Get Product Categories

Retrieves the details of all product categories.

Response Parameters

response.status.successIndicates if the request was successful.
response.status.codeStatus code for the response.
response.status.messageMessage associated with request status.
response.product.itemList of product items retrieved.
.item_idUnique ID of the item.
.skuStock Keeping Unit of the item.
.item_eanEuropean Article Number or barcode of the item.
.pricePrice of the item.
.img_urlURL of item's image.
.in_stockIndicates if item is in stock.
.descriptionShort description of the item.
.long_descriptionLonger description of the item (if available).
.sizeSize of the item (if available).
.styleStyle of the item (if available).
.brandBrand of the item (if available).
.colorColor of the item (if available).
.categoryCategory of the item (if available).
.attributesAdditional attributes of item (if available).
.attributes.attribute.nameName of the attribute (e.g., "Color", "Size").
.attributes.attribute.valueValue of attribute (e.g., "Black", "XXL").
.added_onDate and time when the item was added.
.item_status.statusIndicates if item retrieval was successful.
.item_status.codeStatus code for the item retrieval.
.item_status.messageMessage associated with item retrieval status.
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