Get associated target groups of a user

This API allows you to retrieve the details of all the associated target groups, including the user's milestones and streaks information.

API endpoint example


  • Authentication; Basic or OAuth authentication details
  • Access group resource - NA

Resource information

HTTP methodGET
Pagination supported?NO
Rate limitNA
Batch supportNA

Request path parameters

(Parameters marked with * are mandatory)
UserID*LongThe userId represents the unique identifier of a user. It allows you to retrieve the target groups associated with a specific user.

Request query parameters

(Parameters marked with * are mandatory)
includeInactiveBooleanSet true for fetching user targets for all periods, both active and inactive.
targetRuleIdLongThe ID of the target rule set for the target group.

Response parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
userIdLongThe unique identifier of the customer.
customerObjectAn object containing information about customer.
-idIntegerThe unique identifier of the customer.
-.profilesArray of objectsAn array containing profiles details of the customer
- - firstNameStringThe first name of the customer.
- - lastNameStringThe last name of the customer.
- - commChannelsArray of objectsAn array containing communication information of the customer.
- - - typeStringThe type of communication channel from which we connect to customer. (e.g., mobile, email).
- - - accountIdEnumFor sources that support multiple accounts, For example, FACEBOOK, WEB_ENGAGE, WECHAT, MOBILE_APP.
- - - valueStringThe value of the communication channel (e.g., phone number, email address).
- - - primaryBooleanthis indicates that the above channel is primary or not
- - - verifiedBooleanIndicates if the communication channel has been verified.
- - - subscribedBooleanPass true if the identifier is subscribed for the org's newsletters (bulk messages).
- - - attributesObjectAdditional Details of the identifier.
- - sourceStringThe source from which the customer profile was created (e.g., instore).
- - accountIdStringThe account ID of the customer .
- - userIdIntegerThe unique identifier for the customer.
- - orgSourceIdIntegerThe organization source ID for the customer.
-loyaltyInfoObjectContaining loyalty information of the customer.
- - attributionObjectContaining attribution information for the loyalty information.
- - - createdOnStringThe date and time when the loyalty information was created.
- - - lastUpdatedOnStringThe date and time when the loyalty information was last updated.
- - - lastUpdatedByObjectThe information about the user who last updated the loyalty information.
- - - - idIntegerThe unique identifier for the user who last updated the loyalty information.
- - - - codeNullThe code associated with the last updated user.
- - - - descriptionStringThe description about the last update.
- - - - nameNullName of the user last updated.
- - - - typeEnumType of the customer identifier.
- - - createdByObjectContaining information about the user who created the loyalty information.
- - - - idIntegerThe unique identifier for the user who created the loyalty information.
- - - - codeNullThe code associated with the last updated user.
- - - - descriptionStringThe description about the last update.
- - - - nameNullName of the user last updated.
- - - - typeEnumType of the customer identifier.
- - loyaltyTypeStringThe type of loyalty program.
- - lifetimePurchasesFloatThe total amount of purchases made by the customer in his entire lifetime.
- customFieldsObjectContaining custom fields of the customer.
- - genderStringThe gender of the customer.
targetGroupsArray of objectsContaining information about target groups associated with customer.
- idIntegerThe unique identifier for the target group.
- attributionObjectContaining attribution information for the target group.
- - createdOnStringThe date and time when the target group was created.
- - lastUpdatedOnStringThe date and time when the target group was last updated.
- - lastUpdatedByObjectContaining information about the user who last updated the target group.
- - -idIntegerThe unique identifier for the user who last updated the target group.
- - - codeStringThe code associated with the user who last updated the target group.
- - - descriptionStringThe description associated with the user who last updated the target group.
- - - nameStringThe name of the user who last updated the target group.
- - - typeStringThe type of the user who last updated the target group like ADMIN_USER.
- -createdByObjectContaining information about the user who created the target group.
- - - idIntegerThe unique identifier for the user who created the target group.
- - - codeStringThe code associated with the user who created the target group.
- - - descriptionStringThe description of the user who created the target group.
- - - nameStringThe name of the user who created the target group.
- - - typeStringThe type of the user who created the target group like ADMIN_USER.
- targetsArray of objectsContaining information about targets within the target group.
- - targetIdIntegerThe unique identifier for the target.
- - periodIdIntegerThe unique identifier for the period.
- - periodRefCodeStingThe reference code for the period of the target.
- - periodStartDateStringThe start date of the period for the target.
- - periodEndDateStringThe end date of the period for the target.
- - targetValueFloatThe target value to be achieved.
- - targetAchievedValueFloatThe value achieved towards the target.
- - targetTypeEnumThe type of target:
Refer to this API documentation for more information.
- - targetEntityEnum The KPI on which the target is tracked.
Refer to this API documentation for more information.
- - targetRuleIdIntegerThe rule identifier for the target.
- - enrolledOnStringThe date and time when the target was enrolled.
- - eventNameStringThe name of the event associated with the target.
- -periodStartDateWithTimeStampStringThe start date and time of the period associated with the target rule.
- - periodEndDateWithTimeStampStringThe end date and time of the period associated with the target rule.
- - currentPeriodBooleanIndicates if the target is for the current period.
- - milestonesArray of objectsContaining information about milestones for the target.
- - - idIntegerThe unique identifier for the milestone.
- - -triggerNameStringThe name of the trigger of the milestone.
- - - triggerValueFloatThe value of the trigger of the milestone.
- - - isAchievedBooleanIndicates if the milestone has been achieved.
--- streaksArrayAn array of streaks for the target group.
---- userStreakIdIntegerThe user streak ID.
---- streakIdIntegerThe streak ID.
---- streakNameStringThe name of the streak.
---- statusStringThe status of the streak (For Example- ACHIEVED).
---- currentCountIntegerThe current count of the streak.
---- totalTargetCountOfSequenceIntegerThe total target count of the streak sequence.
---- streakAchievedUserTargetIdStringThe ID of the streak achieved by the user.
- targetEvaluationTypeEnumThe type of evaluation for the target group :
PERIOD_AGNOSTIC_WINDOW Refer to this API documentation for more information.
- trackingTypeEnumThe type of target for tracking the created milestone:
- Default
- Unified
- Streak
- Capping
-Non continuous streak
Refer to this API documentation for more information.
errorsObjectError in the API call if any.
warningsObjectWarning in the API call if any.

