Reward Issuance with Quantity Details

The example below provides you with information on how the point values are calculated for the rewards with payment configuration CONV_RATIO.

Consider a reward with payment config CONV_RATIO = 0.35.

  1. Single/Bulk Issue Reward with No Quantity and No Payment Config:

      "mobile": "911886022308",
      "brand": "marvel_automation",
      "transactionNumber": "Transaction-1716621508000",
     // "quantity":2,
      // "paymentConfig": {
              //  "id": 307,
               // "points": 500
    • Quantity: null (defaults to 1)
    • Payment Config: null (no specific payment config used)


    • Redemption Value: Since quantity defaults to 1, it equals 1 (points).
    • Points:
      • Calculated as quantity/ratio = 1/0.35 ≈ 2.85. This value is rounded to 3.
  2. Single/Bulk Issue Reward with Explicit Quantity and No Payment Config:

      "mobile": "911886022308",
      "brand": "marvel_automation",
      "transactionNumber": "Transaction-1716621508000",
      // "paymentConfig": {
              //  "id": 307,
               // "points": 500
    • Quantity: Explicitly set to 40
    • Payment Config: null (no specific payment config used)


    • Redemption Value: 40 (the explicitly provided quantity).
    • Intouch Points:
      • Calculated as quantity/ratio = 40/0.35 ≈ 114.29, which rounds to 114 points.
  3. Single/Bulk Issue Reward with Quantity and Payment Config that Includes Points:

      "mobile": "911886022308",
      "brand": "marvel_automation",
      "transactionNumber": "Transaction-1716621508000",
       "paymentConfig": {
                "id": 307,
                "points": 500
    • Quantity: 40
    • Payment Config: Contains points = 500


    • Redemption Value: Calculated as points * ratio = 500 * 0.35 = 175 (based on the payment config points and ratio).
    • Intouch Points: 500. Whenever Points are defined in the payment configuration, the defined Points are considered and used directly.
  4. Single/Bulk Issue Reward with Quantity and Payment Config that Includes ID but Not Points:

      "mobile": "911886022308",
      "brand": "marvel_automation",
      "transactionNumber": "Transaction-1716621508000",
       "paymentConfig": {
                "id": 307,
               // "points": 500
    • Quantity: 40
    • Payment Config: Contains an ID but not points (default behaviour uses quantity).


    • Redemption Value: 40 (quantity used directly).
    • Intouch Points:
      • Calculated as quantity/ratio = 40/0.35 ≈ 114.29, which rounds to 114 points.
  5. Bulk Issue Reward with one reward having multiple payment configs

      "mobile": "919886022338",
      "brand": "marvel_automation",
      "transactionNumber": "Transaction-1716621508000",
      "rewards": [
          "rewardId": 13649,
          "quantity": 40
          "paymentConfig": {
                "id": 307
                "points": 500
          "rewardId": 14746,
          "quantity": 1

In a bulk call scenario with multiple rewards, if r1 (e.g., rewardId 14746) has multiple payment configurations attached and the user does not specify which payment config to use for r1, the system will fail to process r1. However, it will proceed with r2 (the reward with a single payment config) using its default payment configuration, if specified.