GET Workspaces

Retrieves the workspace ID

The Workspace ID identifies the specific workspace in Connect+ where you create the template. The API retrieves the Workspace ID, which you use in the Create DIY template API to create a DIY template. The id parameter in the response payload is the Workspace ID.

API endpoint example


  • Access to Connect+
  • Keep the Connect+ UI open

Response parameters

FieldData TypeDescription
idIntegerUnique identifier for the workspace.
nameStringName of the workspace.
uuidStringUniversally unique identifier of the workspace (organisation).
enabledBooleanIndicates if you can access, make changes, run processes, and perform any operations within the workspace.
organisationsArrayList of organisation details associated with the workspace.
- idIntegerUnique identifier for the organisation.
- nameStringName of the organisation.
- clusterStringCluster region of the organisation. Example: US cluster, India cluster
lockedBooleanIndicates if the workspace is locked
        "id": 209,
        "name": "8_uscrm_Automation",
        "uuid": "e1bc9b40-018e-1000-ffff-fffff0638f69",
        "enabled": true,
        "organisations": [
                "id": 8,
                "name": "EventNotification_Automation",
                "cluster": "us"
        "locked": false

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