Update Reward

This API is used to update a particular reward.



  • For detailed information about our APIs and for hands-on testing, refer documentation in API overview and step-by-step guide on making your first API call in Make your first API call .
  • Start time and end time are in UTC zone
  • When you're updating a reward, if you leave out any fields (like vendorRedemption or intouchSeriesId), the system will automatically keep the values from the existing reward. So, you only need to provide the fields you want to change—everything else stays the same as before.
  • Linking a reward - You can link a reward to the card associated with the customer, customer label, customer segments, tiers, or desired loyalty programs. You cannot link same reward to more than one of these at a time. However, you can link same reward to different segments card seriesor others simultaneously.
    Example: You can link a reward to multiple card series, like "Gold Card Series" and "Platinum Card Series," at the same time. Similarly, you can link a reward to multiple labels, such as "VIP Customers" and "Frequent Buyers." However, you cannot link a reward to both a specific card, like "Gold Card," and a label, such as "VIP Customers," at the same time.
  • New brands should no longer use the "intouch points" field. Instead, they should only use the new "payment config" block.


  • Authentication: Basic or OAuth authentication
  • Default access group

Resource information

URI/api_gateway/rewards/core/v1/reward/{reward ID}/brand/{brand ID}
Batch supportNo
Rate limit informationNone

API endpoint example


Request path parameters

Parameter NameData TypeDescription
brandId*StringBrand ID. You can use the API and retrieve the brand ID of your brand.
rewardId*StringUnique reward identidier.

Request body parameters

Parameter NameData TypeDescription
nameStringIdentifier for the reward. Ex: Discount On Handbags
descriptionStringDescription of the reward. Ex: 150 off on handbags and wallets. It can be null.
startTime*DateTimeStart time of the reward. Example: 2025-11-01T06:00:00Z. The timestamp must be in UTC format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.
endTime*DateTimeEnd time of the reward. Example: 2030-10-31T11:59:30Z. The timestamp must be in UTC format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.
priorityIntegerBrands can use Metadata for the reward for UI, auditing, or reporting purposes, and it can be left as null. The priority value must be a non-negative number and cannot be negative.
type*EnumType of the reward.
brandId*StringYou can use the API and retrieve the brand ID of your brand.
enabledBooleanStatus of the reward.
intouchPointsIntegerThe number of points customers need to burn to purchase the reward. Ex: 500
intouchSeriesIdStringCoupon series ID or cart promotion ID when intouch reward is selected.
tierStringThe tier level, e.g., "SILVER".
geographyObjectGeographic applicability, including countryId for restriction.
paymentConfigsObjectThe list of payment mode supported by the reward.
paymentModeEnumThe type of payment mode supported to redeem the reward. Supported values: POINTS, FREE, CASH, POINTS_CASH, CONV_RATIO. Multiple payments are not supported within FREE and CONV_RATIO modes.
NOTE: The same payment method cannot be used twice to create a reward. For example, only the first entry will be considered if you use POINTS twice as a payment mode.

For more information, refer to Supported payment modes.
groupsArray of objectsAn array containing information about groups and rewards associated with reward.
groupNameStringA label assigned to a set of rewards to organize them based on common themes or purposes.
groupRankIntegerThe priority level assigned to a reward group to determine its display order in the catalog.
rewardRankIntegerThe priority level assigned to an individual reward within a group to highlight its importance or relevance.
categoriesIntegersMetadata for the reward to categorize different rewards in different categories for end users. If the categories parameter is null in the update reward call, the existing category mappings will remain unchanged, i.e., category will remain unchanged. If an empty list of categories is passed, all existing mappings will be removed.
redemptionType*EnumType of intouch reward or vendor reward.


