Retrieve transaction request details

Allows you to retrieve transaction request details with desired filters.

API endpoint

https://{host}/v2/requests?{query parameters}


Query parameters

requestType*Type of request. In this case, it should be set to "TRANSACTION".
requestSubType*Subtype of the request. In this case, it should be set to "REGULAR_TXN_ADD".
limitNumber of results. For example, setting it to 10 retrieves the first 10 rows of data.
offsetDefines the number of rows to skip from the beginning of the results.
sortSorts the results based on either "ADDED_ON" or "LAST_UPDATED_ON".
orderSorts the data in either "ascending" or "descending" order.
statusFilters the data by its status. Possible values are "PENDING", "REJECTED", "APPROVED", "SUCCESS", or "FAILURE".
Customer identificationCustomer identification parameters such as source, account id, identifiers etc.
start_datePass the date range in ISO standard - yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.s+z.
end_datePass the date range in ISO standard - yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.s+z.

Note: The parameters marked with an asterisk (*) indicate that they are mandatory and must be provided in the API request.

Response parameters

typeType of request. In this case, it is "TRANSACTION".
baseTypeSubtype of the request. In this case, it is "REGULAR_TXN_ADD".
statusStatus of the transaction. In this case, it is "PENDING".
checkin_dateDate and time of check-in for the transaction.
checkout_dateDate and time of check-out for the transaction.
ship_first_nameFirst name of the shipping recipient.
ship_last_nameLast name of the shipping recipient.
deliveryStatusCurrent delivery status of the transaction.
typeType of transaction. In this case, it is "REGULAR".
billAmountTotal bill amount for the transaction.
billNumberBill number associated with the transaction.
discountDiscount amount applied to the transaction.
grossAmountGross amount of the transaction.
noteAdditional notes or comments related to the transaction.
lineItemsV2Array containing details of individual line items in the transaction.
paymentmodePayment mode used for the transaction. In this case, it is "cash".
userGroup2IdIdentifier for the second user group.
userGroup2ExternalIdExternal identifier for the second user group.
userGroup2PrimaryUserIdPrimary user ID associated with the second user group.
isUseDefaultUserGroup2Boolean value indicating if the default user group is used for the second user group.
paymentModesArray containing details of payment modes used for the transaction.
billingDateDate and time of billing for the transaction.
customerObject containing customer information for the transaction.
attributionObject containing details about the creation and modification of the transaction.
idUnique request identifier for the transaction request.
addedOnDate and time when the transaction was added.
userIdUser ID associated with the transaction.
commentsComments or description related to the transaction.
oneStepBoolean value indicating if the transaction is a one-step process.

Please note that some parameters have sub-fields, such as "extendedFields" and "paymentModes," which contain additional details. These can be represented in the table as needed.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!