post https://{host}/v2/coupon/bulk/issue
This API allows you to issue a batch of coupon series to a customer, enabling the customer to redeem the coupons.
- Authentication: Basic or OAuth authentication
- Default access group
Resource information
URI | /v2/coupon/bulk/issue |
HTTP method | POST |
Pagination | NA |
Rate limit | NA |
Batch support | Yes |
API endpoint example
Request body parameters
Parameter | Datatype | Description |
seriesIds* | Array of Integers | List of coupon series IDs |
customer* | Object | The object containing the details of the customer | | String | Unique identifier of the customer |
"seriesIds" :[544770,553379],
Response parameters
Parameter | Datatype | Description |
response | Array of Objects | List of responses for entities |
response.entityId | Integer | Unique Identifier of the entity |
response.result | Object | The object containing the result of the entity |
response.result.code | String | Unique code of the coupon |
response.result.seriesId | Integer | Unique Identifier of the coupon |
response.result.description | String | The description of the coupon |
response.result.discountCode | String | This code is defined during creation of coupon series and is used as a POS identifier on member care. This will be used by the cashier at the Point of sale machine. |
response.result.validTill | String | Expiry date and time of the coupon. |
response.result.discountType | String | Specifies the type of discount provided by the coupon. Supported values: ABS(a fixed amount is discounted), PERC(a percentage of the total amount is discounted). |
response.result.discountValue | Integer | The value of the discount. |
response.result.discountUpto | Integer | The maximum value up to which the discount can be applied. |
response.result.discountOn | String | The aspect on which the discount is applied. Supported values: BILL. |
response.result.detailedInfo | String | Detailed information about the coupon |
response.result.redemptionCount | Integer | Number of times the coupon has been redeemed. | | Integer | ID of the result |
response.errors | Array | The array of errors in the response |
response.warnings | Array | The array of warning messages in the response |
totalCount | Integer | Total count of entities processed |
failureCount | Integer | Count of entities that failed to process |
"response": [
"entityId": 544770,
"result": {
"code": "TPLPYOEYOT",
"seriesId": 544770,
"description": "Festival coupon",
"discountCode": "erg123",
"validTill": "2026-05-09T00:00:00Z",
"discountType": "ABS",
"discountValue": 500,
"discountUpto": 0,
"discountOn": "BILL",
"detailedInfo": "Evil coupon",
"redemptionCount": 0,
"id": 0
"errors": [],
"warnings": []
"entityId": 553379,
"result": {
"code": "9WJIGHOBRL",
"seriesId": 553379,
"description": "DIWALI 100% OFF",
"discountCode": "XYZ123",
"validTill": "2029-05-09T00:00:00Z",
"discountType": "ABS",
"discountValue": 500,
"discountUpto": 0,
"discountOn": "BILL",
"detailedInfo": "Evil coupon",
"redemptionCount": 0,
"id": 0
"errors": [],
"warnings": []
"totalCount": 2,
"failureCount": 0