1. Once a reward has been started, the redemptionType cannot be changed.
2. If redemptionType is MILES, Payment config is mandatory.
3. CONV_RATIO mode is supported only for CHARITY, MILES, CASH_WALLET, SWEEPSTAKES, AUCTION, GIFT_CARD, PHYSICAL_REWARD type of redemption types.
4. If redemptionType is FREE_VOUCHER and payment mode is set, no points will be deducted.
vendorRedemptionObjectVendor redemption is the reward configured for a particular vendor.
communicationsStringCommunication IDs related to the reward.
restrictionsObjectRestrictions on the reward, detailed in customer and reward levels.
kpiEnumThe KPI on which the reward is created. Supported values: QUANTITY, REDEMPTION_VALUE
QUANTITY: Count of rewards being issued or the redemption value of the reward.
While creating a reward:
If the reward is not mapped to a payment configuration, the quantity is treated as the actual number of rewards issued.
If the reward is mapped to a payment configuration (e.g., CONV_RATIO), the quantity field acts as the redemption value.
REDEMPTION_VALUE: Value associated with the reward. It is applicable only when the reward is mapped to a CONV_RATIO payment configuration. Represents the value (e.g., miles) associated with the reward.
NOTE: Both customer level and reward level restrictions are supported for Quantity and Redemption Value.
limitIntegerThe maximum number of rewards to be created.
repeatFrequencyTypeEnumThe frequency of the reward. Supported values: DAYS, WEEKS, MONTHS.
supplementaryCriteriaROObjectTier/supplementary programs for which the reward is being created.
loyaltyProgramIdIntegerUnique identifier of the loyalty program.
tierIdsIntegerUnique identifier of the tier.
partnerProgramIdsIntegerUnique identifier of the partner program.
customFieldsObjectThe list of reward-level custom fields. Custom fields are columns that store custom information such as transaction details, customer details etc. These fields allow users to capture specific details that are not covered by standard fields. Users can define the properties of custom fields and assign default values.
languageSpecificInfoObject Enables the display of reward level information specified in this object in the desired language.
Note: There is no limit on the number of languages a user can define for custom fields
Prerequisite: If the desired language is not available in the system, raise a ticket to the Capillary support team to have it added.
languageCodeStringThe ISO code for the language. For ex: FR-French, JA- Japanese etc.
nameStringThe name of the reward in the specified language.
descriptionStringA description of the reward in the specified language.
termNConditionsStringYou can either pass the terms and conditions in text format or can enter the link to the file location where the terms and condition is present. It can be null.
termNConditionsIdStringThe identifier for terms and conditions. Uploading the termsNconditons file to the file service/solutions workspace generates this unique identifier.
imageIdStringThe file_handle of the main image.
Uploading the image to the file service/solutions workspace generates this unique identifier. The main image is the image that the brand configures during the reward creation.
imageUrlStringThe URL of the image in the file service location.
thumbnailIdStringThe identifier for the thumbnail image.
enabledBooleanIndicates if the language should be enabled or not.
imagesObjectA list of image details related to the reward.

- A maximum of 10 images can be added to the reward. The brand can update the main image from these 10 images.
- You can use the ID (if the file is stored in an S3 location) or external image URL to add the image.
- There is no limit in dimension or size for the image.
- Images in any format are supported.
nameStringThe name of the image. The name should be unique.
Warning: If a name is passed twice, only the first one will be considered.
idStringThe file_handle of the image. Uploading the image to the file service/solutions workspace generates this unique identifier.
isExternalBooleanIndicates if the image is hosted on an external server.
urlStringURL of the image.
altTextStringAlternative text or description of the image. You can use alt text to convey the meaning and context of visual content to users who cannot view images, such as individuals using screen readers due to visual impairments, or in situations where images fail to load. The maximum number of supported characters is 1056.
videosObjectA list of video details related to the reward.