    "data": {
        "userId": 64035151,
        "customer": {
            "id": 64035151,
            "profiles": [
                    "firstName": "naresh",
                    "lastName": "silla",
                    "commChannels": [
                            "type": "email",
                            "accountId": null,
                            "value": "[email protected]",
                            "primary": false,
                            "verified": false,
                            "subscribed": null,
                            "attributes": null
                            "type": "mobile",
                            "accountId": null,
                            "value": "917093808678",
                            "primary": false,
                            "verified": false,
                            "subscribed": null,
                            "attributes": null
                    "source": "instore",
                    "accountId": "",
                    "userId": 64035151,
                    "orgSourceId": -1
            "loyaltyInfo": {
                "attribution": {
                    "createdOn": "2024-01-17T07:00:51.000+0000",
                    "lastUpdatedOn": "2024-04-19T07:39:11.000+0000",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": {
                        "id": 75122513,
                        "code": null,
                        "description": null,
                        "name": null,
                        "type": null
                    "createdBy": {
                        "id": 75109398,
                        "code": null,
                        "description": null,
                        "name": null,
                        "type": null
                "loyaltyType": "loyalty",
                "lifetimePurchases": 23508.000
            "customFields": {}
        "targetGroups": [
                "id": 851,
                "attribution": {
                    "createdOn": "2024-04-11T12:10:48.000+0000",
                    "lastUpdatedOn": "2024-04-11T12:10:48.000+0000",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": {
                        "id": 75122513,
                        "code": "till.marketsuper",
                        "description": "",
                        "name": "till.marketsuper",
                        "type": "TILL"
                    "createdBy": {
                        "id": 75122513,
                        "code": "till.marketsuper",
                        "description": "",
                        "name": "till.marketsuper",
                        "type": "TILL"
                "name": "JP&A",
                "preferredTillId": 75077502,
                "targets": [
                        "targetId": 2160795,
                        "periodId": 1807,
                        "periodRefCode": "JP&A1",
                        "periodStartDate": "2024-04-11",
                        "periodEndDate": "2024-04-17",
                        "targetValue": 2.000,
                        "targetAchievedValue": 7.000,
                        "targetName": "JP&A",
                        "targetType": "COUNT",
                        "targetEntity": "TRANSACTION",
                        "targetRuleId": 427,
                        "enrolledOn": "2024-04-11T12:25:09.000+0000",
                        "eventName": "TransactionAdd",
                        "periodStartDateWithTimeStamp": "2024-04-11T00:00:00.000Z",
                        "periodEndDateWithTimeStamp": "2024-04-17T23:59:59.000Z",
                        "currentPeriod": false,
                        "milestones": null
                        "targetId": 2179901,
                        "periodId": 1808,
                        "periodRefCode": "JP&A2",
                        "periodStartDate": "2024-04-18",
                        "periodEndDate": "2024-04-24",
                        "targetValue": 2.000,
                        "targetAchievedValue": 8.000,
                        "targetName": "JP&A",
                        "targetType": "COUNT",
                        "targetEntity": "TRANSACTION",
                        "targetRuleId": 427,
                        "enrolledOn": "2024-04-18T10:59:36.000+0000",
                        "eventName": "TransactionAdd",
                        "periodStartDateWithTimeStamp": "2024-04-18T00:00:00.000Z",
                        "periodEndDateWithTimeStamp": "2024-04-24T23:59:59.000Z",
                        "currentPeriod": false,
                        "milestones": null
                "streaks": [
                        "userStreakId": 1,
                        "streakId": 19,
                        "streakName": "JP&A11",
                        "status": "ACHIEVED",
                        "currentCount": 2,
                        "totalTargetCountOfSequence": 2,
                        "streakAchievedUserTargetId": 2179901
