Get Customer Details

Retrieves all the details of a customer. Use embed and other parameters to get a specific information as per needed.

The Lookup API is useful for in situations where you don't have the customerId. Instead, you can retrieve customer details using other identifiers such as phone numbers or email addresses. The API provides more detailed information, including details about loyalty programs like slab numbers.

This API can fetch the following information -

  • profile information – first name, last name, registered date, registered at TILL
  • recent profile updated – details of the recent update in profile information
  • registered identifiers, communication channels
  • loyalty information – loyalty status, registered date, purchases, etc.
  • Multiple Loyalty Program Details: Program wise details if the org has multiple loyalty programs support
  • Card level details
  • Alternate currency details with associated program ID and its name.

To fetch customer details from a specific account of a source (source with multiple accounts), you need to provide the respective account id.

API endpoint example


  • Authentication; Basic or OAuth authentication details
  • Access group resource - NA

Resource information

HTTP methodGET
Pagination supported?No
Rate limitNA
Batch supportNA

Request query parameters

Field NameData TypeDescription
sourceEnumSource on which the customer identifier is available. Ex: INSTORE, MARTJACK, WECHAT, ALL
accountIdStringAccount ID for sources with multiple accounts.
embedArray of StringsDetails to be included in the response.
Values: points, subscriptions, mlp, promotionalPoints, expirySchedules, expiredPoints, segments, userGroup, gapDetails, customerImage, cardLoyaltyDetails, fleetParentDetails, ignoreCardDetails, customerStatus, alternateCurrencies.
identifierNameEnumIdentifier type used to get the customer details. Supported values: cardnumber, mobile, email, externalId, wechat
identifierValueStringValue of the specified identifier.
includedFraudDetailsBooleanPass true to fetch fraud details of the customer if available.
includedUserGroup2LoyaltyDetailsBooleanPass true to include group loyalty details in the response.
userGroup2IdLongUnique ID of the user group to fetch customer details of that specific group.
includedAllUserGroup2BooleanPass true to fetch customer details across all the groups of the customer.

