Get reward details by ID in connected orgs

This API retrieves the details of rewards using reward ID.



For detailed information about our APIs and for hands-on testing, refer to the documentation in API overview and step-by-step guide on making your first API call.


Use this API exclusively for connected orgs. For other orgs, use this API instead.


  • Authentication: Basic or OAuth authentication
  • Default access group

Resource information

Batch supportNo
Rate limit informationNone

API Endpoint Example


DATA-SCOPE-ORGList of Organization IDs
DATA-SCOPEScopes define what data can be accessed using the API. You can use scopes to control access to data from a parent or child organization. Defining a scope ensures that the response contains only data from the respective organization.

Supported headers: SELF, ALL and OTHER.

Refer to connected orgs data scopes for more information.

Request Path Parameters

ParameterData typeDescription
rewardId*IntegerThe unique identifier of the reward.

Response Parameters

successBooleanIndicates whether the request was successful
codeIntegerStatus code associated with the response
messageStringDescriptive message about the response status
idIntegerUnique identifier for the reward
typeEnumType of the reward.
startDateStringStart date and time of the reward's validity
endDateStringEnd date and time of the reward's validity
enabledBooleanIndicates if the reward is currently enabled
priorityIntegerPriority of the reward, used for sorting or processing
intouchPointsIntegerThe number of points customers need to burn to purchase the reward.
intouchSeriesIdStringCoupon series ID or cart promotion ID when intouch reward is selected.
tierStringTier classification of the reward, e.g., SILVER
redemptionTypeEnumType of intouch reward or vendor reward.
vendorIdIntegerIdentifier for the vendor associated with the reward
vendorRedemptionIntegerRedemption value or code at the vendor
languageSpecificInfoArrayArray of objects containing language-specific details
nameStringName of the reward in a specific language
descriptionStringDescription of the reward in a specific language
termNConditionsIdStringID for the terms and conditions associated with the reward
termNConditionsUrlStringURL to the terms and conditions document
imageIdStringIdentifier for the main image associated with the reward
imageUrlStringURL to the main image associated with the reward
thumbnailIdStringIdentifier for the thumbnail image associated with the reward
thumbnailUrlStringURL to the thumbnail image associated with the reward
enabledBooleanIndicates if the language-specific information is enabled
imagesObjectA list of image details related to the reward.
nameStringName of the image.
altTextStringAlternative text or description of the image.
idStringIdentifier for internally stored images, generated when uploaded to the file service. Not applicable for external images.
urlStringURL of the image.
isExternalBooleanIndicates if the image is hosted on an external server.
videosObjectA list of video details related to the reward.
nameStringName of the video.
altTextStringAlternative text or description of the video.
idStringIdentifier for internally stored images, generated when uploaded to the file service. Not applicable for external videos.
urlStringURL of the video.
isExternalBooleanIndicates if the video is hosted on an external server.
customFieldsObjectObject containing key-value pairs for custom fields specific to the reward
paymentConfigsObjectThe paymentConfigs object includes the type of payment mode used to purchase the reward. The ID is the unique identifier for the payment mode configuration used.
paymentModeEnumThe type of payment mode used to redeem the reward.
idIntegerUnique identifier for the payment configuration
segmentObjectCustomer Segmentation is a logical grouping of audiences based on shared characteristics. Segments are used to tailor the marketing efforts of brands effectively. For more information on segments refer here .
segmentIdIntegerSegment ID is a unique identifier used to retrieve specific segment information.
partitionIdIntegerThe Partition ID is a unique identifier used to retrieve information. You can pass one or more Partition IDs to access the desired data.
orgLevelRestrictionsArrayorgLevelRestrictions refers to a set of conditions that determine whether a reward or action is valid or accessible for specific organizations. This restriction is usually applied at the organization level to control which organizations can view, access, or redeem the rewards based on certain validation criteria. It will specify the connected orgs in which the restriction is applied.
    "status": {
        "success": true,
        "code": 6001,
        "message": "Reward fetched successfully"
    "reward": {
        "id": 55724,
        "type": "POINTS",
        "startDate": "2024-04-10 11:51:50",
        "endDate": "2025-11-29 11:09:49",
        "enabled": true,
        "priority": 1,
        "intouchPoints": 0,
        "intouchSeriesId": null,
        "tier": "SILVER",
        "group": null,
        "tillId": null,
        "programId": null,
        "label": null,
        "redemptionType": "MILES",
        "vendorId": 138,
        "vendorRedemption": 5166,
        "communications": null,
        "categories": null,
        "geography": null,
        "languageSpecificInfo": [
                "rewardId": 55724,
                "languageCode": "en",
                "name": " INTOUCH Enabled",
                "description": "Description",
                "termNConditionsId": "EXDR12987R",
