Issue bulk coupons

This API allows you to issue a batch of coupon series to a customer, enabling the customer to redeem the coupons.


  • Authentication: Basic or OAuth authentication
  • Default access group

Resource information

Rate limitNA
Batch supportYes

API endpoint example

Request body parameters

seriesIds*Array of IntegersList of coupon series IDs
customer*ObjectThe object containing the details of the customer
customer.idStringUnique identifier of the customer
"seriesIds" :[544770,553379],



Response parameters

responseArray of ObjectsList of responses for entities
response.entityIdIntegerUnique Identifier of the entity
response.resultObjectThe object containing the result of the entity
response.result.codeStringUnique code of the coupon
response.result.seriesIdIntegerUnique Identifier of the coupon
response.result.descriptionStringThe description of the coupon
response.result.discountCodeStringThis code is defined during creation of coupon series and is used as a POS identifier on member care. This will be used by the cashier at the Point of sale machine.
response.result.validTillStringExpiry date and time of the coupon.
response.result.discountTypeStringSpecifies the type of discount provided by the coupon. Supported values: ABS(a fixed amount is discounted), PERC(a percentage of the total amount is discounted).
response.result.discountValueIntegerThe value of the discount.
response.result.discountUptoIntegerThe maximum value up to which the discount can be applied.
response.result.discountOnStringThe aspect on which the discount is applied. Supported values: BILL.
response.result.detailedInfoStringDetailed information about the coupon
response.result.redemptionCountIntegerNumber of times the coupon has been redeemed.
response.result.idIntegerID of the result
response.errorsArrayThe array of errors in the response
response.warningsArrayThe array of warning messages in the response
totalCountIntegerTotal count of entities processed
failureCountIntegerCount of entities that failed to process
    "response": [
            "entityId": 544770,
            "result": {
                "code": "TPLPYOEYOT",
                "seriesId": 544770,
                "description": "Festival coupon",
                "discountCode": "erg123",
                "validTill": "2026-05-09T00:00:00Z",
                "discountType": "ABS",
                "discountValue": 500,
                "discountUpto": 0,
                "discountOn": "BILL",
                "detailedInfo": "Evil coupon",
                "redemptionCount": 0,
                "id": 0
            "errors": [],
            "warnings": []
            "entityId": 553379,
            "result": {
                "code": "9WJIGHOBRL",
                "seriesId": 553379,
                "description": "DIWALI 100% OFF",
                "discountCode": "XYZ123",
                "validTill": "2029-05-09T00:00:00Z",
                "discountType": "ABS",
                "discountValue": 500,
                "discountUpto": 0,
                "discountOn": "BILL",
                "detailedInfo": "Evil coupon",
                "redemptionCount": 0,
                "id": 0
            "errors": [],
            "warnings": []
    "totalCount": 2,
    "failureCount": 0
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!