Get all brand rewards

This API returns all the live and upcoming rewards created for an org.



For detailed information about our APIs and for hands-on testing, refer documentation in API overview and step-by-step guide on making your first API call in Make your first API call .


  • Authentication: Basic or OAuth authentication
  • Default access group

API Specification

URI/api_gateway/rewards/core/v1/user/reward/brand/{brand name}
Batch supportNo
Rate limit informationNone

API endpoint example

Request path parameters

Parameter NameData TypeDescription
brandName*StringName of the brand the reward is associated with. Ex: BUKL

Request query parameters

Parameter NameData TypeDescription

Response parameters

statusobjectStatus information
successbooleanIndicates if the request was successful
codeintegerStatus code
messagestringStatus message
rewardListnullList of rewards.
pagingDtoobjectPaging details
lastbooleanIndicates if this is the last page
totalElementsintegerTotal number of elements
totalPagesintegerTotal number of pages
numberOfElementsintegerNumber of elements on the current page
firstbooleanIndicates if this is the first page
sizeintegerSize of the page
numberintegerCurrent page number
orgLevelRestrictionsobjectOrganization level restrictions
isValidbooleanIndicates if the restrictions are valid
customerLevelarrayList of customer level restrictions
paymentConfigsObjectThe list of payment mode supported by the reward.
paymentModeEnumThe type of payment mode supported to redeem the reward. Supported values: POINTS, FREE, CASH, POINTS_CASH,CONV_RATIO.

For more information, refer to Supported payment modes.
groupNameStringA label assigned to a set of rewards to organize them based on common themes or purposes.
groupRankIntegerThe priority level assigned to a reward group to determine its display order in the catalog.
rewardRankIntegerThe priority level assigned to an individual reward within a group to highlight its importance or relevance.
- rewardConstraintIdintegerUnique identifier for the reward constraint
- orgIdintegerUnique organization identifier
- kpistringKey performance indicator (e.g., "POINTS")
- constraintLevelstringThe level at which restrictions would be defined by org and applied on. (e.g., "CUSTOMER")
- frequencyTypestringFrequency at which the constraint is applied, "DAILY"
- constraintLimitValueintegerThe limit value for the constraint.
- isActivebooleanIndicates if the constraint is active
- intervalValueintegerThe interval at which the frequency is applied.
- isValidbooleanIndicates if the constraint is valid
customerRedemptionTypeLevelarrayList of customer redemption type level restrictions
- redemptionTypestringType of redemption (e.g., CART_PROMOTION, INTOUCH_REWARD, CHARITY)
- intervalValueintegerThe interval at which the frequency is applied.
customerLoyaltyProgramLevelarrayList of customer loyalty program level restrictions
consumedintegerAmount of the constraint that has been consumed
programIdstringProgram identifier
rewardLevelObjectDetails on the reward level limit across the customers
- idID of the reward
- isValidbooleanThe value of this parameter becomes false when the rewards are exhausted. Downstream applications can then use this information to hide the rewards from the customer once the quantity of rewards is exhausted.
- consumedintThe number of rewards consumed.
- repeatFrequencyTypestringThe frequency at which the quantity KPI is reviewed. NO_LIMIT indicates that there is no restriction on the number of rewards a customer can purchase during the entire reward duration. DAYS indicates that there is a restriction on the number of rewards a customer can purchase within a certain number of days during the reward duration.
intervalintInterval at which
- limitintThe maximum number of rewards that can be purchased/claimed across the customers.
- kpistringKPI to measure the rewards.
customerLevelObjectDetails on the customer level reward limit
- idID of the reward
- isValidThe value of this parameter becomes false when the rewards are exhausted for the respective customer.
- limitThe maximum number of rewards that can be purchased/claimed by a particular customer.
- intervalThe time period over which the reward KPIs are measured. For example, if the repeatFrequencyType is DAYS, the interval is 30 and the limit is 20, system will evaluate the reward with a final limit of 20 over a 30-day interval.
- kpiKPI to measure the reward. For example, quantity to measure the number of rewards purchased during a specific duration.
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        "code": 200,
        "message": "User Reward fetched successfully"
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Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!