Create target group based on alternate currencies

Create a target group/milestone based on alternate currencies.

Alternate currencies are a flexible reward system, functioning like points but customised to meet brand-specific needs, such as stars or custom coins. A target group based on alternate currencies tracks the alternate currencies earned by customers and rewards them upon reaching the target.

Refer to the documentation on alternate currencies for more information.



For detailed information about the APIs and for hands-on testing, refer to the API overview documentation and step-by-step guide on making your first API call.


  • Authentication: Basic/OAuth authentication
  • Default access group

Resource information

Rate limitNA
Batch supportNA

API endpoint example

Request body

    "active": true,
    "description": "alternate currency target ",
    "name": "alternatecuurency_target",
    "preferredTillId": 50155487,
    "trackingType": "DEFAULT",
    "targetEvaluationType": "FIXED_CALENDAR_WINDOW",
    "totalPeriods": 2,
    "frequencyType": "DAILY",
    "frequency": 0,
    "recurringCycles": 0,
    "periods": [
            "active": true,
            "description": "p1",
            "endDate": "2024-10-24T23:59:00.000",
            "periodStatus": "RUNNING",
            "refCode": 1720782952,
            "startDate": "2024-10-24T00:00:00.000"
            "active": true,
            "description": "p2",
            "endDate": "2024-10-25T23:59:00.000",
            "periodStatus": "NOT_STARTED",
            "refCode": "firstperiod",
            "startDate": "2024-10-25T00:01:00.000"
    "targets": [
            "active": true,
            "description": "",
            "expression": "true",
            "expressionJson": "{\"arity\":\"literal\",\"value\":\"true\",\"type\":\"boolean:primitive\"}",
            "filters": [],
            "name": "alternatecuurency_target",
            "targetEntity": "ALTERNATE_CURRENCIES",
            "enrolmentMethod": "IMPORT",
            "targetType": "ALL",
            "defaultValues": [
                    "defaultValue": 20
                    "defaultValue": 20
            "extendedFieldInfo": {
                "alternateCurrencyIdentifier": "0nzyDx",
                "programId": 46

Request body parameters

Parameter Name
(Parameters marked with * are mandatory)
Data TypeDescription
activeBooleanIndicate if target tracking is active. Default value: true
descriptionStringBrief description of the target group.
The character limit for the description is 255 characters and special characters are supported.
name*StringName for the target group.
The name can be up to 200 characters long, supports special characters, and is case-insensitive.
preferredTillIdIntegerIdentifier for the preferred or primary POS till for the target.
Note: All alternate currencies allocated for a milestone achievement will be tagged to the preferred till.
trackingType*EnumType of tracking the milestone is created for. Supported values:
DEFAULT: Track a single target
STREAK: Track multiple targets as a streak.
CAPPING: Track the number of points a user has got over a period, so that capping can be applied.

Creating a target based on alternate currencies are not supported for unified targets.
Refer to the documentation on milestones , unified targets , streaks and capping for more information.
targetEvaluationType*EnumDefines the type of time frame used for evaluating the target.
Supported values:
FIXED_CALENDAR_WINDOW: Each cycle runs for a fixed, predefined time period (for example, one month or one year) from the selected start date.
CYCLIC_WINDOW: Each cycle can have individual time periods.
PERIOD_AGNOSTIC_WINDOW:: The cycle ends as soon as the user achieves the target, regardless of the time taken. There’s no set time frame for the cycle.

