How to's
How do I make a transaction for a loyalty customer?
A loyalty customer is the one who avails loyalty benefits of an organization. To submit loyalty customers' transactions, do the following:
- Make a transaction from the POS and submit it.
InStore appears with the transaction details automatically filled in the Transactions window. - In the Search box, type the customer's phone number or name.
- Select the customer from the search result.
- Close the Customer Summary Window if it appears by pressing ESC key.
- Click Submit.
How do I make a transaction for a non-loyalty customer?
A non-loyalty customer is one who does not want to use the store's loyalty benefits.
To submit non-loyalty customers' transactions, do the following:
- Make a transaction from the POS and submit it.
InStore appears with transaction details automatically filled in the Transactions window. - Click the Not Interested button to submit the bill.
How do I make a transaction for a loyalty customer later on?
A loyalty customer is one who avails the store's loyalty benefits.
To submit loyalty customers' transactions later on, do the following:
- Make a transaction from the POS and submit it.
InStore appears with the transaction details automatically filled in the Transactions window. - Click the Enter Later button. The transaction is submitted and saved in Enter Later Bills table on the right.
When you are ready to assign the transaction to the loyalty customer, do the following: - Select the transaction from the Enter Later Bills list. Transaction details appear in the Transaction window.
- In the Search box, type the customer's phone number or name.
- Select the customer from the search result.
- Close the Customer Summary Window if it appears by pressing ESC key.
- Click Submit.
How do I help customers redeem their points?
Based on the store's redemption policies, the customers might want to redeem their points.
To help customers redeem their points, do the following:
- In the Search box, type the customer's phone number or name, and select the customer from the search result.
- Close the Customer Summary Window if it appears by pressing ESC key.
- Click the Points icon.
- Validate the customer by issuing a validation code (click Issue Validation Code) or ask the customer to give a missed call.
- If you have sent a validation code, in the Validation Code box,type the validation code received by the customer.
- If the customer gives a missed call, click Missed Call button. A Validated message appears in Validation Code box if the missed call number matches with the registered mobile number of the customer.
- In the Points box, type the points to be redeemed.
- In the Notes box, type a short note about the current redemption.
- Click Redeem.
How do I help customers redeem their coupons?
Customers can redeem their active coupons at any point of time.
To help customers redeem their coupons, do the following:
- In the Search box, type the customer's phone number or name, and select the customer from the search result.
- Close the Customer Summary Window if it appears by pressing ESC key.
- Click the Coupons icon.
- All the active coupons of the customer appear on the right. Click the coupon you want to redeem.
- In the Coupon Code box, type the coupon code to be redeemed.
- In the Transaction Number box, type the transaction number. For some stores, transaction number is filled automatically.
- Click Redeem.
How do I view customer's loyalty details?
The profile and transactions summary of a loyalty customer are tracked by InStore.
To view customer's loyalty details, do the following:
- In the Search box, type the customer's phone number or name.
- Select the customer from the search result.
- The customer's Summary window appears.
The Summary window consists of details such as recent purchases, number of visits in a particular duration, active points and active coupons of a customer, and transaction history.
Updated 10 months ago