Get Product Recommendations

Retrieves product recommendations for a specific customer.


Any one of the customer identifiers is required.

Query parameter

formatThe format of the file.
mobileMobile number of the customer.
emailEmail ID of the customer.
external_idExternal ID of the customer.
idUnique ID of the customer.
user_idPass true to retrieve unique customer ID in response. Default value is false.
limitLimit the number of results to retrieve.

Response parameter

successIndicates the success status of the call
codeHTTP status code
messageMessage corresponding to the status code
mobileMobile number of the customer
emailEmail address of the customer
external_idExternal ID of the customer (if available)
firstnameFirst name of the customer
lastnameLast name of the customer
countCount (purpose not clear from context)
recommendationList of recommendations for the customer
successSuccess status of the item fetch
codeCode related to item fetch status
messageMessage related to item fetch status
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