Refer to the documentation on milestone cycles for more details.
totalPeriods*IntegerTotal number of period cycles for the target group.
frequencyType*EnumFrequency of each cycle in which the user has to achieve the target value.
frequency*IntegerNumber of units corresponding to the selected frequencyType
For example: If frequencyType is DAILY and frequency is 10, the cycle spans ten days.
recurringCycles*IntegerTotal number of cycles defined for the target group. Once a cycle is complete, the target is reset for the new cycle.
A maximum of 100 cycles can be defined for a target group.
periodsObjectAn object containing details on the target period creation, updates, and time-frame.
- activeBooleanIndicate if the period is active. Default value: true
- descriptionStringBrief description of the period.
The character limit for the description is 255 characters and special characters are supported.
- endDate*StringEnd date and time of the period in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS format. Example: 2024-10-24T23:59:00.000.
- periodStatusEnumIndicate if the cycle of the Milestone is running or upcoming.
- refCode*StringA reference code for the period.
- startDate*StringStart date and time of the period in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS format. Example: 2024-10-24T00:00:00.000
targetsObjectAn object containing details on the targets in the target group.
- activeBooleanIndicate if the target is active. Default value: true
- descriptionStringBrief description of the target.
The character limit for the description is 255 characters and special characters are supported.
- expressionBooleanIndicate if the target has an expression for evaluation. Default value: true
- expressionJsonStringA JSON expression that specifies the conditions required to achieve the target. The expression is generated in the backend.
- filtersObjectAn object containing details on the scope filters active on the target.
- name*StringName for the target.

The name can be up to 200 characters long, supports special characters, and is case-insensitive.
- targetEntity*EnumKPI on which the target is tracked.

For alternate currencies, the value is ALTERNATE_CURRENCIES
- enrolmentMethodEnumMethod of enrolment for the target. Supported values: TRANSACTION and IMPORT.
- targetType*EnumType of target

Supported values:
ALL: Tracks points that a customer earns across a loyalty program and from a loyalty promotion.
REGULAR: Track the points that a customer earns across a loyalty program. Points earned from promotions are excluded.
PROMOTION: Tracks the points that a customer earns from a loyalty promotion.
- defaultValuesObjectAn object containing details of the default values for the target.
-- defaultValueFloatDefault value for the target.
- extendedFieldInfo*ObjectAn object containing details on the extended field information for the target group.
-- alternateCurrencyIdentifier*StringUnique identifier of the alternate currency that is generated when creating an alternate currency.
-- programId*IntegerUnique ID of the loyalty program that includes the alternate currency.

Response body

    "data": {
        "id": 1635,
        "name": "alternatecuurency_target",
        "active": true,
        "preferredTillId": 50155487,
        "periods": [
                "id": 9022,
                "attribution": {
                    "createdOn": "2024-11-22T05:07:09.000+0000",
                    "lastUpdatedOn": "2024-11-22T05:07:09.000+0000",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": {
                        "id": 75140757,
                        "code": "naman",
                        "description": "",
                        "name": "naman",
                        "type": "TILL"
                    "createdBy": {
                        "id": 75140757,
                        "code": "naman",
                        "description": "",
                        "name": "naman",
                        "type": "TILL"
                "startDate": "2024-10-24",
                "endDate": "2024-10-24",
                "refCode": "1720782952",
                "periodStatus": "ENDED",
                "targetGroupId": 1635,
                "description": "p1",
                "active": true
                "id": 9023,
                "attribution": {
                    "createdOn": "2024-11-22T05:07:09.000+0000",
                    "lastUpdatedOn": "2024-11-22T05:07:09.000+0000",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": {
                        "id": 75140757,
                        "code": "naman",
                        "description": "",
                        "name": "naman",
                        "type": "TILL"
                    "createdBy": {
                        "id": 75140757,
                        "code": "naman",
                        "description": "",
                        "name": "naman",
                        "type": "TILL"
                "startDate": "2024-10-25",
                "endDate": "2024-10-25",
                "refCode": "vbnmihffgnkji",
                "periodStatus": "ENDED",
                "targetGroupId": 1635,
                "description": "p2",
                "active": true
        "totalPeriods": 2,
        "description": "streak group",
        "targetEvaluationType": "FIXED_CALENDAR_WINDOW",
        "recurringCycles": 0,
        "frequency": 0,
        "targetCycleStartDate": "2024-10-24T00:00:00.000Z",
        "targetCycleEndDate": "2024-10-25T23:59:59.000Z",
        "frequencyType": "DAILY",
        "trackingType": "DEFAULT",
        "targets": [
                "id": 1912,
                "attribution": {
                    "createdOn": "2024-11-22T05:07:08.885+0000",
                    "lastUpdatedOn": "2024-11-22T05:07:08.885+0000",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": {
                        "id": 75140757,
                        "code": "naman",
                        "description": "",
                        "name": "naman",
                        "type": "TILL"
                    "createdBy": {
                        "id": 75140757,
                        "code": "naman",
                        "description": "",
                        "name": "naman",
                        "type": "TILL"
                "name": "alternatecuurency_target",
                "targetType": "ALL",
                "targetEntity": "ALTERNATE_CURRENCIES",
                "eventName": "TransactionAdd",
                "targetGroupId": 1635,
                "description": "strnbeasdwascs9",
                "active": true,
                "expression": "true",
                "expressionJson": "{\"arity\":\"literal\",\"value\":\"true\",\"type\":\"boolean:primitive\"}",
                "filters": [],
                "enrolmentMethod": "IMPORT",
                "defaultValues": [
                        "id": 11954,
                        "periodId": 9022,
                        "defaultValue": 20
                        "id": 11955,
                        "periodId": 9023,
                        "defaultValue": 20
                "targetPeriodDefaultValuesMap": {
                    "9022": {
                        "id": 11954,
                        "periodId": 9022,
                        "defaultValue": 20
                    "9023": {
                        "id": 11955,
                        "periodId": 9023,
                        "defaultValue": 20
                "extendedFieldInfo": {
                    "programId": 46,
                    "alternateCurrencyIdentifier": "0nzyDx"
        "leaderboardEnabled": false,
        "userCreated": false
    "errors": null,
    "warnings": null
    "data": null,
    "errors": [
            "code": 310033,
            "message": "Invalid target entity and target type combination"
    "warnings": null
    "data": null,
    "errors": [
            "code": 310146,
            "message": "Invalid program id"
    "warnings": null
    "data": null,
    "errors": [
            "code": 310094,
            "message": "Target rule metadata is required in case of EXTENDED_FIELD/ALTERNATE_CURRENCIES target type"
    "warnings": null
    "data": null,
    "errors": [
            "code": 310147,
            "message": "Invalid or null Alternate Currency Identifier for target rule"
    "warnings": null

