put https://{host}/v2/coupon/series/
Lets you update existing coupon series details.
Body Parameters
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
CouponSeriesV2 | Object | Object containing the coupon series details. |
customPropertyMap | Object | An object containing a collection of keys that represents unique property names and each value represents the corresponding property's value. |
customPropertyMap.key1 | String | Custom field of the coupon series, providing additional information about the coupon. |
customPropertyMap.key2 | String | Custom field of the coupon series, providing additional information about the coupon. |
standard_terms_and_conditions | String | Custom field in the coupon series that provides information about the terms and conditions. |
description | String | Brief description of the coupon series. |
discountCode | String | The code given for the coupon as the POS identifier. |
validTillDate | String | Validity of the card series in UTC timestamp. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+/-(time-zone). |
expiryStrategyValue | Integer | Specifies the duration a coupon remains valid based on the expiryStrategyType. For expiryStrategyType: "SERIES_EXPIRY", expiryStrategyValue is always 1, which defines the coupon expires based on the rules defined for its series. For expiryStrategyType: "DAYS", and expiryStrategyValue: "5", specifies that coupon will be valid till 5 days of issuance For expiryStrategyType: "MONTHS_END", and expiryStrategyValue: "10" specifies that the coupon will be valid for 10 months of issuance. |
maxCreate | Integer | Maximum number of coupons that can be created. |
maxRedeem | Integer | Maximum number of coupons that can be redeemed. |
anyUser | Boolean | Indicates if any user can use the offer. |
redemptionPerCouponMaxLimit | Integer | Specifies the maximum number of times a particular coupon code can be redeemed across all users. Note: - Applicable only when the anyUser parameter is set to true .- The value must be greater than 0. - To create a coupon series without a redemption limit, set value as null or -1 - This parameter applies only to autogenerated coupon codes ( DISC_CODE ) and uploaded coupon codes (DISC_CODE_PIN ).- Not applicable for GENERIC coupon codes or externally managed coupon series (EXTERNALLY_MANAGED = true ).Refer to the Create Offer section to know more about coupon code types. |
sameUserMultipleRedeem | Boolean | Indicates if the same user can redeem multiple times. |
isReferralExistingUsersAllowed | Boolean | Indicates if the referral is allowed for existing users. |
isMultipleUseAllowed | Boolean | Indicates if multiple uses of the offer are allowed. |
isValidWithDiscountedItem | Boolean | Indicates if the offer is valid with discounted items. |
smsTemplate | String | Template for the SMS that is sent to users. |
isSMSDisabled | Boolean | Indicates if SMS is disabled. |
info | String | Additional information about the coupon. |
isMultipleVouchersPerUserAllowed | Boolean | Indicates if multiple vouchers per user are allowed. |
doNotResendExistingVoucher | Boolean | indicates not to resend existing vouchers. |
mutualExclusiveSeriesIds | String | Allows you to specify a list of offer IDs that are mutually exclusive to the current offer. If a customer already has a coupon from any of the offer IDs in this list, they will not be eligible to receive a coupon from the current series |
maxVouchersPerUser | Integer | Maximum number of vouchers allowed per user. |
minDaysBetweenVouchers | Integer | Minimum days between issuance of vouchers. |
discountValue | Integer | Discount value of the coupon. |
redemptionRange | String | Defines the specific days, weekdays, and hours during which the coupon can be redeemed. |
minBillAmount | Integer | Minimum bill amount required to use the coupon. |
maxBillAmount | Integer | Maximum bill amount allowed for coupon redemption. |
maxRedemptionsInSeriesPerUser | Integer | Maximum redemptions in the series per user. |
minDaysBetweenRedemption | Integer | Minimum days required between redemptions. |
redemptionValidFrom | String | Date from which redemption is valid. |
productInfo | Array | Information about the products on which the coupon can be applied. |
productInfo.productType | Enum | Type of the product. Supported values: SKU, CATEGORY, BRAND. |
productInfo.productIds | Array | IDs of product. |
redemptionOrgEntityDetails | Array | Details about the organization entities where the coupon can be redeemed. |
redemptionOrgEntityType | Enum | Type of redemption organization entity. Supported values: CONCEPT, TILL, ZONE, STORE. |
orgEntityId | Integer | ID of the organization entity. |
targetUserDetails | Object | Details of the criteria that the customer must meet to redeem the coupon. |
