Get Vendor list for specific brand

This API is used to retrieve details of Vendor List of a specific brand using Brand ID.



For detailed information about our APIs and for hands-on testing, refer documentation in API overview and step-by-step guide on making your first API call in Make your first API call .


  • Authentication: Basic or OAuth authentication
  • Default access group

API Specification

Batch supportNo
Rate limit informationNone

API endpoint example

Request path parameters

Parameter NameData TypeDescription
brandId*IntegerUnique identifier of the brand. You can get the brand ID from this API.

Request query parameters

Parameter NameData TypeDescription
enabledBooleanFilters the vendor list to show only those that are enabled. Supported values: true or false.

Response parameters

Parameter NameDescription
successIndicates whether the request was successful.
true: Request was successful.
false: Request was unsuccessful.
codeStatus code of the request.
messageMessage describing the status of the response.
vendorListObject containing details of the vendors for the organisation.
- idUnique identifier for the vendor.
- nameName of the vendor.
- brandIdIdentifier for the brand associated with the vendor.
- enabledIndicates whether the vendor is enabled or disabled.
- vendorTypesType of vendor. These are specialized vendor types for which we have implemented customized solutions in our system to handle reward issuance. Possible types: LINKAJA/AIRSPRING/OVO/BONUSLINK
- vendorDetailsAdditional details about the vendor/
- typeType of vendor. Possible Values: REWARDS/POINTS.
REWARDS: If the type is set to REWARDS, it refers to a generic vendor used for issuing rewards.
POINTS: It is a vendor type that manages the external points system, where each brand can have only one POINTS type vendor.
- rankRank assigned to the vendor. This can be used for ordering and prioritizing.
- codeUnique identification code for the vendor.
- descriptionDescription for the vendor.
- imagesObject containing details on images associated with the vendor
--nameUnique name identifier for the image.
--idUnique ID that is generated when creating the image.
--altTextDescriptive text that conveys the meaning and context of the image.
--urlDirect link to the image.
--isExternalIndicates if the image is from an external source.
- videosObject containing details on videos associated with the vendor
--nameUnique name identifier for the video.
--idUnique ID that is generated when creating the video.
--altTextDescriptive text that conveys the meaning and context of the video.
--urlDirect link to the video.
--isExternalIndicates if the video is from an external source.
- lastUpdatedOnTimestamp of the last update in since epoch format.
-encryptionRequiredIndicates if encryption is required for transactions with the vendor.
    "status": {
        "success": true,
        "code": 5001,
        "message": "Vendor fetched successfully"
    "vendorList": [
            "id": 2,
            "name": "BonusLink",
            "brandId": 1,
            "enabled": false,
            "vendorTypes": null,
            "vendorDetails": {},
            "type": "REWARDS",
            "lastUpdatedOn": 1697634702000,
            "encryptionRequired": false
            "id": 4,
            "name": "OVO",
            "brandId": 1,
            "enabled": false,
            "vendorTypes": "LINKAJA",
            "vendorDetails": {},
            "type": "REWARDS",
            "lastUpdatedOn": 1717759204000,
            "encryptionRequired": true
            "id": 6,
            "name": "sadfhlk",
            "brandId": 1,
            "enabled": false,
            "vendorTypes": null,
            "vendorDetails": {},
            "type": "REWARDS",
            "lastUpdatedOn": 1697634705000,
            "encryptionRequired": false
            "id": 7,
            "name": "Test 123",
            "brandId": 1,
            "enabled": false,
            "vendorTypes": null,
            "vendorDetails": {
                "Test": "********************************************"
            "type": "REWARDS",
            "lastUpdatedOn": 1717759201000,
            "encryptionRequired": false
            "id": 58,
            "name": "DocVendor6",
            "brandId": 61,
            "enabled": true,
            "vendorTypes": null,
            "vendorDetails": {},
            "type": "REWARDS",
            "rank": null,
            "code": "Doc006",
            "description": null,
            "images": [
                    "name": "imageName001",
                    "altText": null,
                    "id": null,
                    "url": "",
                    "isExternal": true
            "videos": [],
            "lastUpdatedOn": 1739783325000,
            "encryptionRequired": false
    "status": {
        "success": true,