Response parameters

idIntegerUnique ID of the target group.
nameStringUnique name of the target group.
activeBooleanIndicates if target tracking is active.
preferredTillIdIntegerIdentifier for the preferred or primary POS till for the target.
Note:All alternate currencies allocated for a milestone achievement will be tagged to the preferred till.
periodsObjectAn object containing details on target creation, updates, and time-frame.
- idIntegerUnique ID of the target period.
- attributionObjectAn object containing details on the creation and update details of the target period.
-- createdOnStringDate the target period was created in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS format. Example: 2024-12-10T11:49:28.972+0000
--lastUpdatedOnStringDate the target period was last updated in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS format. Example: 2024-12-10T11:49:28.972+0000
--lastUpdatedByObjectAn object containing details on the updates to the target period.
---idIntegerUnique ID of the user who last modified the target period.
---codeStringCode of the user who last modified the target period.
---descriptionStringDescription of the user who last modified the target period.
---nameStringName of the user who last modified the target period.
---typeStringType of user who last modified the target period.
- startDateStringStart date of the target group, in YYYY-MM-DD format. Example: 2024-10-24
- endDateStringEnd date of the target group, in YYYY-MM-DD format. Example: 2024-10-24
- refCodeIntegerReference code of the target period. This is a custom identifier that can be used to identify a target. You can use any custom string as the refCode
- periodStatusEnumCurrent status of the target period. Supported values RUNNING, UPCOMING, NOT_STARTED, LIVE and ENDED.
- targetGroupIdIntegerUnique ID of the target group.
- descriptionStringDescription of the target group.
- activeBooleanCurrent status of the target period. If true, the target is currently active, else the target is inactive.
totalPeriodsIntegerTotal number of periods for the target group.
descriptionStringDescription of the target period.
targetEvaluationTypeEnumDefines the type of time frame used for evaluating the target. Supported values: FIXED_CALENDAR_WINDOW, CYCLIC_WINDOW and PERIOD_AGNOSTIC_WINDOW.
recurringCyclesIntegerTotal number of cycles defined for the target group. Once a cycle is complete, the target is reset for the new cycle.
A maximum of 100 cycles can be defined for a target group.
frequencyIntegerNumber of units corresponding to the selected frequencyType
targetCycleStartDateStringStart date of the target cycle in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS format. Example: 2024-10-24T00:00:00.000Z.
targetCycleEndDateStringEnd date of the target cycle in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS format. Example: 2024-10-25T23:59:59.000Z.
frequencyTypeEnumFrequency of each cycle in which the user has to achieve the target value.
trackingTypeEnumFype of tracking the milestone is created for. Supported values:
targetsObjectAn object containing details on the targets in the target group.
- idIntegerUnique ID of the target.
- attributionObjectAn object containing details on the creation and update details of the target.
-- createdOnStringDate the target was created in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS format. Example: 2024-12-10T11:49:28.972+0000.
-- lastUpdatedOnStringDate the target was last updated in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS format. Example: 2024-12-10T11:49:28.972+0000.
-- lastUpdatedByObjectAn object containing details on updates to the target.
--- idIntegerUnique ID of the user who last modified the target.
--- codeStringCode of the user who last modified the target.
--- descriptionStringDescription of the user who last modified the target.
--- nameStringName of the user who last modified the target.
--- typeStringType of user who last modified the target.
-- createdByObjectAn object containing details on creation of the target.
--- idIntegerUnique ID of the user who created the target .
--- codeStringCode of the user who created the target.
--- descriptionStringDescription of the user who created the target.
--- nameStringName of the user who created the target.
--- typeStringType of user who created the target.
- nameStringUnique name for the target.
- targetTypeEnumType of target