- A maximum of 10 videos can be added to the reward. The brand can update the main video from these 10 images.
- You can use the ID (if the file is stored in the S3 location) or external video URL to add the video.
- There is no limit in dimension or size for videos.
- Videos in any format are supported.
nameStringThe name of the video. The name should be unique.
Warning: If a name is passed twice, only the first one will be considered.
idStringThe file_handle of the video.
Uploading the video to the file service/solutions workspace generates this unique identifier.
urlStringURL of the video.
isExternalBooleanIndicates if the video is hosted on an external server.
altTextStringAlternative text or description of the video. You can use alt text to convey the meaning and context of visual content to users who cannot view images, such as individuals using screen readers due to visual impairments, or in situations where images fail to load. The maximum number of supported characters is 1056.
customFieldsObjectThe list of custom fields. Custom fields are columns that store custom information such as transaction details, customer details etc. These fields allow users to capture specific details that are not covered by standard fields. Users can define the properties of custom fields and assign default values.

- If language-specific custom fields are unavailable, English values are used.
- If language-level custom fields are not defined, reward-level custom fields are used else, meta-level default values are used.
customFieldNameStringName of the custom field.
customFieldValueStringValue of the custom field.
ownersObjectList containing detailed owner information
ownerTypeEnumThe module for which the reward was created. Supported values: LOYALTY_PROGRAM, MILESTONES, CAMPAIGNS, JOURNEYS, GOODWILL.
ownerIdStringUnique identifier of the owner to claim the reward. Multiple owner IDs are supported for a single reward with the same owner type.
rewardRevenueMetaObjectAn object with commission details for different participants over specific periods.
commissionParticipantEnumThe entity receiving the commission.
commissionRateFloatThe amount of commission to be received.
cycleStartDateDateStart date of the commission cycle.

- cycleStartDate should be greater than rewardStartDate.
- cycleStartDate must be in the future
cycleEndDateDateEnd date of the commission cycle.

- cycleEndDate should smaller than rewardEndDate.
- cycleEndDate must be in the future
rewardRevenueDefaultsObjectAn object with the default commission. In case multiple blocks with the same commissionParticipant are passed, only the first is considered.
commissionParticipantEnumThe entity receiving the commission.
defaultValueFloatDefault commission rate associated with the participant.
Note: If no defaultValue is passed, then 0 is considered as the defaultValue.
segmentObject Customer Segmentation involves logically grouping audiences based on shared characteristics. You can create segments using the Insights+ UI. For more information on creating segments, refer to this guide. You can use these segments to create rewards targeting specific customer groups.

Use Case:

Suppose you have a customer segment based on transaction volume, categorized into High, Medium, and Low buckets. If you want to offer rewards only to customers categorized as high-value transaction customers, you can use that specific customer segment and partition ID to tailor the rewards. For example, if a customer has 10,000 transactions in a month and falls into the top 3 transactions per month bucket, you can display only high-value rewards to them.
The segment ID and partition ID are not currently available in the Insights+ UI.