        "code": 5001,
        "message": "Vendor fetched successfully"
    "vendorList": [
            "id": 21,
            "name": "Delta",
            "brandId": 1,
            "enabled": true,
            "vendorTypes": null,
            "vendorDetails": {},
            "type": "REWARDS",
            "lastUpdatedOn": 1717833026000,
            "encryptionRequired": false
            "id": 32,
            "name": "Dick's Sporting Goods",
            "brandId": 1,
            "enabled": true,
            "vendorTypes": null,
            "vendorDetails": {},
            "type": "REWARDS",
            "lastUpdatedOn": 1723837313000,
            "encryptionRequired": false
            "id": 31,
            "name": "Marriot",
            "brandId": 1,
            "enabled": true,
            "vendorTypes": null,
            "vendorDetails": {},
            "type": "REWARDS",
            "lastUpdatedOn": 1723836103000,
            "encryptionRequired": false
            "id": 20,
            "name": "Points for Good",
            "brandId": 1,
            "enabled": true,
            "vendorTypes": null,
            "vendorDetails": {},
            "type": "REWARDS",
            "lastUpdatedOn": 1717833026000,
            "encryptionRequired": false
            "id": 22,
            "name": "Qwikzozo",
            "brandId": 1,
            "enabled": true,
            "vendorTypes": null,
            "vendorDetails": {},
            "type": "REWARDS",
            "lastUpdatedOn": 1718002449000,
            "encryptionRequired": false
            "id": 28,
            "name": "Qwikzozoo",
            "brandId": 1,
            "enabled": true,
            "vendorTypes": null,
            "vendorDetails": {
                "clientSecret": "****************************************************"
            "type": "REWARDS",
            "lastUpdatedOn": 1721042314000,
            "encryptionRequired": false
            "id": 23,
            "name": "Sweepstakes",
            "brandId": 1,
            "enabled": true,
            "vendorTypes": null,
            "vendorDetails": {},
            "type": "REWARDS",
            "lastUpdatedOn": 1718004095000,
            "encryptionRequired": false
            "id": 30,
            "name": "Target",
            "brandId": 1,
            "enabled": true,
            "vendorTypes": null,
            "vendorDetails": {},
            "type": "REWARDS",
            "lastUpdatedOn": 1721722266000,
            "encryptionRequired": false
            "id": 27,
            "name": "test1",
            "brandId": 1,
            "enabled": true,
            "vendorTypes": null,
            "vendorDetails": {
                "test": "********************************************"
            "type": "REWARDS",
            "lastUpdatedOn": 1721030412000,
            "encryptionRequired": false
            "id": 29,
            "name": "test2",
            "brandId": 1,
            "enabled": true,
            "vendorTypes": null,
            "vendorDetails": {
                "clientSecret": "****************************************************"
            "type": "REWARDS",
            "lastUpdatedOn": 1721042619000,
            "encryptionRequired": false
            "id": 35,
            "name": "test5",
            "brandId": 1,
            "enabled": true,
            "vendorTypes": null,
            "vendorDetails": {
                "clientSecret": "****************************************************"
            "type": "REWARDS",
            "lastUpdatedOn": 1727331817000,
            "encryptionRequired": false
            "id": 36,
            "name": "test6",
            "brandId": 1,
            "enabled": true,
            "vendorTypes": null,
            "vendorDetails": {
                "clientSecret": "************************************************"
            "type": "REWARDS",
            "lastUpdatedOn": 1727331838000,
            "encryptionRequired": false
            "id": 37,
            "name": "test7",
            "brandId": 1,
            "enabled": true,
            "vendorTypes": null,
            "vendorDetails": {
                "clientSecret": "************************************************"
            "type": "REWARDS",
            "lastUpdatedOn": 1727332433000,
            "encryptionRequired": false
            "id": 38,
            "name": "test8",
            "brandId": 1,
            "enabled": true,
            "vendorTypes": null,
            "vendorDetails": {},
            "type": "REWARDS",
            "lastUpdatedOn": 1727339906000,
            "encryptionRequired": false
    "status": {
        "success": false,
        "code": 3004,
        "message": "Brand not found"

API-specific error codes

Error CodeDescription
3004Invalid Brand ID
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!