Get coupon series details

Retrieves the details of one or more coupon series.

Query parameter

idsUnique offer IDs that you want to fetch.

Response parameter

idUnique identifier for the offer.
orgIdOrganization ID associated with the offer.
descriptionDescription of the offer.
discountCodeDiscount code provided by the user.
validTillDateThe date until which the offer is valid.
validDaysFromCreationNumber of days from creation that the offer is valid.
expiryStrategyValueThe value related to the expiry strategy.
maxCreateMaximum number of offers that can be created.
maxRedeemMaximum number of offers that can be redeemed.
isTransferrableBoolean indicating if the offer is transferrable.
anyUserBoolean indicating if any user can use the offer.
sameUserMultipleRedeemBoolean indicating if the same user can redeem multiple times.
isReferralExistingUsersAllowedBoolean indicating if referral is allowed for existing users.
isMultipleUseAllowedBoolean indicating if multiple uses of the offer are allowed.
isValidationRequiredBoolean indicating if validation is required for the offer.
isValidWithDiscountedItemBoolean indicating if the offer is valid with discounted items.
createdByID of the user who created the offer.
numIssuedNumber of offers issued.
numRedeemedNumber of offers redeemed.
createdOnDate and time when the offer was created.
lastUsedDate and time when the offer was last used.
seriesCodeCode for the offer series.
smsTemplateTemplate for the SMS that is sent to users.
isSMSDisabledBoolean indicating if SMS is disabled.
infoInformation about the offer.
isMultipleVouchersPerUserAllowedBoolean indicating if multiple vouchers per user are allowed.
doNotResendExistingVoucherBoolean indicating not to resend existing vouchers.
mutualExclusiveSeriesIdsIDs of mutually exclusive series.
storeIdsJsonIDs of stores where the offer is valid.
isDvsEnabledBoolean indicating if DVS (Digital Voucher System) is enabled.
dvsExpiryDateExpiry date for DVS.
priorityPriority level of the offer.
shortSMSTemplateShort SMS template for the offer.
maxVouchersPerUserMaximum number of vouchers allowed per user.
minDaysBetweenVouchersMinimum days between issuance of vouchers.
maxReferralsPerRefereeMaximum referrals allowed per referee.
discountUptoMaximum discount value.
discountValueDiscount value of the offer.
dvsItemsItems for DVS.
redemptionRangeRange in which redemption is allowed.
minBillAmountMinimum bill amount for offer redemption.
maxBillAmountMaximum bill amount for offer redemption.
redeemAtStoreStores where redemption is allowed.
campaignIdID of the associated campaign.
tagTag for the offer series.
maxRedemptionsInSeriesPerUserMaximum redemptions in series per user.
minDaysBetweenRedemptionMinimum days between redemptions.
redemptionValidFromDate from which the redemption is valid.
sourceOrgIdSource organization ID.
issueToLoyaltyBoolean indicating if the offer should be issued to loyalty members.
redeemStoreTypeType of store where redemption is valid.
offlineRedeemTypeBoolean indicating if offline redemption is allowed.
isOldFlowEnabledBoolean indicating if the old flow is enabled.
isPreRedeemEventRequiredBoolean indicating if a pre-redemption event is required.
termsAndConditionsTerms and conditions for the offer.
signalRedemptionEventBoolean indicating if a redemption event should be signaled.
syncToClientBoolean indicating if the offer should be synced to the client.
showPinCodeBoolean indicating if the pin code should be shown.
numUploadedNonIssuedNumber of uploaded offers not issued.
numUploadedTotalTotal number of uploaded offers.
redemptionValidAfterDaysNumber of days after which the redemption becomes valid.
ownedByOwnership details for the offer.
ownerIdOwner ID for the offer.
ownerValidityValidity of the owner.
alphaNumericBoolean indicating if the code is alphanumeric.
shortCodeLengthLength of the short code for the offer.
randomCodeLengthLength of the random code for the offer.
fixedExpiryDateFixed expiry date for the offer.
numTotalTotal number of offers.
latestIssualTimeLatest time of offer issuance.
latestRedemptionTimeLatest time of offer redemption.
resendMessageEnabledBoolean indicating if the resend message feature is enabled.
seriesTypeType of offer series.
clientHandlingTypeThe type of client handling for the offer.
expiryStrategyTypeThe type of expiry strategy for the offer.
discountOnWhat the discount is applied on.
discountTypeThe type of discount provided by the offer.
externalIssualBoolean indicating if external issuance is allowed.
updateProductDataBoolean indicating if the product data should be updated.
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