/externalIdStringMobile number/email/externalId of the customer to fetch rewards. Ex: 9988776654
usernameStringTill id used in the authorization of the request. Ex: swati
languageStringLanguage code to get rewards for that particular language. Ex: zh for Chinese, ar for Arabic, en for English
orderByEnumPass asc to order the results in ascending order of sortBy value, desc to order in descending order. These are not case sensitive.
sortByEnumSort the results by a specific parameter. Supported values: REWARD_ID, INTOUCH_VOUCHER,INTOUCH_VOUCHER_EXPIRY,PURCHASE_DATE.
pageIntTo retrieve details of a specific page. Pass 0 not to apply pagination. For example, page=2&size=10 shows 10 results on page 2.
sizeLongResults to show per page. Default - 100
typeOfRewardEnumFilter to be used to fetch specific types of rewards. Supported values: INTOUCH_REWARD, VENDOR_INTOUCH_REWARD, VENDOR_ONLY_REWARD, CART_PROMOTION.
fromPurchaseDateTimestampFilter to be used to fetch rewards by fetching the info based on purchase date.
toPurchaseDateTimestampFilter to be used to fetch rewards by fetching the information based on the purchase date.{mobile}

Response parameters

statusContains information about the success or failure of the API call, including a status code and a message.
successIndicates whether the operation was successful (true) or not (false).
codeA numeric code representing the result of the operation (e.g., 200 for success).
messageA descriptive message providing additional context about the operation's outcome.
rewardsContains details about the rewards issued to the user, including metadata, details, and redemption information.
pointsRedeemedThe number of points redeemed by the user for this reward.
rewardIdA unique identifier for the reward.
transactionIdThe unique identifier for the transaction associated with this reward.
issueRewardRefIdA reference ID for the reward issuance, used for tracking.
rewardIssueDateThe date and time when the reward was issued, represented as a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds.
userRewardExpiryThe expiration date and time for the user’s reward, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.
userRewardDetailsProvides additional details about the reward, including metadata and configurations.
idA unique identifier for the reward.
nameThe name of the reward as displayed in the system.
descriptionA brief text describing the reward and its features or purpose.
imageIdAn identifier for the primary image associated with the reward.
imageUrlA URL linking to the full-sized image of the reward.
thumbnailIdAn identifier for the thumbnail image of the reward.
thumbnailUrlA URL linking to the thumbnail-sized image of the reward.
termAndConditionsIdAn identifier for the terms and conditions document associated with the reward.
termAndConditionsUrlA URL linking to the terms and conditions document for the reward.
tierSpecifies the tier to which the reward belongs, often used in loyalty programs.
labelA tag or label associated with the reward for categorization or filtering.
priorityThe priority level of the reward.
intouchPointsThe number of loyalty points required to redeem this reward.
groupSpecifies the group or category associated with the reward.
startTimeThe date and time when the reward becomes available for redemption, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.
endTimeThe date and time when the reward is no longer available for redemption, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.
expiredIndicates whether the reward has expired.
startedIndicates whether the reward is currently active and can be redeemed .
programIdA unique identifier for the program under which the reward is issued.
categoryListLists the categories to which the reward belongs, often used for filtering or classification.
idThe unique identifier for a specific category associated with the reward.
nameThe name of the category For example: "clothing".
enabledIndicates whether the category is currently active and usable.
customFieldsContains custom fields defined for the reward, often as key-value pairs.
loyaltyProgramCriteriaDetails the criteria for loyalty programs related to the reward.
cardsA list of card codes associated with the reward.
idUnique identifier of the card that was associated with the reward.
codeUnique series code of the card associated with the reward.
labelsList of Label IDs associated with the reward.
groupsLists any specific groups associated with the reward, used for segmentation purposes.
rewardRankThe rank or position of the reward within its category or list.
imagesA list of image details related to the reward.
nameName of the image.
altTextAlternative text or description of the image.
idIdentifier for internally stored images, generated when uploaded to the file service. Not applicable for external images.
urlURL of the image.
isExternalIndicates if the image is hosted on an external server.
videosA list of video details related to the reward.
nameName of the video.
altTextAlternative text or description of the video.
idIdentifier for internally stored videos, generated when uploaded to the file service. Not applicable for external videos.
urlURL of the video.
isExternalIndicates if the video is hosted on an external server.
revenueDetailsProvides revenue-related information for the reward.
paymentDetailsContains details about the payment configuration for the reward, including mode and identifier.
paymentModeSpecifies the payment mode for the reward, such as "FREE".
idThe unique identifier for the payment configuration.
redemptionDetailsIncludes details about how the reward can be redeemed, such as type and value.
redemptionTypeSpecifies the type of redemption.
redemptionValueThe value associated with the redemption.
transactionCustomFieldsCustom fields defined for the transaction.
fulfillmentDetailsContains fulfillment-specific information for the reward.
codeA unique code associated with the reward, often used for tracking or redemption purposes.
vendorThe vendor associated with the reward.
seriesIdAn identifier for the series or batch of the reward, used for tracking and categorization.
intouchUserIdThe unique identifier of the user in the system, often used for personalization and tracking.
pagingDtoProvides details about the pagination of the results, such as total elements and pages.
lastIndicates whether this is the last page of results
totalElementsThe total number of rewards returned by the query.
totalPagesThe total number of pages available for the query results.
numberOfElementsThe number of elements on the current page.
firstIndicates whether this is the first page of results
sizeThe number of elements per page, as specified in the query.
numberThe current page number in the results.
orgLevelRestrictionsorgLevelRestrictions refers to a set of conditions that determine whether a reward or action is valid or accessible for specific organizations. This restriction is usually applied at the organization level to control which organizations can view, access, or redeem the rewards based on certain validation criteria. It will specify the connected orgs in which the restriction is applied.
isValidSpecifies if the restriction is valid or not
orgIdSpecifies the org ID of the reward.
    "status": {
        "success": true,
        "code": 200,
        "message": "User Reward fetched successfully"
    "rewards": [
            "typeOfReward": "INTOUCH_REWARD",
            "pointsRedeemed": 1000,
            "rewardId": 154444,
            "transactionId": 232254,
            "issueRewardRefId": "TX2262531",
            "rewardIssueDate": 1723525599000,
            "userRewardExpiry": "2035-04-30 00:00:00",
            "userRewardDetails": {
                "id": 154444,
                "name": "50% off on planet fitness subscription",
                "description": "Burn 1000 points and get 50% off on planet fitness subscription",
                "imageId": "733aa751-6772-40a4-a3a1-38e64178410d",
                "imageUrl": "",
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                "thumbnailUrl": "",
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                "termAndConditionsUrl": "",
                "tier": null,
                "label": null,
                "priority": 1,
                "intouchPoints": 1000,
                "group": "Health",
                "startTime": "2024-04-17 12:54:00",
                "endTime": "2030-10-31 11:59:30",
                "expired": false,
                "started": false,
                "programId": null,
                "categoryList": [
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                        "name": "groceries",
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                "groups": [
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            "rewardIssueDate": 1734516901000,
            "userRewardExpiry": null,
            "userRewardDetails": {
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                "description": "10% coupon on 500ml Fresh Milk ",
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    "status": {
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        "code": 200,
        "message": "User Reward fetched successfully"
    "rewards": [
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            "rewardIssueDate": 1723525581000,
            "userRewardExpiry": "2024-11-30 00:00:00",
            "userRewardDetails": {
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