Parameter | Description |
type | Fetch by lead type. Values: SKU, CATEGORY, BRAND, CUSTOM (for any custom types) |
limit | Limit the number of results to be fetched |
orgSourceId | Specify the source account id from which you want to fetch the leads. For example, -1 for INSTORE. |
userId | Fetch the leads of a specific user |
status | Fetch leads by status. Values: OPEN, WON, LOST, ON_HOLD, DELETED |
substatus | Fetch leads with a specific sub-status |
offset | Fetches leads > the offset number. Offset is the position of the lead in the db record. |
sortBy | Lets you sort the list by createdon or lastUpdatedOn |
sortOrder | Sort the results in ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC) order |
Parameter | Description |
id | Unique identifier for the data item |
userId | Identifier for the user associated with the data |
type | Type of the lead, e.g., "SKU" |
leadFor | The specific item or entity the lead is for |
status | Current status of the lead |
nextFollowUp | Date and time of the next follow-up |
createdOn | Date and time when the data item was created |
createdBy | Identifier of the user who created the data item |
lastUpdatedOn | Date and time when the data item was last updated |
lastUpdatedBy | Identifier of the user who last updated the data item |
followUpDetails | Details of follow-ups. |
statusLogDetails | Details of status changes. |
orgSourceId | Identifier for the source organization |