Get Customer Redemptions

This API allows you to retrieve points and coupons redemption history of a customer. You can filter the results by type, duration, coupon ids start with, and coupon ids end with. Besides filters you can also sort the results by ascending or descending order by redemption id/time and limit number of results to retrieve.

Response Parameters

coupons_countintNumber of coupon redemptions retrieved.
points_countintNumber of points redemptions received.
couponsobjDetails of coupon redemptions.
pointsobjDetails of points redemption.
codestringUnique code of the coupon.
series_idlongCoupon series ID associated to the coupon.
descriptionstringDescription of the coupon.
discount_codestringCoupon code used to avail discount.
discount_typeenumType of discount. PERC for discount in percentage, FLAT for flat amount discount.
idlongRedemption ID of that points or coupon.
transaction_numberstringTransaction number associated to the points or coupon redemption.
bill_idlongA numerical identifier for the bill.
redeemed_timedate-timeDate and time of points or coupon redemption.
redeemed_atstringStore or TILL code associated to points or coupon redemption.
program_idlongUnique ID of the loyalty program in which points is redeemed.
points_redeemedintNumber of points redeemed.
transaction_numberstringTransaction number associated to the points or coupon redemption.
redeemed_timedate-timeDate and time of points or coupon redemption.
redeemed_atstringStore or TILL code associated to points or coupon redemption.
redemption_breakup_by_programobjBreakup of points redeemed with respect to the program.
reversalsobjDetails of points reversed if the transaction for which points are redeemed is returned.
reversal_idlongUnique ID generated for the reversal of a specific set of redeemed points.
points_reversedintnumber of points reversed.
reversal_timedate-timeDate and time of points reversal in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format.
reversed_on_till_idlongTill ID associated to the points reversal.
reversal_breakup_by_programobjBreakup of points reversed and associated loyalty program.
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