validMaxUserTransactionLimit | Integer | Number of transactions required by the customer to redeem the coupon. |
validUserRegistrationStartTime | Integer | Customer can redeem the coupon only if their registration date is after the specified date. |
validUserRegistrationEndTime | Integer | Customer can redeem the coupon only if their registration date is within the specified date. |
redemptionValidAfterDays | Integer | Number of days after which the redemption becomes valid. |
alphaNumeric | Boolean | Indicates if the code is alphanumeric. |
randomCodeLength | Integer | Length of the random code for the coupon. |
resendMessageEnabled | Boolean | Indicates if the resend message feature is enabled. |
clientHandlingType | String | Method using which the coupons should be generated. Supported values: DISC_CODE (generate coupon codes automatically), GENERIC (provide a common coupon code), DISC_CODE_PIN (Upload existing coupon codes). |
genericCode | String | Generic code of the coupon. Note:Only required if the clientHandlingType is set to GENERIC. |
expiryStrategyType | Enum | Defines the method for coupon expiry. Supported values: SERIES_EXPIRY(defines the coupon expires based on the rules defined for its series), MONTHS_END(defines the number of months from issuance until the coupon expires.), DAYS(defines the number of days from issuance until the coupon expires). |
discountType | Enum | Specifies the type of discount provided by the coupon. Supported values: ABS(a fixed amount is discounted), PERC(a percentage of the total amount is discounted). |
Response parameter
Parameter | Datatype | Description |
customPropertyMap | Object | An object containing a collection of keys that represents unique property names and each value represents the corresponding property's value. |
standard_terms_and_conditions | string | Custom field in the coupon series that provides information about the terms and conditions. |
id | integer | Unique identifier of the coupon series |
orgId | integer | Organization ID associated with the coupon series |
description | string | Description of the coupon series |
discountCode | string | The code given for the coupon as the POS identifier that was created during the creation of coupon series. |
validTillDate | string | Validity of the card series in UTC timestamp. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+/-(time-zone). |
validDaysFromCreation | integer | Number of days the coupon is valid from creation |
expiryStrategyValue | integer | Specifies the duration a coupon remains valid based on the expiryStrategyType. For expiryStrategyType: "SERIES_EXPIRY", expiryStrategyValue is always 1, which defines the coupon expires based on the rules defined for its series. For expiryStrategyType: "DAYS", and expiryStrategyValue: "5", specifies that coupon will be valid till 5 days of issuance For expiryStrategyType: "MONTHS_END", and expiryStrategyValue: "10" specifies that the coupon will be valid for 10 months of issuance. |
maxCreate | integer | Maximum number of coupons that can be created |
maxRedeem | integer | Maximum number of coupons that can be redeemed. |
isTransferrable | boolean | Indicates if the coupon is transferable |
anyUser | boolean | Indicates if any user can use the offer. |
redemptionPerCouponMaxLimit | integer | Specifies the maximum number of times a particular coupon code can be redeemed across all users. |
sameUserMultipleRedeem | boolean | Indicates if the same user can redeem multiple times. |
isReferralExistingUsersAllowed | boolean | Indicates if the referral is allowed for existing users. |
isMultipleUseAllowed | boolean | Indicates if multiple uses of the offer are allowed. |
isValidationRequired | boolean | Indicates if validation is required for the coupon |
isValidWithDiscountedItem | boolean | Indicates if the offer is valid with discounted items. |
createdBy | integer | ID of the user who created the coupon series |
numIssued | integer | Number of coupons issued from this series |
numRedeemed | integer | Number of coupons redeemed from this series |
createdOn | string | Date and time when the coupon series was created. |
lastUsed | string | Date and time when the coupon was last used |
seriesCode | string | Code for the coupon series |
smsTemplate | string | Template for the SMS that is sent to users. |
isSMSDisabled | boolean | Indicates if SMS is disabled. |
info | string | Additional information about the coupon |
isMultipleVouchersPerUserAllowed | boolean | Indicates if multiple vouchers per user are allowed |
doNotResendExistingVoucher | boolean | Indicates not to resend existing vouchers. |
mutualExclusiveSeriesIds | string | Allows you to specify a list of offer IDs that are mutually exclusive to the current offer. If a customer already has a coupon from any of the offer IDs in this list, they will not be eligible to receive a coupon from the current series. |
