Get event data using request ID

Retrieves details of a specific events.


For detailed information about our APIs and for hands-on testing, refer documentation in API overview and step-by-step guide on making your first API call in Make your first API call .


  • Authentication: Basic or OAuth credentials
  • Access group resource: Read access on Behavioural Events resource. For more information, refer to access group documentation.

API endpoint example


Resource information

HTTP methodGET
Pagination supported?NA
Rate limitNA
Batch supportNA

Query parameter

Parameter (Parameters marked with * are mandatory)Description
id*requestId for the event generated during the POST event API call. For more information refer, Post event.
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic YzdiNmY2OWZmZmRkYg==' \
--header 'Cookie: _cfuvid=RY6QOmEmXhlkpkYzUT5aGlkDXWcSpLGwMXEa7suetWY-1719207183918-'

Response parameter

ParameterData TypeDescription
dataArray of ObjectsArray containing event data objects.
- orgIdStringUnique identifier of the organisation for which the event was generated.
- userIdIntegerCustomer ID of the user.
- dateStringDate and time when the event occurred represented in ISO 8601 format.
- eventNameStringName of the event.
- eventIdStringrequestId of the event generated during the POST event API call. For more info see, Post event.
- sourceStringSource of the event.
- tillCodeStringTill code where the event occurred.
- displayNameStringDisplay name of the event.
- additonalAttributesObjectAdditional information related to the event.
-- accountIdStringAccount ID of the customer.
-- ageStringAge of the customer.
-- autoUpdateTimeStampStringTimestamp when the event occurred in the epoch format. It is the number of seconds that have elapsed since the Unix epoch, which is 00:00:00 UTC on January 1, 1970.
-- customerIdStringCustomer ID the user.
-- displayNameStringDisplay name of the event.
-- eventDateTimeStringEvent process time in the epoch format.
-- eventNameStringName of the event.
-- external_event_idStringExternal identifier for Behavioral Events. This identifier allows brands to pass their unique identifiers for each event they send to the Customer Data Platform.
-- isDuplicateBooleanIndicates whether an event is considered a duplicate or an original event. If True, it indicates that the event is a duplicate, meaning it's a repetition or a copy of a previously recorded event.
-- orgIdIntegerUnique identifier for the organisation for which the event was generated.
-- sourceStringSource of the event.
-- source_till_idIntegerTill ID where the event was generated.
-- source_user_idIntegerIdentifier of the user who is associated with the source of the event.
- psiAttributesObjectIncludes attributes that are marked as potentially sensitive data. Refer to the PSI data documentation for more information Classifying PSI data.
warningsObjectObject containing warning messages.
errorsObjectObject containing error messages.
    "data": [
            "orgId": 100458,
            "userId": 555738346,
            "date": "2024-06-20T07:01:41Z",
            "eventName": "be_reserved",
            "eventId": "35a56de6-93fe-4119-a360-f3547af1499a",
            "source": "INSTORE",
            "tillCode": "75128552",
            "displayName": "be_reserved",
            "additonalAttributes": {
                "accountId": null,
                "age": "20.0",
                "autoUpdateTimeStamp": 1718866901011,
                "customerId": "555738346",
                "displayName": "be_reserved",
                "eventDateTime": "1712836800000",
                "eventName": "be_reserved",
                "external_event_id": "RAND121",
                "hotel_name": "Indiranagar",
                "isDuplicate": false,
                "orgId": 100458,
                "room_nights": "12",
                "source": "INSTORE",
                "source_till_id": 75128552,
                "source_user_id": 555738346
            "psiAttributes": [
    "warnings": [],
    "errors": []
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!