Getting Started


The following are the prerequisites for using Neo extension to create an API.

  • Enable Neo extension for your organisation. Create a ticket to Capillary Product Support Team (PST) to enable the Neo extension in your org.
  • Get access to Neo extension - Create a ticket to the Capillary access team to grant you the necessary permissions to use the Neo extension.
    Access to Neo extensions is available in three different profiles. They are,
    • Neo View - A Neo viewer has read access and can view the existing data flows.
    • Neo Edit - A Neo edit user has read and write access and can view and create the data flow.
    • Neo Admin - An admin has read and write access. A Neo admin can approve or reject the dataflow, and modify dataflow name and tags.
  • Knowledge of web application development and JavaScript.
  • API mapping sheet - An API mapping sheet includes detailed information about the API, such as its URL, parameters, error and success codes, and descriptions.
  • The DAO function library.

Terms and abbreviations

  • UI - User Interface
  • Schema - A schema is a format for describing the structure of data. It specifies how data is organised, the types of data, their relationships, and the rules for their validation.
  • Code flow - A code flow is the sequence and logic of operations a program or script follows during execution. It shows how control moves through the code, covering decision points, loops, function calls, and error handling.
  • Canvas - A workflow canvas is a visual representation or interface to design, configure, and visualise the flow of tasks.
  • Mongo DB - MongoDB is an open-source database program that can run on various platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. It stores data in flexible, JSON-like documents.
  • Redis - Redis is an in-memory data store that uses key-value data structures to store data. It is generally used as a caching layer.
  • DAO - A Data Access Object (DAO) is a design pattern that offers an abstract interface to a database or similar mechanism. The DAO performs data operations without exposing the database details by mapping application calls to the data layer.

Building blocks/Executors

The Neo extension consists of blocks or executors used to manage the execution of specified tasks or processes. The blocks available are JSON schema, Java script, JOLT transform, and API Request, each supporting different aspects of API development.

JSON Schema

The JSON schema block is used to validate the parameters of an API request to ensure that the required parameters are available and valid. Based on the validation results, the API follows a configured code-flow path.

How It Works

Schema Creation: The schema is created in the Scripts section using the AJV library for validation.
Validation: During API execution, the request payload is validated against the schema.
Code Flow: Different actions or error messages are triggered depending on the validation result. Code flows after validation are defined using JavaScript expressions.

Example Scenario

Consider a scenario where we are building an API to get customer account summary. The request payload needs to be validated before execution.

API Details
Endpoint: v2/customers/lookup/customerDetails
Path Parameters: Not Required
Query Parameters: cardNumber
Method: GET
Mandatory Parameters: cardNumber

Using the JSON schema block, you can:
Create a Schema: Validate the presence and validity of cardNumber.
Define Code Flows: Use JavaScript expressions to specify actions for different validation outcomes.

Example Schema:

    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
      "queryParams": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
          "card.number": {
            "type": "string",
            "isNotEmpty": true,
            "errorMessage": {
              isNotEmpty: "Invalid member or card search criteria provided."
        "required": ["card.number"]
    "required": ["queryParams"]

Defining Code Flows: In the Relations section, configure the following using JavaScript expressions:
If validation is successful, proceed with fetching customer details.
If validation fails, return an error message indicating missing or invalid parameters.

Refer to Schema block documentation

Java Script

The JavaScript block defines and executes JavaScript functions as part of your workflow. It can be used for various tasks such as:

  • Executing code based on the result of a validation block.
  • Performing data transformations, such as converting data from one format to another.
  • Executing other desired actions at different points in the workflow.

How It Works
Execution: The JavaScript block can be triggered after a validation block or at any other point in the workflow.
Data Transformation: It allows you to manipulate and transform data as needed.
Custom Actions: You can write custom scripts to perform specific actions based on the requirements of your workflow.

Example Scenario
Consider a scenario where you build an API to get a customer account summary. The input parameters are validated using the JSON schema. Validation can either be a failure or a success.

