Milestone & Streaks APIs

These group of APIs are called "Target group controller" APIs. These are used to perform various activities (GET, POST, PUT) on target groups.

Following are some of the most used APIs in this category:

  1. Deactivate target
  2. Create target groups
  3. Get target groups
  4. Get target periods
  5. Get targets details
  6. Get target communication template
  7. Upsert target communication
  8. Get target channels
  9. Delete target group
  10. Create target period
  11. Update target period
  12. Create targets
  13. Modify targets

Each API might contain:

  1. Query params
  2. Body params (only for POST, PUT APIs)
  3. Headers
  4. Path params (variables present in the path of the URL of the API)

Status of the APIs will be as follows:

Status codeInterpretation of the code
200OK, meaning API is success
401Unauthorised, meaning no permission to access
404Not found
201Created, for POST operations

P.S: When using POST APIs, don't forgot that they "need mandatory request body". :-)