Post Event

Lets you post the behavioral event.

Use this API to post the event that you have created. To know more about testing and publishing a new event, refer Test & Publish Event.

API endpoint example



Resource information

Pagination supported?NA
Rate limitNA
Batch supportNA

Example request body parameters

Consider you have an event 'be_reserved' used for reserving rooms in a hotel. It utilizes customer information and stay details. The parameters below are for the event's attributes 'be_reserved'.

Note: The parameters change according to the attributes of the event.

Parameter Name (Parameters marked with * are mandatory)Data TypeDescription
age*DoubleAge of the customer.
customer_id*StringMobile number of the customer.
event_name*StringName of the event.
external_event_id*StringExternal identifier for Behavioral Events. This identifier allows brands to pass their unique identifiers for each event they send to the Customer Data Platform.
hotel_name*StringName of the hotel where the customer wants to reserve rooms.
room_nights*EnumNumber of nights the room is reserved.
eventDateTimeStringStandard attribute that captures the event processing time. See Standard Attributes for more details.
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic dGVzdF9kaXY2OWZmZmRkYg==' \
--data '{
"eventDateTime":"2024-04-11 12:00:00"

Response parameters

Parameter NameData TypeDescription
statusObjectObject containing the status of the event.
- codeNumberStatus code indicating the result of the POST operation.
- messageStringMessage describing the status of the event.
requestIdStringUnique ID for the POST operation.
    "status": {
        "code": 1100,
        "message": "Event is pushed to transformation state"
    "requestId": "defc955f-ebca-4f14-b8d7-e2b885b3f370"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!