- The segments and partition information should be valid and the segments must be active while updating the reward.
- If no values are passed, the existing mappings of the segment will remain unaffected.
- If an empty list is passed, all existing segment mappings will be removed during the update.
segmentIdIntegerEnter the segment ID. The Segment ID is a unique identifier used to create or update segment information.
partitionIdIntegerEnter the partition ID. The Partition ID is a unique identifier used to create or update partition information.
cardsArray of ObjectsList of card series codes associated with the reward. Brands can use cards and labels to offer personalized rewards. There is no limit on the number of card series code. You can use Get Card Details API to get the series code of the Card.
Example: "cards":["26NOV2024TRYLEN17","26NOV2024TRYLEN18"].
Note: You cannot link the same reward to multiple attributes at a time. For more information, refer to the main note above.
labelsArray of ObjectsList of label IDs associated with the reward. You can get the label ID from Get Customer Labels API. There is no limit on the number of label IDs.
Note: You cannot link the same reward to multiple attributes at a time. For more information, refer to the main note above.
    "name": "testreward1poi",
    "description": "testreward1",
    "startTime": "2025-09-26T20:00:00Z",
    "endTime": "2026-10-31T11:59:30Z",
    "priority": 1,
    "type": "VOUCHER",
    "brandId": "1",
    "enabled": true,
    "intouchPoints": 500,
    "geography": [
            "countryId": 1
    "categories": [
    "intouchSeriesId": "301233",
    "redemptionType": "INTOUCH_REWARD",
    "vendorRedemption": null,
    "communications": [
    "restrictions": {
        "customerLevel": [
                "kpi": "QUANTITY",
                "limit": 10,
                "repeatFrequencyType": "DAYS",
                "interval": "30"
                "kpi": "QUANTITY",
                "limit": 50,
                "repeatFrequencyType": "MONTHS",
                "interval": "12"
        "rewardLevel": [
                "kpi": "QUANTITY",
                "limit": 10000,
                "repeatFrequencyType": "NO_LIMIT"
    "supplementaryCriteriaRO": [
            "loyaltyProgramId": 469,
            "tierIds": null,
            "partnerProgramIds": [
            "loyaltyProgramId": 690,
            "tierIds": null,
            "partnerProgramIds": null
    "customFields": {
        "CF1": "Custom field 1"
    "languageSpecificInfo": [
            "languageCode": "en",
            "name": "testreward1",
            "description": "testreward1",
            "imageId": "bef4d522-2cf8-4fea-8087-376c449d5c85",
            "termNConditions": "t&c",
            "thumbnailId": "c886f064-2b3f-4c19-9e86-7f7e5ab5ae04",
            "termNConditionsId": "820a3d7f-2601-405b-9f56-4a3ba8e9df73",
            "enabled": true
    "isactive" : true
    "startTime": "2025-02-06T07:43:30.00Z",
    "endTime": "2026-11-29T05:39:49.00Z",
    "type": "POINTS",
    "brandId": 3,
    "priority": 1,
    "enabled": true,
    "intouchPoints": 1,
    "intouchSeriesId": "6538e3ac60ce5c504144bb07",
    "tier": "SILVER",
    "geography": [
            "countryId": 7
    "languageSpecificInfo": [
            "languageCode": "en",
            "name": " INTOUCH Enabled",
            "description": "Description",
            "termNConditionsId": "EXDR12987R",
            "imageId": "EXDR12987U",
            "thumbnailId": "EXDR12987T",
            "enabled": true,
