
Tasks could be any activity created by an associate for oneself or for other associate. The task entity allows you to create, update and map tasks and retrieve the details of tasks created in your organization.

Status Codes

Success Codes

5200Tasks retrieved successfully
Tasks meta data retrieved successfully
Task added successfully
Task updated successfully
Task fetched successfully
Task update log file fetched successfully
Task reminder added successfully
Update log file retrieved successfully
Status mapping added successfully

Error Codes

5201Unable to fetch task details
5201Unable to fetch task meta data
5201Unable to add the task
5021Unable to update the task
5203No identifier passed
5204Invalid or empty task identifier
5205One or more params you have passed are invalid. Please check the parameters
5206Unable to add status mapping
5206Unable to add reminder
5207Invalid status passed
5208Task end date should be greater than the task start date
5208Invalid internal status
5209Task expiry date should be greater than the task end date
5211No tasks found
5212Invalid id the recipient (an associate) to whom the task is assigned
5212Customers are not registered in this organization
5213One or more customers passed are not registered
5213Invalid create by id
5214Please pass the store id to update the task as an admin user