Retro transaction - Claim transaction



For detailed information about our APIs and for hands-on testing, refer documentation in API overview and step-by-step guide on making your first API call in Make your first API call .


The Retro Transaction Request API enables the retrospective tagging of non-tagged transactions to existing members in the system. This endpoint allows the addition of retro transactions, converting untagged 'NOT_INTERESTED' transactions to 'REGULAR' transactions and assigning them to existing customers. This is particularly useful for cases where transactions were initially not linked to any member and need to be tagged to an existing customer now. For more information on retro transactions, refer to the documentation here.

Configuring standard workflow

You can configure the standard workflow and configure the below actions.

Auto approval

You can set the Auto-approval flag : On/Off to On to enable auto approval for the retro transaction requests.

When the Auto-approval flag is enabled,

  • Requests move directly from the "Pending" status to "Approved" status without requiring manual intervention.
  • The approved requests are executed without the need for manual approval.

If the Auto-approval flag is disabled:

  • Requests remain in the "Pending" status until they are manually approved.
  • In a single-approval workflow, a request is initially created in the pending state by a Maker.
  • A Checker is responsible for reviewing and approving or rejecting the request.
  • Once approved, the request transitions to the Approved status, triggering the execution of the transaction claims API call.
  • If the execution is successful, the request is marked as "Success". Otherwise, it is marked as "Failure" along with an appropriate error reason stored alongside the request.

Note: If the request is initiated using Connect-plus or via External services, the request validation bypasses the maker access validation and moves the request to the Approved state.

API endpoint example



  • Authentication: Basic or OAuth authentication
  • Default access group
  • Maker request access (CanMakeRequest). Contact admin for access.
  • The transaction must not exceed the TXN_MAX_ALLOWED_AGE_DAYS parameter set by the brand. "TXN_MAX_ALLOWED_AGE_DAYS" refers to the maximum allowed age of a transaction in terms of days.
  • The customer being tagged to the transaction should have registered RETRO_DELAY_SINCE_REGISTRATION_HOURS hours before the current time. "RETRO_DELAY_SINCE_REGISTRATION_HOURS" represents the delay in hours since a customer's registration before they can be associated with a retro transaction. It indicates the minimum amount of time that must pass after a customer registers before they can be retroactively linked to a transaction. For instance, if you set this value to 3 hours and a customer registers at 9:00 AM, they will be able to change their not-interested to transactions with billing times later than 6:00 AM but not before 5:59 AM.

Resource information

Batch supportNo
Rate limit informationNone

Header information

X-CAP-UI-AUTH-TOKENA JSON Web Token (JWT) is used for intouch user authentication. CanMakeRequest access is required to generate this token.

Request body parameters

(Parameters marked with * are mandatory)
tillId*stringThe unique identifier for the till associated with the transaction.
storeId*stringThe unique identifier for the store where the transaction occurs.
zoneId*stringThe unique identifier for the zone or area the store is associated with.
conceptId*stringThe unique identifier for the concept or branding associated with the store.
hostnamestringThe hostname of the API endpoint. Example:
pathstringThe path of the API endpoint. In this context, the endpoint is /v2/transactions/retro.
methodstringPUT. The HTTP method used for the request.
oldTypestringThe old type of the transaction. In this context, the old type is NOT_INTERESTED
newTypestringThe new type of the transaction to be updated. In this context, the new type isREGULAR.
transactionIdintegerThe ID of the transaction to be updated.
customerIdintegerThe ID of the customer to whom the not interested transaction is being attached.
extendedFieldsobjectExtended field info associated with the transaction, if any.
customFieldsobjectCustom fields associated with the transaction, if any.
notesstringAdditional notes or comments about the transaction.
AuthorizationstringAuthentication credentials needed to access the Intouch API. It could be in the form of a username and password or an API key.
content-typestringThe content type header for the request.
X-CAP-CLIENT-SIGNATUREstringEnter the source's name to recognize which source has made the retro request, It is recommended to use a single name for a source so that it would be easy to track the retro transaction request of each source.
    "entityInfo": {
        "tillId": "50682289",
        "storeId": "50682288",
        "zoneId": "50682286",
        "conceptId": "50678331"
    "payload": {
        "IntouchAPITask-Payload": {
            "hostname": "",
            "path": "/v2/transactions/retro",
            "method": "PUT",
            "pathParams": {},
            "queryParams": {},
            "body": {
                "oldType": "NOT_INTERESTED",
                "newType": "REGULAR",
                "transactionId": 7648261,
                "customerId": 382553857,
                "extendedFields": {
                    "checkout_date": "2021-12-27T18:38:43+08:00"
                "customFields": {
                    "pankaj3": "singh3"
                "notes": "Test Transaction"
            "headers": {
                "Authorization": "Basic Y20uMjoyMDJjYjk2MmFjNTkwNzViOTY0YjA3MTUyZDIzNGI3MA==",
                "content-type": "application/json",
                "X-CAP-CLIENT-SIGNATURE": "pankaj"

Response parameters

Parameter NameData TypeDescription
requestIdStringUnique identifier for the request.
userIdIntegerIdentifier for the user making the request.
userNameStringEmail or username of the user making the request.
requestTypeStringType of request being made
stateStringCurrent state of the request (e.g., "AdminTask").
startTimeDateTimeTimestamp marking the start of the request.
endTimeDateTime/NullTimestamp marking the end of the request, if applicable.
IntouchAPITask-PayloadObjectObject containing specifics of the API call to change customer status.
  hostnameStringThe base URL of the API endpoint.
  pathStringSpecific path to the API endpoint for changing customer status.
  methodStringHTTP method used for the request.
  pathParamsObjectPath parameters for the API call, if any (empty in this case).
  queryParamsObjectQuery parameters for the API call, detailing aspects like source and identifier.
  bodyObjectBody of the API call, containing the old type, new type, transaction ID, customer ID (transaction owner), extended and custom field information.
  headersObjectHeaders for the API call, including Authorization and Content-Type.
ValidateMakerAccess_OutputBooleanIndicates whether maker access validation was successful.
ValidatePayload_OutputBooleanIndicates whether payload validation was successful.
    "data": {
        "requestId": "23e06c3e-a5c3-11ee-9a63-9ab214749657",
        "userId": 232134,
        "userName": "[email protected]",
        "requestType": "retro-transaction",
        "state": "AdminTask",
        "startTime": "2023-12-29T02:23:23",
        "endTime": null,
        "details": {
            "IntouchAPITask-Payload": {
            "hostname": "",
            "path": "/v2/transactions/retro",
            "method": "PUT",
            "pathParams": {},
            "queryParams": {},
            "body": {
                "oldType": "NOT_INTERESTED",
                "newType": "REGULAR",
                "transactionId": 7648261,
                "customerId": 382553857,
                "extendedFields": {
                    "checkout_date": "2021-12-27T18:38:43+08:00"
                "customFields": {
                    "pankaj3": "singh3"
                "notes": "Test Transaction"
            "headers": {
                "Authorization": "Basic Y20uMjoyMDJjYjk2MmFjNTkwNzViOTY0YjA3MTUyZDIzNGI3MA==",
                "content-type": "application/json",
                "X-CAP-CLIENT-SIGNATURE": "pankaj"
            "ValidateMakerAccess_Output": true,
            "ValidatePayload_Output": true

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!