Organization (V2)

This entity consist of the list of APIs related to adding and fetching sources and accounts of the org.

Status codes

Org Entity

Error Codes

3213Unable to find org source
3214Unable to add org source
3215No source types found
3216Invalid source name
3217Invalid account identifier of the source
3218Invalid source type
3219Unable to update source. Invalid UUID
3220Org source already exists with the given values
3221Unable to update org source / Invalid org id
3222No configurations found for the provided source id

Organization Entity

3200Custom fields fetch successful
3208Organization configuration fetch successful

Error Codes

200Invalid value in entity 'id' parameter
500Organization entities could not be fetched
500Type is not passed, please send type
500Type is invalid. Please pass type STORE/STR_SERVER/TILL/ZONE/CONCEPT
3209Organization config '{x}' not set
3212Invalid value {1} for organization config '{0}'
3214Organization get success
3210Organization fetch failure
3209Organization configurations not found
3211Organization configuration invalid scope
3229Organization configuration invalid value-type
3200Entity search successful
3202Entity with {0} {1} not found
3203Custom fields fetch failed
3204Custom fields not found for given scope
3205Organization configuration addition successful
3206Organization configuration addition failure, Config Key not found: {0}
3212Organization configuration invalid value
3213Org source not found with {0} : {1}
3214Org source addition failed
3215No Source types found
3216Org source {0} failed, Invalid source name passed
3217Org source addition failed, Invalid source account identifier passed
3218Org source {0} failed, Invalid source type passed
3219Org source update failed, Invalid UUID passed
3220Org source {0} failed, Org source already exits with given {1}, {2}, {3}
3221Org source update failed OR Org id passed is invalid
3222No configs found for given source id


3212Invalid value {1} for organization setting '{0}'
3212Could not fetch points-to-currency-ratio
3235Base currency not defined for org
3236Invalid currency code passed
3237Currency conversion exchange rate missing for local {0} to base currency {1}
3238Uploaded file not present
3225Invalid org source details passed
3226Unsupported communication channel id
3226Unsupported org source id
3227Till does not exist
3228Organization Details updating failed
3229Invalid value of minSmsHour or maxSmsHour