API Details
Endpoint: v2/customers/lookup/customerDetails
Path Parameters: Not Required
Query Parameters: cardNumber
Method: GET
Mandatory Parameters: cardNumber

Handling scenarios using the script block
Validation Failure - To handle validation failure,

  1. Create a JavaScript block and connect it to the Schema block where the validation failure condition is defined.
  2. Write a script to display the error code, message, and exit.

Example script for validation failure

      body: {
        "isError": true,
        "data": null,
        "developerMessage": "No search values provided.",
        "userMessage": "Invalid member or card search criteria provided.",
        "moreInfo": null,
        "responseCode": 10507,
        "httpStatusCode": 400,
        "errors": null
      status: 400

Validation Success - To handle validation success,

  1. Create a JavaScript block and connect it to the Schema block where the validation success condition is defined.
  2. Write a script to fetch headers, and set the cardNumber as the query parameters.
      headers:  (),
      queryParams: {
        "identifierName": "externalId",
        "identifierValue": getOut()?.queryParams["card.number"]

Refer to the documentation for the script block.

API Request

The API Request block is used to make an API call. In this block, you can specify various details required for making the request, such as the HTTP method, URL, headers, query parameters, body parameters, and path parameters.

Use case
Consider a scenario where Brand X needs additional information along with existing data. You need to meet the requirement without affecting other brands using the existing APIs. Creating a new API version is not an option because the requirement is brand-specific. Instead, you can use the API Request block to compose a response using data from multiple APIs.

How It Works
Method: Specify the HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE).
URL: Provide the endpoint URL of the API.
Headers: Define any required headers for the request.
Query Parameters: Include any query parameters needed for the request.
Path Parameters: Insert any path parameters into the URL.

Example Scenario
Consider a scenario where you are building an API to get customer details. The input parameters are validated using the JSON schema. The validation of the input parameters is successful, and the headers and parameters are fetched from the script block.

API Details
Endpoint: v2/customers/lookup/customerDetails
Path Parameters: Not Required
Query Parameters: cardNumber
Method: GET
Mandatory Parameters: cardNumber

Example code block for the API Request block

function getAccountSummaryCall() {
  const config = {"method":"GET","url":"","queryParams":{"source":"INSTORE","embed":"POINTS,CUSTOMERSTATUS"}};

Get Mongo

Get Mongo block allows you to write a query and read from the MongoDB. It helps you interact with MongoDB directly from the Neo UI, allowing you to fetch data from a MongoDB collection based on a specific query.

Fields for Get Block:
Mongo Collection Name: The name of the MongoDB collection you want to query.
Query: The criteria for selecting which documents to retrieve. This field must be filled in, or the query will fail.
Example: { "fieldName": "fieldValue" }
Sort: (Optional) Specifies how to sort the results. Include the field and the sort order.
Limit: (Optional) Limits the number of documents returned.

Use case description
Retrieval of stored data
Consider an application that needs to store and retrieve agent (user) mapping information (which is the association between agent IDs and their corresponding external IDs) in MongoDB. Here’s how it works:

  • The application stores agent IDs (unique identifiers for agents) and their corresponding external IDs in MongoDB.
  • When the application receives an input payload containing an agent ID, it queries MongoDB to find the corresponding external ID.
  • Once the external ID is retrieved, the application uses it to make an API call to an external platform to perform specific actions, such as updating or retrieving additional data related to the agent.


  1. Storing Agent Mapping
  • Agent ID: "A123"
  • External ID: "E456"

This mapping is stored in MongoDB.

  1. Retrieving Agent Mapping
  • Input Payload: { "agentId": "A123" }
  • The system queries MongoDB with agent ID "A123".
  • MongoDB returns the corresponding external ID "E456".

The system uses external ID E456 to make an API call to an external platform, such as Capillary, to update agent information or retrieve additional data related to the agent.

Note: The DAO functions or expression handling is supported for a query.

For details, refer to the Usage of MongoDB blocks.

Put Mongo

The Put Block is used to insert, update, or upsert (update and insert) data into a MongoDB collection.