            "images": [
                    "name": "imagename1",
                    "id": "9b648b66-5700-4c6d-84ea-01ddf73927c6"
                    "name": "imagename2",
                    "id": "9b648b66-5700-4c6d-84ea-01ddf73927c6"
                    "name": "imagename2",
                    "id": "9b648b66-5700-4c6d-84ea-01ddf73927c6"
            "videos": [
                    "name": "videoname1",
                    "id": "9b648b66-5700-4c6d-84ea-01ddf73927c6",
                    "isExternal": false
                    "name": "videoname1",
                    "isExternal": true
    "categories": [
    "redemptionType": "CART_PROMOTION",
    "communications": [
    "owners": [
            "ownerType": "LOYALTY_PROGRAM",
            "ownerId": "123"
    "startTime": "2024-03-07T08:53:49.00Z",
    "endTime": "2024-03-14T05:39:49.00Z",
    "type": "POINTS",
    "brandId": "8",
    "priority": 1,
    "enabled": true,
    "intouchPoints": 3,
    "intouchSeriesId": "73684275",
    "tier": "GOLD",
            "countryId": "14"
            "name": " INTOUCH Enabledsd",
            "description": "Description",
            "termNConditions": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/crm-nightly-new-solutions/IRISV2BRAND/EXDR12987R?X-Amz-Security-Token=FwoGZXIvYXdzEAgaDImRT4Rv3I22aidrESLdAQJokVqNlcxpwvh%2FuileYhmM7vAPvlqLv4pA3icQ0z4opwko8bn2w1y2412RtCR1AXAhlB82T%2FT%2Fr4lMjSRbBy1i4lsWgIVWWQ00NMLW2TDumQcnFwQq1p%2BQFAofb1GS%2BcE4zoWTMieFVV3%2F15l2stJ7ZmwnyDYkDyqGzCk0AWoeQQw%2F%2BHu6DbeIcBJrEakvjZvLjqzeIACunRAYgrXAMlI5HfPenJl8CmEfvhgluUkUNQ25vrL6KhXEQKG4rdVjWG%2BxnkMgcZqBLth64qvfYES1wVyYz1OvneIhOdKbKO3tpZoGMi0%2F3wHyU2g0g7XXMM1cLRtUIn6x6%2BEzEdHMArLUdsCYy%2BnDOfaViZiRnhOtV6U%3D&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Date=20221014T145408Z&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Expires=3600&X-Amz-Credential=ASIAXCQYYRKNMI6TM5YP%2F20221014%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Signature=c17682bb64da475b6163148797a0c21dbb75fde352c2947fd94504d7f88535fe",
            "thumbnailId": "EXDR12987T",
            "imageId": "EXDR12987U",
            "enabled": true,
            "termNConditionsId": "EXDR12987R",
            "languageCode": "en",
               "mandatory - CF1": "englishvalue1"
            "name": " INTOUCH Enabledsd",
            "description": "Description",
            "termNConditions": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/crm-nightly-new-solutions/IRISV2BRAND/EXDR12987R?X-Amz-Security-Token=FwoGZXIvYXdzEAgaDImRT4Rv3I22aidrESLdAQJokVqNlcxpwvh%2FuileYhmM7vAPvlqLv4pA3icQ0z4opwko8bn2w1y2412RtCR1AXAhlB82T%2FT%2Fr4lMjSRbBy1i4lsWgIVWWQ00NMLW2TDumQcnFwQq1p%2BQFAofb1GS%2BcE4zoWTMieFVV3%2F15l2stJ7ZmwnyDYkDyqGzCk0AWoeQQw%2F%2BHu6DbeIcBJrEakvjZvLjqzeIACunRAYgrXAMlI5HfPenJl8CmEfvhgluUkUNQ25vrL6KhXEQKG4rdVjWG%2BxnkMgcZqBLth64qvfYES1wVyYz1OvneIhOdKbKO3tpZoGMi0%2F3wHyU2g0g7XXMM1cLRtUIn6x6%2BEzEdHMArLUdsCYy%2BnDOfaViZiRnhOtV6U%3D&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Date=20221014T145408Z&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Expires=3600&X-Amz-Credential=ASIAXCQYYRKNMI6TM5YP%2F20221014%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Signature=c17682bb64da475b6163148797a0c21dbb75fde352c2947fd94504d7f88535fe",
            "thumbnailId": "EXDR12987T",
            "imageId": "EXDR12987U",
            "enabled": true,
            "termNConditionsId": "EXDR12987R",
            "languageCode": "fr",
    "redemptionType": "INTOUCH_REWARD",
    "vendorRedemption": null,
    "group": null,
    "label": null

