Search events

This API provides advanced search functionality for behavioural events, allowing you to filter, sort, and paginate through events.



The API retrieves event details from January 2024 onwards and does not fetch details of events that occurred before this date.


  1. Filters:

    • Filter events based on various criteria:
      • Date range
      • Event name.
      • Events of a customer or groups. You can combine this with other search criteria. For example, events of a customer in a particular date range.
      • Events performed by a particular member in a user group event
      • Event ID. The event ID is an internally generated ID during the creation of the event.
      • Behavioural event attributes.
      • Duplicate events.
  2. Sorting:Sort events based on event date-time in ascending or descending order.

  3. Pagination: Limit the number of page results and setting offset (number of pages to skip from the beginning)

  4. This API provides more flexibility and search options than the GET Customer event API.

Use cases

  • You can use different combinations to search for events. For example, suppose you want to find an event named "Offerscan" performed by a particular user. In that case, you can filter the event search using the eventName parameter and by providing the identifier type and value of the customer.

  • Similarly, to retrieve details of a particular event between certain dates, you can definefromDate, tillDate, eventName and filter the events.

  • Searching for an event using behavioural event attribute - For example, as a hotel chain brand, if you want to search for reservation events of a particular hotel, you can search by defining the attribute name and value. If the behavioural event attribute name is hotel_name and the hotel name is PalaceABC, you can search using the attribute name hotel_name and the value PalaceABC.

  • Searching for duplicate events of a user

  • Searching for an event with details of outcomes triggered by the occurrence of a specific event

  • Searching for an event performed by a member in a group event



For detailed information about our APIs and for hands-on testing, refer documentation in API overview and step-by-step guide on making your first API call in Make your first API call .


  • Authentication; Basic or OAuth authentication details
  • Access group resource - Read access to Customer access group resource

Resource information

HTTP methodGET
Pagination supported?Yes
Rate limitRefer to the Rate limits documentation
Batch support-

Request query parameters

eventIdstringPrimary ID of the event. This ID is internally generated during the creation of the event. Refer to Create Event to know about event creation.
eventNamestringName of the event.
userIdentifierTypeEnumType of user identifier: Supported values: mobile, email, and userId.
userIdentifierValuestringValue of the user identifier.
userIdentifierSourcestringSource to search user profile. The default value is INSTORE.
userIdentifierAccountIdstringAccount ID of the user profile source. Not required for INSTORE profiles.
userGroupIdentifierTypeEnumType of user group identifier. Supported values: groupId, groupExternalId, mobile, email, and userId.
userGroupIdentifierValuestringValue of the user group identifier.
userGroupIdentifierSourcestringSource to search user profile. The default value is INSTORE. Required if searching by mobile or email.
userGroupIdentifierAccountIdstringAccount ID of the user profile source. Not required for INSTORE profiles. Required for mobile or email search.
fromDatestringStart date in ISO format (e.g., 2024-03-19T15:31:28).
tillDatestringEnd date in ISO Format (e.g., 2024-03-19T16:31:28).
limitintegerNumber of records to fetch. The default value is 10.
offsetintegerNumber of records to skip from the beginning. The default value is 0.
sortOrderstringSorts by event date-time in ascending or descending order. The default value is desc.
includeSideEffectsbooleanIndicates whether to include loyalty side effects. The Default value is false. This parameter provides details of the outcomes triggered by the occurrence of a specific event.
isDuplicatebooleanIndicates whether to include duplicate events. The isDuplicate field indicates whether an event is considered a duplicate or an original event. If true, it indicates that the event is a duplicate, meaning it's a repetition or a copy of a previously recorded event. Acceptable values - true or false.

Response parameters

orgIdThe organization ID associated with the event.
userIdThe user identifier of the customer.
dateThe date and time when the event was processed in epoch time format.
eventNameThe name of the event.
eventIdThe unique identifier for the event. This is internally generated during creation of the event.
sourceCustomer registration source profile (e.g., INSTORE).
tillCodeThe code associated with the till where the event occurred.
displayNameThe display name of the event.
additonalAttributesAdditional attributes related to the event, such as review content, account ID, and event metadata.

- The isDuplicate field indicates whether an event is considered a duplicate or an original event. If true, it indicates that the event is a duplicate, meaning it's a repetition or a copy of a previously recorded event.
- The eventDateTime is a standard attribute in the behavioural event system. This field captures the date and time when the event is processed. If you define a value for this parameter while sending the event, it displays that specific date and time in epoch format. Otherwise, it displays the event processing time, sharing the same value as the date parameter above.
clickEventSideEffectsAdditional actions or consequences triggered by events, such as awarding points or other actions.
- requestIdThe unique identifier for the request associated with the event.
psiAttributesIncludes attributes that are marked as potentially sensitive data. Refer to the PSI data documentation for more information on classifying PSI data
- sideEffectsAn array containing details of any side effects triggered by the event.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!