Perform search

You can use this API and search for a transaction data.

The Entity Search API allows you to search for specific entities (such as customers or transactions) based on defined search criteria.



  • Make sure that you have access to EntitySearch resource. For more information, see access group documentation.
  • By default, this search (cortex search) is not enbabled for all the orgs. Raise a Jira ticket to the sustenance team to activate.
  • Make sure that a valid search criteria is available.

API endpoint


Body parameters

entityTypeStringThe type of entity to search Supported values: TRANSACTION, CUSTOMER.Yes
searchConditionsArrayList of conditions to filter the search results.Yes
fieldIdStringThe field name to search. eg: ,billNumber, deliveryStatus etcYes
operatorEnumThe comparison operator. Supported values EQUALS, STARTS_WITH.Optional
valuesArrayValues to search against the field name (fieldId).Yes
enrichmentFieldsObjectSpecifies additional data fields to be retrieved in the response. Yes
enrichedFieldsArrayAdditional enriched fields to be included in the search result. For example, if you want to include customer status in your response when searching for customer data, you can add customerStatus in the enrichedFields.

Supported Fields
Customer Entity:

- customerStatus

- statusLabel

- registeredDate

- loyaltyStatus

- registeredStoreCode

- registeredStoreName

- cardNumber

- cardSeriesName

- lastUpdatedOnTransaction Entity

- payment_mode

- outlier_status

- transaction_notes

- last_updated_on_date_timeIf not required, you can leave this field empty.When enrichedFields are provided as an empty list, no enrichment will be applied for any field in the response. This can be useful when certain fields are not required for a specific query.
customFieldsArrayCustom fields that need to be included in the search results. For example, if you want to add information about a custom field called 'booking ID' in the response, you can specify the custom field name as 'booking ID'. If not required, you can leave this field empty.
You can use an asterisk ([*]) sign in custom fields to include all available fields in that category in the response.
If no values are mentioned, no custom fields will be fetched.
extendedFieldsArrayExtended fields that need to be included in the search results. For example, if you want to add information about an extended field called 'Gender' in the response, you can specify the extended field name as 'booking ID'. If not required, you can leave this field empty.
You can use an asterisk ([*]) sign in extended fields to include all available fields in that category in the response.
If no values are defined, no extended fields will be fetched.

Response parameters

paginationObjectContains details about the pagination of the response.
pagination.limitIntegerThe maximum number of records returned per request.
pagination.offsetIntegerThe starting index for fetching records. For instance, an offset=10 would skip the first 10 records and start returning results from the 11th record onwards.
pagination.sortByStringThe field used to sort the results.
pagination.sortOrderStringThe sorting order (ASC for ascending, DESC for descending).
pagination.totalIntegerThe total number of records available.
dataArrayContains the list of entities returned in the response.
data[].entityTypeStringThe type of entity retrieved (e.g., TRANSACTION). Based on the search,
Transaction or Customer Search DetailsBased on the defined search, the transaction or customer details along with the custom field/extended field/other enrichment details appear.
warningsArrayList of warning messages, if any.
errorsArrayList of error messages, if any.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!