Fields for Put Block:
Mongo Collection Name: The name of the MongoDB collection you want to modify.
Mode: Choose whether to insert, update, or upsert data.
Insert: Add new documents.
Update: Modify existing documents.
Upsert: Update documents or insert them if they don't exist.
Query Key: Used in update mode to identify which document to update. This field specifies the key to build the update criteria.
Query: Specifies how to modify the document for update or upsert operations.
Example: { $set: { "fieldName": "fieldValue" } }

Use case description
Store and update data
Consider an application that stores the agent mapping information in the MongoDB.
The system adds or updates the agent mappings in MongoDB using the MongoDB Put Block.

How It Works
Input: The blocks can take input directly from the user or the previous block in the data flow.
Output: After performing the specified operation, the result is passed on to the next block.

For details, refer to the Usage of MongoDB blocks.

Redis Evict

The Redis Evict block removes old or unused data from the cache to free up memory and ensure that stale data is not retrieved. This is especially useful when cached data becomes outdated due to updates or changes in the underlying data source.

How It Works
Eviction: The block removes specified data from the Redis cache.
Memory Management: Helps to free up memory by clearing old or unused cache entries.
Data Consistency: Ensures that outdated or stale data is not retrieved by evicting it from the cache.

How to Use the Redis Evict Block

  1. Identify Cache Key
    Determine the key to store the data in the Redis cache that needs to be evicted.
  2. Configure the Redis Evict Block
    Specify the cache key in the Redis Evict block configuration.
  3. Execute Eviction
    Use the block to remove the specified data from the cache.

Example Scenario
Consider an API getCustomer that retrieves customer details and stores the result in the cache. If there is an update to the customer details, the cached getCustomer data becomes outdated. Evict the old cached data to ensure the next retrieval gets the updated data.

Example code for Redis evict block

* EVICT - RedisEvict
* Execute code based on the defined script. This can be used to write custom logic
* */

function EVICT() {
    const config = {"key":["abcd"]};

//---BLOCK END---

For more details, refer Redis Evict block documentation.

Creating your first API

This section describes how to create your API using the Neo extension and the following is the workflow.

