Unenrol users from a milestone and streak

This API helps brands unenroll users from a milestone/streak depending on the brand's use case.

Case 1 (Milestones):

Assume there is a milestone 'ABC' that has 5 cycles in it (c1, c2, c3, c4, c5).

Sub-case 1: The user has already enrolled in the milestone during the beginning of the c1.

Now if the user gets unenrolled during the middle of c1:

  1. The user will get unenrolled from all the cycles including c1
  2. If the user had already achieved the milestone before the unenrolling, and the milestone is of 'immediate reward allocation type', then the user would have already gotten the reward.
    1. However, if the milestone is of 'period-end reward allocation type', the user won't get the reward for c1 even though the user has achieved the target before the unenrolling.

Sub-case 2: The user has unenrolled in the middle of c3.

  1. Whatever rewards (immediate type or period-end type) the user is supposed to get for the c1, and c2, the user would have already gotten them because the un-enrolment happened during the c3.
  2. The user will get un-enrolled from all the cycles starting from c3 to the end.
  3. The 2nd point mentioned in Sub-case1 will still hold here but this time with c3.

Case 2 (Streaks):

Assume there is a streak 'XYZ' that has 30 cycles and 3 levels (4, 8, 12) in it.

Sub-case 1: The user has un-enrolled during the 13th cycle.

  1. If the user has already achieved the levels (say 4, 8) before the un-enrolment, the user would have already gotten the benefits for them. In the case of streaks, we support only "immediate reward allocation".
  2. The user will get un-enrolled from all the cycles from c13 to c30.
  3. During the re-enroll, the brand could re-enroll the user by resetting (by making the resetStreakStatus as 'true'). This helps in letting the user achieve the streak (aka streak levels) again & again even though the user has achieved them before.



  • For detailed information about our APIs and for hands-on testing, refer documentation in API overview and step-by-step guide on making your first API call in Make your first API call .


  • Authentication: Basic or OAuth authentication
  • Default access group

Resource information

Batch supportNo
Rate limit informationNone

API endpoint example


Request path parameters

ParameterData typeDescription
targetGroupId*IntegerThe ID of the target group associated.
targetId*IntegerThe ID of the target associated.

Request body parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
customerId*IntegerUnique ID of the customer who needs to be un-enrolled from the milestone/streak..

Response parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
dataIntegerThe unique identifier of the customer.
errorsArrayErrors during the API call, if any.
warningsArrayWarnings during the API call, if any.
  "data": 423789336,
  "errors": null,
  "warnings": null

API-specific errors

Error codeDescription
310119The user already enrolled for the target.
310011Invalid userId. Check if the customerID is valid.
310019Target period not found. Check the target period ID to troubleshoot this error.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!