Validate password

Validate the entered password.

This API validates the password entered by the customer. The API triggers after validating the OTP from the MFA flow. It uses the session ID generated from the /mfa/token/generate API.

Note: After validating the MFA OTP, regenerate the MFA session ID using /mfa/token/generate. Use the new session ID to validate the password.

The flow chart below illustrates the steps.

API endpoint example


Resource information

Pagination supported?NA
Rate limitNA
Batch supportNA

Request body parameters

(Parameters marked with * are mandatory)
Data TypeDescription
deviceId*StringUnique ID of the device used for password validation. It should be the same device used to generate the token.
brand*StringName of the brand or organisation that needs verification.
sessionId*StringUnique ID created from /mfa/token/generate API. After validating the MFA OTP, regenerate the MFA session ID using the/mfa/token/generate. Use the new session ID to validate the password.
password*StringPassword that needs validation.
identifierType*StringType of identifier to identify the customer. Values: MOBILE, EMAIL, USERNAME, EXTERNALID
identifierValue*StringValue of the identifier.
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Cookie: _cfuvid=SFXPZtlcKGm5C7TLTY.Z6GYvm_rJFRPKAVc07.hnnEc-1716977297258-' \
--data '{

Response parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
statusobjectObject containing status information.
- successbooleanBoolean indicating the status of the request.
- codeintegerHTTP status code indicating the result. Example: 200 indicates success.
- messagestringMessage describing the status of the request.
authobjectObject containing authentication details.
- tokenstringString representing the authentication token. By default, the token is valid for 15 minutes.
- keystringString representing the authentication key.
identifiersobjectObject containing identifier details.
- identifierListstringList of identifiers.
userobjectObject containing user details.
- appRegisteredbooleanIndicates if the user is registered in the app.
- sessionIdstringSession ID for MFA flow. The session ID is valid for 15 minutes by default.
- rolestringIndicates the user's role. Example: VIEW, USER.
- userRegisteredForPasswordbooleanIndicates if the user is registered for a password.

    "status": {
        "success": true,
        "code": 200,
        "message": "SUCCESS"
    "auth": {
        "token": "eyJpZHYiOlsiTU9CSUxFfDE4NzY3NDMxNzU0Il0sImRldiI6IjEyMzQiLCJvcmciOiJCVUtMIiwiYWxnIjoiSFMyNTYifQ.eyJ1aWQiOiIxNzgwNzc2IiwiaXNzIjoiQ0FQSUxMQVJZIFRFQ0hOT0xPR0lFUyIsImlzYyI6ImZhbHNlIiwib2djIjpbIjEwMDQ1OHxidWtsLmluZC5zb2x1dGlvbiJdLCJleHAiOjE3MTY5NzgzNjEsImlhdCI6MTcxNjk3NzQ2MSwicm9sIjoiVVNFUiJ9.8_qJ7TFcGUQEbsvRHMQ8fosX9Vwn0UUkFLqtH5tOcQ4",
        "key": "eyJpZHYiOlsiTU9CSUxFfDE4NzY3NDMxNzU0Il0sImRldiI6IjEyMzQiLCJvcmciOiJCVUtMIiwiYWxnIjoiSFMyNTYifQ.eyJ1aWQiOiIxNzgwNzc2IiwiaXNzIjoiQ0FQSUxMQVJZIFRFQ0hOT0xPR0lFUyIsIm1mYSI6dHJ1ZSwiaWF0IjoxNzE2OTYyNTU3LCJyb2wiOiJBVVRIIn0.89CmFeLl_zfUBuv2Ea4eQIc3Wy8fJzlcRQad8UcqK-4"
    "identifiers": {
        "identifierList": null
    "user": {
        "appRegistered": false,
        "sessionId": null,
        "role": "USER",
        "userRegisteredForPassword": true
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!