Install SDK

This section provides information on how to install SDK.

Installing with version catalog

To install the SDK along with a version catalog, perform the following:

1. Enable version catalog

The version catalog helps in the central declaration of dependencies and helps to improve version management. By updating the version catalog, the necessary updates to the SDK's components are handled automatically.

  1. Enable the version catalog (version 1.4.0). It For Gradle version 7.4 or below the version catalog is a 'featurepreview' and you need to enable the version catalog in your project's settings.gradle(.kts). To enable, use the below code snippet:
    For the Gradle version above 7.4, the version catalog is enabled by default

2. Add SDK to the project

Capillary recommends using Maven for adding the Capillary SDK to your Android project. Capillary Android SDK is hosted on jcenter maven repository.

To add the SDK to your project,

  1. Add maven in the repositories section of your project's settings.gradle(.kts) file as shown below:
    repositories {
       maven {
           url "<>"
           credentials {
               username props['username’]
     password props['token']
  2. Create a file to access the Capillary SDK maven repository. Use below code snippet below:
    username="USERNAME" token="TOKEN
    Replace USERNAME and TOKEN with your actual credentials. For information on generating TOKEN from GitHub, refer to the GitHub documentation .

3. Declare version catalog

Add the desired catalog to your project and assign it a name. This can be done by defining the catalog in the dependencyResolutionManagement block of the settings.gradle(.kts) file. Once this is done, the settings.gradle file appears as follows:

  1. enableFeaturePreview("VERSION_CATALOGS")  
    dependencyResolutionManagement {  
       repositories {  
           maven {  
               name "GitHubPackages"  
               url = uri("<">)  
               credentials {  
                   username = props['username’]  
                   password = props['token']  
           versionCatalogs {  

4. Add dependencies of the SDK

  1. Add the required dependency for your module in the build.gradle(.kts) file. To do this, you need to use a combination of catalog_name defined in the settings.gradle(.kts) and alias defined in the catalog.
  2. Add AndroidX libraries in the app/build.gradle file. The AndroidX libraries make sure that the project has access to the necessary AndroidX components.

Code snippet to add dependencies and AndroidX libraries:

dependencies {  
   // AndroidX libraries  
   // Hydra Sdk  

Installing without version catalog

You can also install SK without a version catalog. To install SDK without a version catalog, perform the following.

  1. Capillary recommends using Maven for adding the Capillary SDK to your Android project. Capillary Android SDK is hosted on jcenter maven repository.
    To add the SDK to your project,
    1. Add maven in the repositories section of your project's project/build.gradle file as shown below:
      repositories {  
         maven {  
             url "<>"  
             credentials {  
                 username props['username']  
                 password props['token']  
    2. Create a file to access the Capillary SDK maven repository.
      Use below code snippet:
      username="USERNAME" token="TOKEN
      Replace USERNAME and TOKEN with your actual credentials.
  2. Add the required dependency for your module along with the AndroidX libraries in the app/build.gradle file. The AndroidX libraries make sure that the project has access to the necessary AndroidX components.
    Code snippet:
    dependencies {  
       // AndroidX libraries  
       // Hydra Sdk  
       // Hydra Sdk  