get https://{host}/v2/leads
Lets you change the owner of an existing lead.
Request URL
Request Query Parameters
Parameter | Datatype | Description |
userId | long | Get leads of a specific customer. Pass the user ID of the customer. |
status | enum | Get leads of a specific status. Values: OPEN, ON_HOLD, WON, LOST, DELETED. |
substatus | string | Get leads by lead sub-status. |
owner | string | Fetch leads assigned to a specific associate. Pass the associate/staff ID (user id of the staff). |
limit | int | Limit the number of results to retrieve. |
offset | long | Number of rows (as per the data entered into the table) that you want omit from showing. |
entityType | enum | Get leads of a specific entity. You also need to pass the entityCode accordingly. Pass entityType and e Values: ZONE, CONCEPT, STORE, TILL, STR_SERVER, ADMIN_USER, ASSOCIATE, STAFF. |
entityCode | string | Pass the code of the respective entityType. For example, if entityType is STORE, then entityCode should be store code by which you want to get leads. |
Additional Header
Header | Description |
language | Specify the ISO code of a language to get extended field values in your preferred language. For example, zh for Chinese, id for Indonesian, ar for Arabic. English is the default language. |
Response parameters
Field | Datatype | Description |
id | integer | Unique identifier for the lead. |
userId | integer | The user's unique identifier. |
type | string | The type of the lead. |
leadFor | string | The product for which the lead is created. |
status | string | The status of the lead (e.g., ON_HOLD, OPEN). |
nextFollowUp | timestamp | The timestamp for the next follow up. |
createdOn | timestamp | The timestamp when the lead was created. |
createdBy | integer | The user's unique identifier who created the lead. |
lastUpdatedOn | timestamp | The timestamp when the lead was last updated. |
lastUpdatedBy | integer | The user's unique identifier who last updated the lead. |
followUpDetails | object | Details of follow-up activities for the lead. |
statusLogDetails | object | Log of status updates for the lead. |
orgSourceId | integer | Organization's source ID. |
extendedFields | object | Additional, customizable fields. | | integer | Unique identifier for the follow-up activity. |
followUpDetails.userId | integer | The user's unique identifier for follow-up activities. |
followUpDetails.leadId | integer | The lead's unique identifier related to follow-up activities. |
followUpDetails.notes | string | Notes related to follow-up activities. |
followUpDetails.createdBy | integer | The user's unique identifier who created the follow-up activity. |
followUpDetails.createdOn | timestamp | The timestamp when the follow-up activity was created. |
followUpDetails.followedUpBy | integer | The user's unique identifier who followed up the activity. |
followUpDetails.followedUpOn | timestamp | The timestamp when the follow-up activity was followed up. |
followUpDetails.scheduledFollowUp | timestamp | The timestamp when the follow-up activity was scheduled. | | integer | Unique identifier for the status log. |
statusLogDetails.userId | integer | The user's unique identifier for the status log. |
statusLogDetails.leadId | integer | The lead's unique identifier related to the status log. |
statusLogDetails.status | string | Status related to the status log (e.g., OPEN, ON_HOLD). |
statusLogDetails.createdBy | integer | The user's unique identifier who created the status log. |
statusLogDetails.createdOn | timestamp | The timestamp when the status log was created. |
statusLogDetails.reasonId | integer | Unique identifier for the reason in the status log. |
statusLogDetails.reason | string | Reason for the status update. |
extendedFields.trial_status | string | Custom field for trial status. |
warnings | array | Array of warning messages, if any. |
errors | array | Array of error messages, if any. |