Supported values:
ALL: Tracks points that a customer earns across a loyalty program and from a loyalty promotion.
REGULAR: Track the points that a customer earns across a loyalty program. Points earned from promotions are excluded.
PROMOTION: Tracks the points that a customer earns from a loyalty promotion.
- targetEntityEnumKPI on which the target is tracked.

For alternate currencies, the value is ALTERNATE_CURRENCIES
- eventNameStringName of the event that triggers the target.
- targetGroupIdIntegerUnique ID of the target group associated with the target.
- descriptionStringDescription of the target.
- activeBooleanCurrent status of the target. If true, the target is currently active, else the target is inactive.
- expressionBooleanIndicates if the target has an expression for evaluation.
- expressionJsonStringA JSON expression that specifies the conditions required to achieve the target.
- filtersObjectAn object containing details on the scope filters active on the target.
- enrolmentMethodEnumMethod of enrolment for the target. Supported values: TRANSACTION and IMPORT.
- defaultValuesObjectAn object containing details on the default values for the target.
-- idIntegerUnique ID of the default value.
-- periodIdIntegerUnique ID of the period.
-- defaultValueFloatDefault value for the period.
- targetPeriodDefaultValuesMapObjectAn object containing details on the mapping of default values for the target period.
-- idIntegerUnique ID of the default value.
-- periodIdIntegerUnique ID of the period.
-- defaultValueFloatDefault value for the period.
- extendedFieldInfoObjectDetails on extended field information for the target group.
-- programIdIntegerUnique ID of the loyalty program.
-- alternateCurrencyIdentifierStringUnique ID of the alternate currency that is generated while creating an alternate currency.
leaderboardEnabledBooleanIndicates if leaderboardtracking in enabled for the target group.
userCreatedBooleanIndicates if the target is a user-created target.
errorsObjectAn object containing details on errors if any occurred during the API request.
warningsObjectAn object containing details on warnings if any occurred during the API request.

API error codes

310069Target group name already exists
300004Invalid input, check all values and ensure they are correct.
310008Length of Target rule name cannot exceed 200
310033Invalid target entity and target type combination
310146Invalid program id
310094Target rule metadata is required in case of EXTENDED_FIELD/ALTERNATE_CURRENCIES target type
310147Invalid or null Alternate Currency Identifier for target rule
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!