    "startTime": "2024-10-07T17:04:30.00Z",
    "endTime": "2027-10-31T05:39:49.00Z",
    "rewardRevenueMeta" : [
            "commissionParticipant": "BRAND",
            "commissionRate": "1.5",
            "cycleStartDate": "2024-11-07T17:04:30.000Z",
            "cycleEndDate": "2025-10-06T07:43:30.000Z"
            "commissionParticipant": "AFFILIATE",
            "commissionRate": "1.2",
            "cycleStartDate": "2024-11-07T17:04:30.000Z",
            "cycleEndDate": "2026-10-06T07:43:30.000Z"
    "rewardRevenueDefaults": [
            "commissionParticipant": "AFFILIATE",
            "defaultValue": "1.1"
            "commissionParticipant": "END_CUSTOMER",
            "defaultValue": "1.3"
      "type": "VOUCHER",
  "brandId": 3,
  "priority": 1,
  "enabled": true,
  "intouchPoints": 1,
  "intouchSeriesId": "1135336",
  "tier": "SILVER",
  "geography": [
      "countryId": 7
  "languageSpecificInfo": [
      "languageCode": "en",
      "name": " INTOUCH Enabled",
      "description": "Description",
      "termNConditionsId": "EXDR12987R",
      "imageId": "EXDR12987U",
      "thumbnailId": "EXDR12987T",
      "enabled": true
  "categories": [
  "redemptionType": "INTOUCH_REWARD",
  "communications": [
    "name": "testreward1poitu",
    "description": "testreward11",
    "startTime": "2025-09-26T20:00:00Z",
    "endTime": "2026-10-31T11:59:30Z",
    "priority": 1,
    "type": "VOUCHER",
    "brandId": "1",
    "enabled": true,
    "intouchPoints": 500,
    "geography": [
            "countryId": 1
"paymentConfigs": [
            "paymentMode": "POINTS",
    "categories": [
    "intouchSeriesId": "301233",
    "redemptionType": "INTOUCH_REWARD",
    "vendorRedemption": null,
    "communications": [
    "restrictions": {
        "customerLevel": [
                "kpi": "QUANTITY",
                "limit": 10,
                "repeatFrequencyType": "DAYS",
                "interval": "30"
                "kpi": "QUANTITY",
                "limit": 50,
                "repeatFrequencyType": "MONTHS",
                "interval": "12"
        "rewardLevel": [
                "kpi": "QUANTITY",
                "limit": 10000,
                "repeatFrequencyType": "NO_LIMIT"
    "supplementaryCriteriaRO": [
            "loyaltyProgramId": 469,
            "tierIds": null,
            "partnerProgramIds": [
            "loyaltyProgramId": 690,
            "tierIds": null,
            "partnerProgramIds": null
    "customFields": {
        "CF1": "Custom field 1"
    "languageSpecificInfo": [
            "languageCode": "en",
            "name": "testreward1",
            "description": "testreward1",
            "imageId": "bef4d522-2cf8-4fea-8087-376c449d5c85",
            "termNConditions": "t&c",
            "thumbnailId": "c886f064-2b3f-4c19-9e86-7f7e5ab5ae04",
            "termNConditionsId": "820a3d7f-2601-405b-9f56-4a3ba8e9df73",
            "enabled": true
    "isactive" : true
    "startTime": "2027-10-03T07:47:33Z",
    "endTime": "2030-07-10T09:48:34Z",
    "type": "FREE_VOUCHER",
    "brandId": 3,
    "priority": 1,
    "enabled": true,
    "intouchPoints": 0,
    "intouchSeriesId": "1137472",
    "tier": "SILVER",
    "geography": [
            "countryId": 7
    "languageSpecificInfo": [
            "languageCode": "en",
            "name": " English",
            "description": "Description",
            "termNConditionsId": "EXDR12987R",
            "imageId": "EXDR12987U",
            "thumbnailId": "EXDR12987T",
            "enabled": true
    "categories": [
    "redemptionType": "INTOUCH_REWARD",
    "communications": [
    "segment": [
            "segmentId": "6136",
            "partitionId": [
    "id": 201374,
    "name": "testname",
    "description": "testname1",
    "startTime": "2024-07-17T11:00:00.00Z",
    "endTime": "2025-07-11T14:43:00.00Z",
    "priority": 1,
    "groups" : [
            "groupRank": 8
            // "groupRank": 6
    "type": "VOUCHER",
    "brandId": "1",
    "enabled": true,
    "intouchPoints": 500,
    "geography": [
            "countryId": 1

