Retrieve extended field config details


  • Authentication: Basic or OAuth authentication
  • Default access group

Resource information

HTTP methodGET
Pagination supportedNA
Rate limitNA
Batch supportNA

API endpoint example

Response parameters

extendedFieldIdintegerUnique identifier for the extended field.
createdByintegerID of the user who created the field.
modifiedByintegerID of the user who last modified the field.
hideDisplaybooleanIndicates whether the field should be hidden from display.
isPiiDatabooleanIndicates if the field contains Personally Identifiable Information (PII).
isPsiDatabooleanIndicates if the field contains Potentially Sensitive Information (PSI). Refer to the PSI data documentation for more information on classifying PSI data.
positionintegerPosition of the field in the form or display order in the user interface.
fieldUpdatablebooleanIndicates if the field can be updated.
updatablebooleanIndicates if the field is updatable (general flag). Only applicable for Instore.
mandatorybooleanIndicates if the field is mandatory. Only applicable for Instore.
computeEnabledbooleanIndicates if the field has compute logic enabled.
rejectTxnOnInvalidValuebooleanIndicates if transactions should be rejected on invalid field value.
auditTrailEnabledbooleanIndicates if audit trail (audit logging) is enabled for the field.
warningsarrayList of warnings related to the field.
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