                "targetEvaluationType": "FIXED_CALENDAR_WINDOW",
                "trackingType": "STREAKS"
                "id": 643,
                "attribution": {
                    "createdOn": "2023-12-04T10:26:41.000+0000",
                    "lastUpdatedOn": "2023-12-04T10:26:41.000+0000",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": {
                        "id": 75071236,
                        "code": "1675780342_",
                        "description": "",
                        "name": "naresh silla",
                        "type": "ADMIN_USER"
                    "createdBy": {
                        "id": 75071236,
                        "code": "1675780342_",
                        "description": "",
                        "name": "naresh silla",
                        "type": "ADMIN_USER"
                "name": "sdcs",
                "preferredTillId": -1,
                "targets": [
                        "targetId": null,
                        "periodId": 1093,
                        "periodRefCode": "Cycle_1",
                        "periodStartDate": "2023-12-04",
                        "periodEndDate": "2024-01-03",
                        "targetValue": 1200.000,
                        "targetAchievedValue": 0,
                        "targetName": "sdcs",
                        "targetType": "REGULAR_POINTS",
                        "targetEntity": "POINTS",
                        "targetRuleId": 335,
                        "enrolledOn": "2024-05-07T10:26:56.573+0000",
                        "eventName": "TransactionAdd",
                        "periodStartDateWithTimeStamp": "2023-12-04T00:00:00.000Z",
                        "periodEndDateWithTimeStamp": "2024-01-03T23:59:59.000Z",
                        "currentPeriod": false,
                        "milestones": null
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                        "periodId": 1094,
                        "periodRefCode": "Cycle_2",
                        "periodStartDate": "2024-01-04",
                        "periodEndDate": "2024-02-03",
                        "targetValue": 1200.000,
                        "targetAchievedValue": 0,
                        "targetName": "sdcs",
                        "targetType": "REGULAR_POINTS",
                        "targetEntity": "POINTS",
                        "targetRuleId": 335,
                        "enrolledOn": "2024-05-07T10:26:56.573+0000",
                        "eventName": "TransactionAdd",
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                        "periodEndDateWithTimeStamp": "2024-02-03T23:59:59.000Z",
                        "currentPeriod": false,
                        "milestones": null
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                        "periodId": 1095,
                        "periodRefCode": "Cycle_3",
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                        "periodEndDate": "2024-03-03",
                        "targetValue": 1200.000,
                        "targetAchievedValue": 0,
                        "targetName": "sdcs",
                        "targetType": "REGULAR_POINTS",
                        "targetEntity": "POINTS",
                        "targetRuleId": 335,
                        "enrolledOn": "2024-05-07T10:26:56.573+0000",
                        "eventName": "TransactionAdd",
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                        "periodEndDateWithTimeStamp": "2024-03-03T23:59:59.000Z",
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                        "milestones": null
                        "targetId": null,
                        "periodId": 1096,
                        "periodRefCode": "Cycle_4",
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                        "periodEndDate": "2024-04-03",
                        "targetValue": 1200.000,
                        "targetAchievedValue": 0,
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                        "targetEntity": "POINTS",
                        "targetRuleId": 335,
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                        "periodEndDateWithTimeStamp": "2024-04-03T23:59:59.000Z",
                        "currentPeriod": false,
                        "milestones": null
                        "targetId": null,
                        "periodId": 1097,
                        "periodRefCode": "Cycle_5",
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                        "periodEndDate": "2024-05-03",
                        "targetValue": 1200.000,
                        "targetAchievedValue": 0,
                        "targetName": "sdcs",
                        "targetType": "REGULAR_POINTS",
                        "targetEntity": "POINTS",
                        "targetRuleId": 335,
                        "enrolledOn": "2024-05-07T10:26:56.573+0000",