"paymentConfigs": [
            "paymentMode": "POINTS",

    "categories": [
    "intouchSeriesId": "350219",
    "redemptionType": "INTOUCH_REWARD",
    "vendorRedemption": null,
    "communications": [
    "restrictions": {
        "customerLevel": [
                "kpi": "QUANTITY",
                "limit": 10,
                "repeatFrequencyType": "DAYS",
                "interval": "30"
                "kpi": "QUANTITY",
                "limit": 50,
                "repeatFrequencyType": "MONTHS",
                "interval": "12"
        "rewardLevel": [
                "kpi": "QUANTITY",
                "limit": 10000,
                "repeatFrequencyType": "NO_LIMIT"
    "customFields": {
        "CF1": "Custom field 1"
    "languageSpecificInfo": [
            "languageCode": "en",
            "name": "testreward1",
            "description": "testreward1",
            "imageId": "bef4d522-2cf8-4fea-8087-376c449d5c85",
            "termNConditions": "t&c",
            "thumbnailId": "c886f064-2b3f-4c19-9e86-7f7e5ab5ae04",
            "termNConditionsId": "820a3d7f-2601-405b-9f56-4a3ba8e9df73",
            "enabled": true
    "isactive" : true
    "id": 272383,
    "name": "REWARD",
    "description": "REWARD1234",
    "startTime": "2024-11-26T08:29:00.00Z",
    "endTime": "2025-07-11T14:43:00.00Z",
    "priority": 1,
    "type": "VOUCHER",
    "brandId": "1",
    "enabled": true,
    "intouchPoints": 500,
    "geography": [
            "countryId": 1 

"paymentConfigs": [
            "paymentMode": "CONV_RATIO",
            "conversionRatio": 0.33

    "categories": [
    // "intouchSeriesId": "415446",
    "redemptionType": "MILES",
    "vendorRedemption": null,
    "communications": [
    "restrictions": {
        "customerLevel": [
                "kpi": "REDEMPTION_VALUE",
                "limit": 1000,
                "repeatFrequencyType": "MONTHS",
                "interval": "30"
                "kpi": "QUANTITY",
                "limit": 50,
                "repeatFrequencyType": "DAYS",
                "interval": "12"
        "rewardLevel": [
                "kpi": "REDEMPTION_VALUE",
                "limit": 10000,
                "repeatFrequencyType": "NO_LIMIT"
    "customFields": {
        "CF1": "Custom field 1"
    "languageSpecificInfo": [
            "languageCode": "en",
            "name": "testreward1",
            "description": "testreward1",
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            "termNConditions": "t&c",
            "thumbnailId": "c886f064-2b3f-4c19-9e86-7f7e5ab5ae04",
            "termNConditionsId": "820a3d7f-2601-405b-9f56-4a3ba8e9df73",
            "enabled": true
    "isactive" : true
    "id": 256354,
  	"name": "RewardName",
    "description": "TestReward",
    "startTime": "2025-11-28T13:56:00.00Z",
    "endTime": "2026-11-28T14:10:00.00Z",
    "type": "FREE_VOUCHER",
    "brandId": 1,
    "priority": 1,
    "enabled": true,
    "intouchPoints": 0,
    "tier": "PLATINUM",
    "languageSpecificInfo": [
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            "name": " INTOUCH Enabled",
            "description": "Description",
            "termNConditionsId": "EXDR12987R",
            "imageId": "EXDR12987U",
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            "enabled": true
    "redemptionType": "PHYSICAL_REWARD",
    "id": 256354,
  	"name": "RewardName",
    "description": "TestReward",
    "startTime": "2025-11-28T13:56:00.00Z",
    "endTime": "2026-11-28T14:10:00.00Z",
    "type": "FREE_VOUCHER",
    "brandId": 1,
    "priority": 1,
    "enabled": true,
    "intouchPoints": 0,
    "tier": "PLATINUM",
    "languageSpecificInfo": [
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            "name": " INTOUCH Enabled",
            "description": "Description",
            "termNConditionsId": "EXDR12987R",
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            "enabled": true
    "redemptionType": "PHYSICAL_REWARD",
    "name": "testcreate1",
    "description": "testcreate1",
    "startTime": "2025-01-27T08:07:05Z",
    "endTime": "2026-10-31T11:59:30Z",
    "priority": 1,
    "type": "VOUCHER",
    "redemptionType": "MILES",
    "brandId": "1",
    "enabled": true,
"paymentConfigs": [
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    "restrictions": {
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                "limit": 1000,
                "repeatFrequencyType": "DAYS",
                "interval": "30"
                "kpi": "QUANTITY",
                "limit": 1000,
                "repeatFrequencyType": "MONTHS",
                "interval": "12"
        "rewardLevel": [
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                "limit": 10000,
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    "languageSpecificInfo": [
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            "name": "testcreate1",
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            "termNConditions": "t&c",
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            "enabled": true
    "isactive" : true
    "name": "testcreate2",
    "description": "testcreate2",
    "startTime": "2025-01-27T08:22:20Z",
    "endTime": "2026-10-31T11:59:30Z",
    "priority": 1,
    "type": "VOUCHER",
    "redemptionType": "MILES",
    "brandId": "1",
    "enabled": true,

