Add Store in bulk

Allows the org admin to add stores in bulk

The API allows bulk store creation with Unicode character support in the code and name fields. You can also use the API to assign values to pre-existing custom fields.
Note: You can create a single store by passing a single array.

API endpoint example


  • Authentication: Basic or OAuth authentication
  • Access group resource: Read and write access to the Store resource
  • Admin of the organisation

Resource information

Batch supportNA
Rate limit informationNA

Request body parameters

Parameter (Parameters marked with * are mandatory)DatatypeDescription
code*StringUnique store code used for identification in the Capillary system.
Note: Spaces between characters are not allowed. The maximum number of characters allowed is 50.
descriptionStringDescription of the store.
Note: The maximum number of characters allowed is 250.
name*StringName of the store.
Note: The maximum number of characters allowed is 100.
typeStringType of the entity you are creating. Here, the entity is STORE.
adminTypeEnumType of admin user for the store.
Values allowed : General, Admin
isActiveBooleanIndicates whether the store is active.
timeZoneIdIntegerUnique ID representing the timezone of the store's geographical location. Example: 191 - Represents Asia/Kolkata time zone.
currencyIdIntegerUnique ID representing the base currency of the store's location, corresponding to the currency of the country where the store operates.
Example: 230 - Singapore Dollar, 211 - Australian Dollars
languageIdIntegerUnique ID representing the language used at the store.
Example: 393
parentZoneIdIntegerUnique ID that identifies the zone where the parent store is located. Use the get org entities API to fetch Zones and map those entities to parent fields.
parentConceptIdIntegerUnique ID representing the logical group (Concept) of the store. Use the get org entities API to fetch Concepts, and map those entities to parent fields.
externalIds*ArrayList of external identifiers associated with the store.
emailStringStore's email address.
mobileStringStore's mobile number.
landlineStringStore's landline number.
latitudeStringLatitude coordinate of the store.
longitudeStringLongitude coordinate of the store.
addressStringPhysical address of the store.
cityIdIntegerUnique ID for the city where the store is located.
areaIdIntegerUnique ID for the area where the store is located.
customFieldsArrayArray containing the custom fields and it's value. These custom fields store special or custom information related to the store.
    "code": "MaiHàGiangCutomField",
    "description": "MaiHàGiangCutomField",
    "name": "MaiHàGiangCutomField",
    "type": "STORE",
    "adminType": "GENERAL",
    "isActive": true,
    "timeZoneId": "",
    "currencyId": "",
    "languageId": "",
    "parentZoneId": 50712290,
  "parentConceptId": 50712302,
    "externalIds": [
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "mobile": "917262178832",
    "landline": "",
    "latitude": "",
    "longitude": "",
    "address": "",
    "cityId": 0,
    "areaId": 0,
    "store_custom_field":"store test"

Response parameters

responseList of responses for each entity.
- entityIdUnique identifier for the store created.
- resultArray containing the details of the store.
-- idUnique identifier for the store created.
-- codeA unique store code used for identification in Capillary system.
-- descriptionDescription of the store.
-- nameName of the store.
-- typeType of the entity you are creating.
-- adminTypeType of admin user for the store. Values : General, Admin
-- isActiveIndicates whether the store is active.
-- timeZoneIdUnique ID representing the timezone of the store's geographical location.
-- currencyIdUnique ID representing the base currency of the store's location, which corresponds to the currency of the country where the store operates. Example: 230 - Singapore Dollar, 211 - Australian Dollars
-- languageIdUnique ID representing the language used at the store. Example: 393
-- parentZoneIdUnique ID that identifies the zone where the parent store is located.
-- parentConceptIdUnique ID representing the logical group (Concept) of the store.
-- externalIdsList of external identifiers associated with the store.
-- emailStore's email address.
-- mobileStore's mobile number.
-- landlineStore's landline number.
-- latitudeLatitude coordinate of the store.
-- longitudeLongitude coordinates of the store.
-- addressPhysical address of the store.
-- cityIdUnique ID for the city where the store is located.
-- areaIdUnique ID for the area where the store is located.
-- customFieldsArray containing custom fields updated for the store.
--- store_custom_fieldCustom field value for the store.
errorsList of errors related to the response (if any).
warningsList of warnings related to the response (if any).
totalCountTotal number of successful records processed.
failureCountTotal number of records that failed processing.
    "response": [
            "entityId": 50757475,
            "result": {
                "id": 50757475,
                "code": "MaiHàGiangCutomField",
                "description": "MaiHàGiangCutomField",
                "name": "MaiHàGiangCutomField",
                "type": "STORE",
                "adminType": "GENERAL",
                "isActive": true,
                "timeZoneId": -1,
                "currencyId": -1,
                "languageId": -1,
                "parentZoneId": 50712290,
                "parentConceptId": 50712302,
                "externalIds": [
                "email": "[email protected]",
                "mobile": "917262178832",
                "landline": "",
                "latitude": "",
                "longitude": "",
                "address": "",
                "cityId": 0,
                "areaId": 0,
                "customFields": {
                    "store_custom_field": "store test"
            "errors": [],
            "warnings": []
    "totalCount": 1,
    "failureCount": 0

API-specific error codes

Error codeDescription
1220Store code exists
1206Store name exists
1221External ID missing. A minimum of 1 external ID is required
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!