                        "eventName": "TransactionAdd",
                        "periodStartDateWithTimeStamp": "2024-04-04T00:00:00.000Z",
                        "periodEndDateWithTimeStamp": "2024-05-03T23:59:59.000Z",
                        "currentPeriod": false,
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                        "periodId": 1098,
                        "periodRefCode": "Cycle_6",
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                        "periodEndDate": "2024-06-03",
                        "targetValue": 1200.000,
                        "targetAchievedValue": 0,
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                        "targetRuleId": 335,
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                        "periodEndDateWithTimeStamp": "2024-06-03T23:59:59.000Z",
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                        "periodEndDate": "2024-07-03",
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                        "periodEndDate": "2024-09-03",
                        "targetValue": 1200.000,
                        "targetAchievedValue": 0,
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                        "targetEntity": "POINTS",
                        "targetRuleId": 335,
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                        "periodEndDateWithTimeStamp": "2024-09-03T23:59:59.000Z",
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                        "targetValue": 1200.000,
                        "targetAchievedValue": 0,
                        "targetName": "sdcs",
                        "targetType": "REGULAR_POINTS",
                        "targetEntity": "POINTS",
                        "targetRuleId": 335,
                        "enrolledOn": "2024-05-07T10:26:56.573+0000",
                        "eventName": "TransactionAdd",
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                        "periodEndDateWithTimeStamp": "2024-11-03T23:59:59.000Z",
                        "currentPeriod": false,
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                        "periodId": 1104,
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                        "periodEndDate": "2024-12-03",
                        "targetValue": 1200.000,
                        "targetAchievedValue": 0,
                        "targetName": "sdcs",
                        "targetType": "REGULAR_POINTS",
                        "targetEntity": "POINTS",
                        "targetRuleId": 335,
                        "enrolledOn": "2024-05-07T10:26:56.573+0000",
                        "eventName": "TransactionAdd",
                        "periodStartDateWithTimeStamp": "2024-11-04T00:00:00.000Z",
                        "periodEndDateWithTimeStamp": "2024-12-03T23:59:59.000Z",
                        "currentPeriod": false,
                        "milestones": null
                "targetEvaluationType": "FIXED_CALENDAR_WINDOW",
                "trackingType": "CAPPING"
                "id": 854,
                "attribution": {
                    "createdOn": "2024-04-12T07:01:19.000+0000",
                    "lastUpdatedOn": "2024-04-12T07:01:19.000+0000",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": {
                        "id": 75071236,
                        "code": "1675780342_",
                        "description": "",
                        "name": "naresh silla",
                        "type": "ADMIN_USER"
                    "createdBy": {
                        "id": 75071236,
                        "code": "1675780342_",
                        "description": "",
                        "name": "naresh silla",
                        "type": "ADMIN_USER"
                "name": "efef",
                "preferredTillId": 75050873,
                "targets": [
                        "targetId": 2162472,
                        "periodId": 1814,
                        "periodRefCode": "Cycle_1",
                        "periodStartDate": "2024-04-12",
                        "periodEndDate": "2024-05-11",
                        "targetValue": 11.000,
                        "targetAchievedValue": 2600.000,
                        "targetName": "efef",
                        "targetType": "GROSS_SALES",
                        "targetEntity": "TRANSACTION",
                        "targetRuleId": 429,
                        "enrolledOn": "2024-04-12T07:02:39.000+0000",
                        "eventName": "TransactionAdd",
                        "periodStartDateWithTimeStamp": "2024-04-12T00:00:00.000Z",
                        "periodEndDateWithTimeStamp": "2024-05-11T23:59:59.000Z",
                        "currentPeriod": true,
                        "milestones": null
                "targetEvaluationType": "FIXED_CALENDAR_WINDOW",
                "trackingType": "DEFAULT"
                "id": 871,
