Coupon (V1.1 APIs)

Coupon represents store promotions or discounts created through Capillary Campaign Manager. A single campaign could contain one or more coupons or coupon series. Coupons are issued to loyalty or non-loyalty customers through SMS or email.

You cannot create new coupons using coupon APIs. You can just send or retrieve coupons that are already created in your campaigns. Hence, it is important to note the coupon code, coupon id or coupon series id for making API calls.

The coupon entity allows you to perform the following tasks:

  • Issue coupons to customers
  • Resend a specific coupon to the respective customer
  • Retrieve details of a specific coupon/coupon series
  • Check whether a customer can redeem a specific coupon and redeem the coupon

Status Codes

Success Codes

700Coupon processed successfully
700Coupon series fetched successfully

Error Codes

701Unable to find the customer. Please enter correct mobile number/email id/external id
702Coupon code is invalid
703Coupon not issued to this customer
704Unable to send coupon to the customer’s mobile number
705Invalid coupon code and validation code
706Unable to redeem coupon
707Coupon series id is invalid
709Unable to redeem coupon
710Coupon cannot be redeemed by this customer
711Coupon is redeemed already
712Unable to redeem. Either coupon series or campaign might have expired
713Coupon has expired
714Unable to redeem. Maximum redemptions allowed for this campaign are already reached
715Unable to redeem. The coupon is not valid for this organization
716Unable to redeem. Cannot redeem same coupon multiple times
718Unable to redeem. Please enter transaction number must be entered to redeem
719Coupon code does not exist
720Unable to redeem. This is just a trial coupon and cannot be redeemed
721Unable to issue/redeem coupon. Customer is invalid
722Unable to issue coupon
723Unable to redeem. The coupon cannot be used by this customer
724Unable to send message
725Unable to redeem coupon. Please provide validation code to redeem
726Validation not required
728Unable to redeem. Maximum number of coupon redemptions allowed has already been reached
729Invalid redemption date range for the coupon series
730Unknown error
732No Missed call received from the customer
733Transaction amount invalid
735Unable to redeem coupon. The coupon cannot be redeemed at this store
736Unable to redeem coupon. Maximum number of coupon redemptions allowed has already been reached
738Cannot redeem the coupon. Please wait for days to redeem this coupon again
739Unable to redeem. Make sure that the redemption date you have entered is valid
740Unable to process. Customer is marked as fraud
742Coupon issual or redemption is blocked for this customer
750Unable to process. Customer is marked as fraud
786Unable to process coupon. Please try again later
787Unable to process coupon. Please try again later
788Configuration is invalid. Please report to Capillary Support
789Unable to process coupon. Please try again later
790Unable to process coupon. Please try again later
791Unable to process coupon. Please try again later
792Unable to process coupon. Please try again later
793Unable to process coupon. Please try again later
794Unable to process coupon. Please try again later
795Configuration is invalid. Please report to Capillary Support
796Unable to process coupon. Please try again later
797Unable to process coupon. Please try again later
798Unable to process coupon. Please try again later
799Configuration is invalid. Please report to Capillary Support