get https://{host}/v2/pointsLedger/getCustomerLedgerBalance
Retrieves category-wise points’ ledger balance details of a customer for a given time.
Query parameters
Parameters | Description |
identifierName | Identifier type to identify the customer. |
identifierValue | Value of the specified identifier type of the customer. |
source | Source in which the identifier is available. |
accountId | For sources with multiple accounts, pass the specific accountId in which the identifier is registered. |
tillId | Pass the unique till ID of the org. |
limit | Number of results to retrieve. Max value supported is also 10. |
offset | Number of pages to be ignored from the top (page number). |
endDate | Get the closing balance of a specific date. Pass the end date in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss format. |
includeTillConceptEvents | Fetches the deduction entries that were triggered at the tills mapped to the Concept of the Program ID even if the deductions are from a different program. |
ledgerEntryType | Specify the type of ledger entries you want to fetch. By default, it fetches all the ledger entry types. |
pointCategoryType | Specify the point category type for which you want to fetch ledger details. By default, it fetches all the points category details. |
alternateCurrencyNames | Filter alternate currencies for the customer based on the name. You can also pass a list of comma-separated alternate currency names. Set the parameter includeAlternateCurrencies to false when you use this. If the value is true, includeAlternateCurrencies lists all the available currencies. |
includeAlternateCurrencies | Pass includeAlternateCurrencies=true to retrieve all alternate currencies available with the customer. |
Response parameter
Parameter | Description |
customerDetails.userId | The unique identifier for the user. |
customerDetails.externalId | External reference ID for the customer. |
customerDetails.entityType | The type of entity. |
ledgerDetails.pageNumber | Current page number in the paginated response. |
ledgerDetails.pageSize | Number of entries per page. |
ledgerDetails.totalEntries | Total number of entries across all pages. |
ledgerDetails.pageCount | Total number of pages in the paginated response. |
ledgerDetails.ledgerClosingBalance | An array of ledger closing balances. |
ledgerClosingBalance.pointsCategory | Category of the points. |
ledgerClosingBalance.programName | Name of the loyalty program. |
ledgerClosingBalance.programId | Unique identifier for the loyalty program. |
ledgerClosingBalance.closingBalance | Closing balance of points for the specified program and category. If alternate currency parameters are passed in the query parameter, it retrives Alternate currency name and category details |
warnings | List of warnings, if any. |