"paymentConfigs": [
            "paymentMode": "CONV_RATIO",
    "restrictions": {
        "customerLevel": [
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                "limit": 1000,
                "repeatFrequencyType": "DAYS",
                "interval": "30"
                "kpi": "REDEMPTION_VALUE",
                "limit": 1000,
                "repeatFrequencyType": "MONTHS",
                "interval": "12"
        "rewardLevel": [
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    "languageSpecificInfo": [
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            "termNConditionsId": "820a3d7f-2601-405b-9f56-4a3ba8e9df73",
            "enabled": true
    "isactive" : true
    "startTime": "2025-02-12T05:59:00.000Z",
    "endTime": "2025-12-30T12:50:20.000Z",
    "type": "FREE_VOUCHER",
    "brandId": 61,
    "priority": 1,
    "enabled": true,
    "intouchPoints": 0,
    "tier": "PLATINUM",
    "languageSpecificInfo": [
            "languageCode": "en",
            "name": " INTOUCH Enabled",
            "description": "Description",
            "termNConditionsId": "EXDR12987R",
            "imageId": "EXDR12987U",
            "thumbnailId": "EXDR12987T",
            "enabled": true,
                    "isExternal": true,
                    "altText":"product picture"
                    "isExternal": true,
                    "altText":"product picture"

    "redemptionType": "PHYSICAL_REWARD"

Response parameters

Parameter NameData TypeDescription
statusObjectContains details about the status of the request
successBooleanIndicates the success of the request, true in this case
codeIntegerStatus code associated with the response, 6006
messageStringDescriptive message, "Reward updated successfully"
rewardObjectContains details about the reward
idIntegerUnique identifier for the updated reward, 90819
    "status": {
        "success": true,
        "code": 6006,
        "message": "Reward updated successfully"
    "reward": {
        "id": 90819
    "status": {
        "success": false,
        "code": 400,
        "message": "Multiple payments is not supported within FREE and CONV_RATIO modes,Conversion ratio can be set only for MILES, CASH_WALLET and CHARITY content types"
    "status": {
        "success": false,
        "code": 400,
        "message": "Redemption type cannot be changed once the reward has started"
    "status": {
        "success": false,
        "code": 12045,
        "message": "Unable to update reward as Card series not found for series_code: BUKLPRM2020393ANJK"
    "reward": null
    "status": {
        "success": false,
        "code": 12048,
        "message": "Unable to update reward as Label not found for label_id: 17244324236"
    "reward": null

API-specific error codes

Error codeDescription
400Redemption type cannot be changed once the reward has started
400Passed loyalty programId is not exists
400Passed entityId is not exists
3014Unable to update reward as org doesn't have the custom field/s: labels,tag
12045Unable to update reward as card series not found
12048Unable to update reward as label not found
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!