  1. Navigate to the Neo Extension portal.
  2. Click Create new dataflow.
  3. In the Name section, enter a valid name.
  4. (Optional) In the Tags section, enter a tag name.
  5. Click Done.
  6. Click on the new dataflow and select the version you want to modify.
    Note: A new dataflow will have v1 version by default.
  7. Define a trigger for the workflow
    You provide information related to the API being created. The information includes the API endpoint and the method. The workflow is triggered once the API is called.
    1. In the workflow canvas, hover over the Trigger block and click the edit icon that appears.
    2. In the Overview: Trigger window, select the API method from the dropdown and enter a unique API url.
      Note: The combination of API URL and API method must be unique across all dataflows, but different versions of the same dataflow can have the same combination.
    3. Click Done.
  8. Configure the validation rules and define the code path using the Schema block
    As part of the validation, you create a schema against which the request payload is validated. For validation, specify the parameter type - body, query, or path, name, and their properties.
    The validation can result in either success or failure. The path taken by the workflow in both conditions is defined here using expressions.
    To define the path,
    1. Click on the connector of the Trigger block and select the Schema block.
    2. In the Configure: Schema window, enter the block name in the Block name section.
    3. In the Script section, define the schema against which the validation occurs.
    4. (Optional) Select Is Cachable to store the schema in the cache.
    5. (Optional) In the Key section, enter a unique key for the cache. This key is used to access the cache.
    6. (Optional) In ttl, enter the time duration for which the data is stored in the cache.
    7. Under Path 1 Relation, use a JavaScript expression to define the validation result.
    8. (Optional) Click AddPath to define more scenarios for validation results.
    9. Click Done.
  9. Handle validation failure
    You can handle the validation failure by generating correct error codes and messages. Use the script block to configure the validation failure response.
    1. Click on the connector of the Schema block for the validation failure scenario.
    2. Select the Script block.
    3. In the Configure: Script window, enter a unique block name in the Block name section.
    4. In the Script section, write a script to handle different errors and show the appropriate error messages.
    5. (Optional) Select Is Cachable to store the schema response in the cache.
    6. (Optional) In the Key section, enter a unique key for the cache. This key is used to access the cache.
    7. (Optional) In the ttl, enter the duration for which the data is stored in the cache.
    8. Click Done.
  10. Set headers and query parameters
    For a validation success scenario, the API request block is invoked. Fetch the headers and set the parameters before configuring the API request block.
    1. Click on the connector of the Schema block for the validation success scenario.
    2. Select the Script block.
    3. In the Configure: Script window, enter the block name in the Block name section.
    4. In the Script section, write a script to fetch the headers and set the parameters.
    5. (Optional) Select Is Cachable to store the schema in the cache.
    6. (Optional) In the Key section, enter a unique key for the cache. This key is used to access the cache.
    7. (Optional) In ttl, enter the duration for which the data is stored in the cache.
    8. Click Done.
  11. Create an API request
    After configuring the headers and parameters for a validation success scenario, use the API request block to create the API request. Specify the method, URL, query parameters, body, and path parameters within the API block. This is done using the API Request block. To create API request,
    1. Click on the connector of the Script block where the headers and parameters are set.
    2. Select the API Request block.
    3. In the Configure: ApiRequest window, enter the block name in the Block name section.
    4. In the Method section, select the method from the drop-down.
    5. In the URL section, enter the API URL.
    6. Click Add field under Query Parameters, to add the required query parameters.
    7. Click Add field under Path Parameters, to add the required path parameters.
    8. Click Add field under Headers, to add the required headers.
    9. (Optional) Select Is Cachable to store the schema response in the cache.
    10. (Optional) In the Key section, enter a unique key for the cache. This key is used to access the cache.
    11. (Optional) In ttl, enter the duration for which the data is stored in the cache.
    12. Under Path 1 Relation, use a JavaScript expression to define the code flow path based on success and failure scenarios.
    13. (Optional) Click AddPath to define more scenarios for validation results.
    14. Click Done.
  12. Post-request validation
    Post-request validation includes error handling and verifying the response after the API is executed. To configure post-request handling,
    1. Using the Script block, configure error handling.
    2. Using the Script block, set headers and query parameters.
    3. (Optional) Using the API Request block, call an API.
  13. Save the workflow
    The workflow needs to be saved to test and use the API. To save,
    1. Click Save.
      A confirmation dialogue box appears with the message ‘Do you want to save rule version?
      Do you want to save rule version?. You can edit the rule version later until it is in DRAFT state.’
    2. Click Yes to save a new dataflow version or No to continue without saving the dataflow.
      On clicking Yes, a new dataflow version is created.

Testing and publishing the API

Testing an API

The APIs created using the Neo extension are tested on an API platform.
The dataflow is triggered when a call is made on the URL using the method defined in the Trigger block.
To trigger and test an API,

  1. Open an API platform to test the API.
  2. Enter the method and URL in the below format.
    Host: Cluster specific
    Base Path: /apigateway/neo/api/v1/xto6x/execute
    End Point: As defined in the Trigger block.
  3. Enter the variant ID under the header x-cap-neo-test-variant-id.
    Note: The variant ID is required to execute dataflows that are not in the Live state.
  4. Enter the authorisation Key and Value.
  5. Click Send.

You can see the response of your API as defined.

To view Neo logs, log in to
Note: Access permissions are required.

Publishing the API

You have to publish the API to use it. The Neo user sends the API to the Neo admin for approval. Once approved by the Neo admin, the API is published.

Following are the steps to publish an API for different roles:

Neo User

After successfully testing the API, send the dataflow version for admin approval before it can be made Live or published.
To send an API for approval,

  1. Select the version of an API that is tested and needs to be published.
  2. On the API page, click Send for approval.
  3. A confirmation dialogue box appears, click Yes to proceed.
    The dataflow version is submitted to the Neo admin for approval.

Neo Admin

The Neo admin's approval is required for the version to be published or made Live.
To approve the workflow,

  1. In the dataflow page, select the API in the WAITING_FOT_APPROVAL state.
  2. On the canvas page, review the flow and click Approve.
  3. In the confirmation dialogue box, enter a comment and click Yes.

The rule version is now approved. Once approved, the workflow cannot be edited.