storeIdsJson | string | IDs of stores where the coupon is valid. |
isDvsEnabled | boolean | Indicates if DVS (Dynamic Voucher System) is enabled |
dvsExpiryDate | string | Expiry date for DVS. |
priority | integer | Priority level of the offer. |
shortSMSTemplate | string | Short template for the SMS to be sent to users |
maxVouchersPerUser | integer | Maximum number of vouchers allowed per user |
minDaysBetweenVouchers | integer | Minimum days between issuance of vouchers. |
maxReferralsPerReferee | integer | Maximum number of referrals allowed per referee |
discountUpto | integer | Maximum discount value |
discountValue | integer | Discount value of the coupon |
dvsItems | string | Items for DVS (Dynamic Voucher System). |
redemptionRange | string | Defines the specific days, weekdays, and hours during which the coupon can be redeemed. |
minBillAmount | integer | Minimum bill amount required to use the coupon. |
maxBillAmount | integer | Maximum bill amount allowed for coupon redemption |
redeemAtStore | string | Stores IDs where redemption is allowed. |
campaignId | integer | Identifier of the campaign associated with the coupon |
tag | string | Tag or label for the coupon |
maxRedemptionsInSeriesPerUser | integer | Maximum redemptions in the series per user. |
minDaysBetweenRedemption | integer | Minimum days required between redemptions. |
redemptionValidFrom | string | Date from which redemption is valid. |
sourceOrgId | integer | Identifier of the source organization |
issueToLoyalty | boolean | Indicates if the coupon is issued to loyalty members |
redeemStoreType | string | Type of store where the coupon can be redeemed. Supported values : redeemable_stores. |
offlineRedeemType | boolean | Indicates if offline redemption is enabled |
isOldFlowEnabled | boolean | Indicates if the old redemption flow is enabled |
isPreRedeemEventRequired | boolean | Indicates if a pre-redeem event is required |
termsAndConditions | string | Terms and conditions for the offer. |
signalRedemptionEvent | boolean | Indicates if a redemption event signal is required |
syncToClient | boolean | Indicates if the coupon data should be synchronized to the client |
showPinCode | boolean | Indicates if a PIN code should be displayed |
validMaxUserTransactionLimit | integer | Number of transactions required by the customer to redeem the coupon. |
validUserRegistrationStartTime | integer | Customer can redeem the coupon only if their registration date is after the specified date. |
validUserRegistrationEndTime | integer | Customer can redeem the coupon only if their registration date is within the specified date. |
numUploadedNonIssued | integer | Number of non-issued coupons uploaded |
numUploadedTotal | integer | Total number of coupons uploaded |
redemptionValidAfterDays | integer | Number of days after which the redemption becomes valid. |
ownedBy | string | Ownership details for the offer. |
ownerId | integer | Identifier of the owner of the coupon |
ownerValidity | integer | Validity period of the owner's rights to the coupon |
alphaNumeric | boolean | Indicates if the code is alphanumeric. |
shortCodeLength | integer | Length of the short code generated for the coupon |
randomCodeLength | integer | Length of the random code for the coupon. |
fixedExpiryDate | integer | Fixed expiry date of the coupon (in epoch milliseconds) |
numTotal | integer | Total number of coupons issued |
latestIssualTime | integer | Latest issuance time of the coupon (in epoch milliseconds) |
latestRedemptionTime | integer | Latest redemption time of the coupon (in epoch milliseconds) |
resendMessageEnabled | boolean | Indicates if the resend message feature is enabled. |
seriesType | string | Type of coupon series. |
clientHandlingType | string | Method using which the coupons should be generated. Supported values: DISC_CODE (generate coupon codes automatically), GENERIC (provide a common coupon code), DISC_CODE_PIN (Upload existing coupon codes). |
expiryStrategyType | string | Defines the method for coupon expiry. Supported values: SERIES_EXPIRY(defines the coupon expires based on the rules defined for its series), MONTHS_END(defines the number of months from issuance until the coupon expires.), DAYS(defines the number of days from issuance until the coupon expires). |
discountOn | string | Type of discount. |
discountType | string | Specifies the type of discount provided by the coupon. Supported values: ABS(a fixed amount is discounted), PERC(a percentage of the total amount is discounted). |
updateProductData | boolean | Indicating if the product data can be updated. |
externalIssual | boolean | Indicating if external issuance is allowed. |
warnings | array | List of warnings related to the coupon. |