                "attribution": {
                    "createdOn": "2024-04-18T11:37:38.000+0000",
                    "lastUpdatedOn": "2024-04-18T11:37:38.000+0000",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": {
                        "id": 75071236,
                        "code": "1675780342_",
                        "description": "",
                        "name": "naresh silla",
                        "type": "ADMIN_USER"
                    "createdBy": {
                        "id": 75071236,
                        "code": "1675780342_",
                        "description": "",
                        "name": "naresh silla",
                        "type": "ADMIN_USER"
                "name": "Drink a coffee everyday",
                "preferredTillId": 75050875,
                "targets": [
                        "targetId": 2180118,
                        "periodId": 1896,
                        "periodRefCode": "Cycle_1",
                        "periodStartDate": "2024-04-18",
                        "periodEndDate": "2024-04-18",
                        "targetValue": 1.000,
                        "targetAchievedValue": 130.000,
                        "targetName": "Drink a coffee everyday",
                        "targetType": "QUANTITY",
                        "targetEntity": "LINEITEM",
                        "targetRuleId": 443,
                        "enrolledOn": "2024-04-18T11:53:08.000+0000",
                        "eventName": "TransactionAdd",
                        "periodStartDateWithTimeStamp": "2024-04-18T00:00:00.000Z",
                        "periodEndDateWithTimeStamp": "2024-04-18T23:59:59.000Z",
                        "currentPeriod": false,
                        "milestones": null
                        "targetId": 2181420,
                        "periodId": 1897,
                        "periodRefCode": "Cycle_2",
                        "periodStartDate": "2024-04-19",
                        "periodEndDate": "2024-04-19",
                        "targetValue": 1.000,
                        "targetAchievedValue": 390.000,
                        "targetName": "Drink a coffee everyday",
                        "targetType": "QUANTITY",
                        "targetEntity": "LINEITEM",
                        "targetRuleId": 443,
                        "enrolledOn": "2024-04-19T07:21:32.000+0000",
                        "eventName": "TransactionAdd",
                        "periodStartDateWithTimeStamp": "2024-04-19T00:00:00.000Z",
                        "periodEndDateWithTimeStamp": "2024-04-19T23:59:59.000Z",
                        "currentPeriod": false,
                        "milestones": null
                "streaks": [
                        "userStreakId": 5,
                        "streakId": 48,
                        "streakName": "Drink a coffee everyday_1",
                        "status": "INPROGRESS",
                        "currentCount": 2,
                        "totalTargetCountOfSequence": 5
                "targetEvaluationType": "FIXED_CALENDAR_WINDOW",
                "trackingType": "STREAKS"
                "id": 872,
                "attribution": {
                    "createdOn": "2024-04-18T11:40:02.000+0000",
                    "lastUpdatedOn": "2024-04-18T11:40:02.000+0000",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": {
                        "id": 75071236,
                        "code": "1675780342_",
                        "description": "",
                        "name": "naresh silla",
                        "type": "ADMIN_USER"
                    "createdBy": {
                        "id": 75071236,
                        "code": "1675780342_",
                        "description": "",
                        "name": "naresh silla",
                        "type": "ADMIN_USER"
                "name": "Post a picture everyday",
                "preferredTillId": 75050874,
                "targets": [
                        "targetId": 2180119,
                        "periodId": 1936,
                        "periodRefCode": "Cycle_1",
                        "periodStartDate": "2024-04-18",
                        "periodEndDate": "2024-04-18",
                        "targetValue": 1.000,
                        "targetAchievedValue": 1.000,
                        "targetName": "Post a picture everyday",
                        "targetType": "COUNT",
                        "targetEntity": "TRANSACTION",
                        "targetRuleId": 444,
                        "enrolledOn": "2024-04-18T11:53:08.000+0000",
                        "eventName": "TransactionAdd",
                        "periodStartDateWithTimeStamp": "2024-04-18T00:00:00.000Z",
                        "periodEndDateWithTimeStamp": "2024-04-18T23:59:59.000Z",
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Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!