Response parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
idintegerUnique identifier for the customer
profilesarrayProfiles associated with the customer
loyaltyInfoobjectInformation related to the customer's loyalty program
- loyaltyTypestringType of loyalty program
- attributionV2objectDetails about loyalty program attribution
-- createDatestringDate and time when the loyalty program attribution was created
-- createdByobjectDetails of the user who created the loyalty program attribution
-- modifiedByobjectDetails of the user who modified the loyalty program attribution
-- modifiedDatestringDate and time when the loyalty program attribution was modified
-- createdFromSourcestringSource from which the loyalty program attribution was created
- lifetimePurchasesfloatTotal lifetime purchases made by the customer
segmentsobjectSegments associated with the customer
associatedWithstringIdentifier of the entity associated with the customer
extendedFieldsobjectAdditional fields associated with the customer
loyaltyProgramDetailsarrayDetails of the loyalty program associated with the customer
- redeemedfloatTotal points redeemed by the customer
- expiredfloatTotal points expired for the customer
- returnedfloatTotal points returned to the customer
- adjustedfloatTotal points adjusted for the customer
- lifetimePointsfloatTotal lifetime points earned by the customer
- loyaltyPointsfloatTotal loyalty points earned by the customer
- cumulativePurchasesfloatCumulative purchases made by the customer
- loyaltyIdintegerUnique identifier for the loyalty program
- currentSlabstringCurrent tier or slab in the loyalty program
- nextSlabstringNext tier or slab in the loyalty program
- nextSlabSerialNumberintegerSerial number of the next tier or slab
- nextSlabDescriptionstringDescription of the next tier or slab
- slabSNointegerSerial number of the current tier or slab
- slabExpiryDatestringExpiry date of the current tier or slab
- programIdintegerUnique identifier for the loyalty program
- delayedPointsfloatPoints that are delayed for the customer
- delayedReturnedPointsfloatReturned points that are delayed for the customer
- delayedExpiredPointsfloatExpired points that are delayed for the customer
- totalAvailablePointsfloatTotal available points for the customer. available points are the points earned through promotions and base points
- totalReturnedPointsfloatTotal points that have been returned from the customer
- linkedPartnerProgramsarrayPartner programs that are linked to the customer
- programTitlestringTitle of the loyalty program
- programDescriptionstringDescription of the loyalty program
- programPointsToCurrencyRatiofloatRatio of loyalty points to currency for the program
groupLoyaltyProgramDetailsarrayDetails of group loyalty programs associated with the customer
- groupProgramIdintegerUnique identifier for the group loyalty program
- titlestringTitle of the group loyalty program
- descriptionstringDescription of the group loyalty program
- programsListarrayList of programs associated with the group loyalty program
-- idintegerUnique identifier for the program
-- namestringName of the program
-- descriptionstringDescription of the program
- lifetimePointsfloatTotal lifetime points earned for the group loyalty program
- loyaltyPointsfloatTotal loyalty points earned for the group loyalty program
- promisedPointsfloatTotal promised points for the group loyalty program
- pointsToCurrencyRatiofloatRatio of points to currency for the group loyalty program
cardDetailsarrayDetails of the card associated with the customer
- cardIdintegerUnique identifier for the card
- issuedDatestringDate and time when the card was issued
- createdDatestringDate when the card was created
- expiryDaysintegerNumber of days until the card expires
- seriesNamestringName of the card series
- customerIdintegerUnique identifier for the customer
- maxActiveCardsintegerMaximum number of active cards allowed for the customer
- customFieldsobjectCustom fields associated with the card
- typestringType of the card
- cardNumberstringUnique number assigned to the card
- seriesIdintegerUnique identifier for the card series
- seriesCodestringCode of the card series
- orgIdintegerUnique identifier for the organization
- entityIdintegerUnique identifier for the entity associated with the card
- statusInfoobjectInformation about the status of the card
-- reasonstringReason for the card status
-- createdByintegerUnique identifier of the user who created the card
-- actionsarrayActions associated with the card status
-- autoUpdateTimestringDate and time of the last automatic update to the card status
-- createdOnstringDate and time when the card status was created
-- entityIdintegerUnique identifier of the entity associated with the card status
-- idintegerUnique identifier for the card status
-- isActivebooleanIndicates whether the card status is active
-- labelIdintegerUnique identifier for the label associated with the card status
-- labelstringLabel associated with the card status
-- statusstringCurrent status of the card
- transactionNotAllowedbooleanIndicates whether transaction are allowed with the card
- expiryDatestringDate and time when the card expires
- activeAndDigitalbooleanIndicates whether the card is active and digital
alternateCurrencyDetailsarrayIncludes the details on alternate currency awarded
-programIdintegerUnique identifier of the loyalty program in which the customer is associated with
-programNamestringName of the loyalty program
-alternateCurrencyDataobjectObject containing alternate currency details
--namestringName of the alternate currency
--earnedfloatNumber of alternate currencies available for redemption
--lifetimeEarnedfloatNumber of alternate currencies earned by the customer in their lifetime, including redeemed and returned alternate currencies
--redeemedfloatNumber of alternate currencies redeemed by the customer
--expiredfloatNumber of expired redeemable alternative currencies
--returnedfloatNumber of redeemable alternative currencies returned by the customer
--delayedEarnedintegerNumber of available alternate currencies in the promised state
--delayedLifetimeEarnedintegerNumber of alternate currencies earned by the customer in their lifetime, including redeemed, returned, and redeemable alternate currencies
--delayedReturnedintegerNumber of promised alternative currencies returned by the customer
--delayedExpiredintegerNumber of expired promised alternative currencies
--totalAvailablefloatNumber of available alternate currencies, including redeemable and promised alternate currencies
--totalRedeemedfloatNumber of alternate currencies redeemed by the customer
--totalReturnedfloatNumber of redeemable and promised alternative currencies returned by the customer
--totalExpiredfloatNumber of expired redeemable and promised alternative currencies
warningsarrayWarnings associated with the response
- statusbooleanIndicates the status of the warning
- codeintegerCode associated with the warning
- messagestringMessage describing the warning
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