                "termNConditionsUrl": "",
                "imageId": "EXDR12987U",
                "imageUrl": "",
                "thumbnailId": "EXDR12987T",
                "thumbnailUrl": "",
                "enabled": true,
                "images": [],
                "videos": [],
                "customFields": {
                    "047e": "defaultValue",
                    "fe8b": "defaultValue",
                    "9c9d": "defaultValue",
        "customFields": {
            "047e": "defaultValue",
            "fe8b": "defaultValue",
        "owners": null,
        "supplementaryCriteriaRO": [],
        "groupName": null,
        "groupRank": null,
        "rewardRank": null,
        "restrictions": null,
        "rewardRevenueMeta": [],
        "rewardRevenueDefaults": [],
        "paymentConfigs": [
                "paymentMode": "CONV_RATIO",
                "id": 11,
                "conversionRatio": 0.3300
        "orgLevelRestrictions": [
                "isValid": true,
                "orgId": 4000084
                "isValid": true,
                "orgId": 4000085
    "status": {
        "success": true,
        "code": 6001,
        "message": "Reward fetched successfully"
    "reward": {
        "id": 55724,
        "type": "POINTS",
        "startDate": "2024-04-10 11:51:50",
        "endDate": "2025-11-29 11:09:49",
        "enabled": true,
        "priority": 1,
        "intouchPoints": 0,
        "intouchSeriesId": null,
        "tier": "SILVER",
        "group": null,
        "tillId": null,
        "programId": null,
        "label": null,
        "redemptionType": "MILES",
        "vendorId": 138,
        "vendorRedemption": 5166,
        "communications": null,
        "categories": null,
        "geography": null,
        "languageSpecificInfo": [
                "rewardId": 55724,
                "languageCode": "en",
                "name": " INTOUCH Enabled",
                "description": "Description",
                "termNConditionsId": "EXDR12987R",
                "termNConditionsUrl": "",
                "imageId": "EXDR12987U",
                "imageUrl": "",
                "thumbnailId": "EXDR12987T",
                "thumbnailUrl": "",
                "enabled": true,
                "images": [],
                "videos": [],
                "customFields": {
                    "047e": "defaultValue",
                    "fe8b": "defaultValue",
                    "9c9d": "defaultValue",
        "customFields": {
            "047e": "defaultValue",
            "fe8b": "defaultValue",
        "owners": null,
        "supplementaryCriteriaRO": [],
        "groupName": null,
        "groupRank": null,
        "rewardRank": null,
        "restrictions": null,
        "rewardRevenueMeta": [],
        "rewardRevenueDefaults": [],
        "paymentConfigs": [
                "paymentMode": "CONV_RATIO",
                "id": 11,
                "conversionRatio": 0.3300
        "orgLevelRestrictions": [
                "isValid": true,
                "orgId": 4000085
    "data": null,
    "errors": [
        "code": 310141,
        "message": 'Datascope 'ALL' is not supported for this 'API'
    "warnings": null
    "status": {
        "success": true,
        "code": 6001,
        "message": "Reward fetched successfully"
    "reward": {
        "id": 55724,
        "type": "POINTS",
        "startDate": "2024-04-10 11:51:50",
        "endDate": "2025-11-29 11:09:49",
        "enabled": true,
        "priority": 1,
        "intouchPoints": 0,
        "intouchSeriesId": null,
        "tier": "SILVER",
        "group": null,
        "tillId": null,
        "programId": null,
        "label": null,
        "redemptionType": "MILES",
        "vendorId": 138,
        "vendorRedemption": 5166,
        "communications": null,
        "categories": null,
        "geography": null,
        "languageSpecificInfo": [
                "rewardId": 55724,
                "languageCode": "en",
                "name": " INTOUCH Enabled",
                "description": "Description",
                "termNConditionsId": "EXDR12987R",
                "termNConditionsUrl": "",
                "imageId": "EXDR12987U",
                "imageUrl": "",
                "thumbnailId": "EXDR12987T",
                "thumbnailUrl": "",
                "enabled": true,
                "images": [
                "name": "imageName",
                "altText": "product picture",
                "id": null,
                "url": "",
                "isExternal": true
                "videos": [
                "name": "videoName",
                "altText": "product picture",
                "id": null,
                "url": "",
                "isExternal": true
                "customFields": {
                    "047e": "defaultValue",
                    "fe8b": "defaultValue",
                    "9c9d": "defaultValue",
        "customFields": {
            "047e": "defaultValue",
            "fe8b": "defaultValue",
        "owners": null,
        "supplementaryCriteriaRO": [],
        "groupName": null,
        "groupRank": null,
        "rewardRank": null,
        "restrictions": null,
        "rewardRevenueMeta": [],
        "rewardRevenueDefaults": [],
        "paymentConfigs": [
                "paymentMode": "CONV_RATIO",
                "id": 11,
                "conversionRatio": 0.3300
        "orgLevelRestrictions": [
                "isValid": true,
                "orgId": 4000084
                "isValid": true,
                "orgId": 4000085
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!