JUMP TOapi documentationGetting StartedOverviewAPI reference indexAuthenticationOAuthBasic authenticationAuth for consumer or end-customer appsAuthorisationRate limitsAPI status codesTimezone ManagementMake your first API requestCustomer (V1)RecommendationsGet User RecommendationsgetGet Item RecommendationsgetGet Cart RecommendationsgetChange identifier on Auth enginepostAdd CustomerpostUpdate customer detailsputUpdate Customer IdentifierputSearch CustomersgetGet customer detailsgetGet Customer TransactionsgetGet Customer RedemptionsgetAdd/Update Customer NotespostGet Customer NotesgetGet Product RecommendationsgetGet Customer InteractionsgetAdd TicketpostGet Ticket DetailsgetGet Referral DetailsgetAdd/Update Customer PreferencespostGet Customer PreferencesgetUpdate Subscription DetailspostGet Subscription DetailsgetCustomer (V2)Add CustomerpostGet Customer IDgetUpdate Identifier/Issue CardpostUpsert customerpostAssociate CustomerpostGet Customer DetailsgetGet customer hierarchy in a user groupgetUpdate Customer DetailsputUpdate association detailsputSearch CustomersgetUpdate Subscription DetailspostGet Subscription DetailsgetGet Customer Tracker DetailsgetGet Points Expiry SchedulegetGet Points Expiry Schedule (Light API)getGet Loyalty EventsgetGet Loyalty DetailsgetGet Points Transfer SummarygetGet Points BalancegetGet Customer TiergetGet Points Conversion SchedulegetGet Detailed Customer Coupon DatagetGet Retro RequestsgetGet Identifier Change RequestsgetGet Goodwill RequestsgetRequest Goodwill points (Group)postAdd Customer ImagepostDelete Customer ImagedeleteLink/Delink CardpostGet Customer Status LoggetGet Customer Subscription LoggetGet Customer ImagegetGet user group customer tracker detailsgetGet customer transactionsgetGet Customer InteractionsgetStatus codesCustomer (V2 Lookup)Update Customer DetailsputGet Customer DetailsgetUpdate Customer StatusputGet Subscription DetailsgetGet Customer Loyalty DetailsgetGet Retro RequestsgetAdd Customer ImagepostGet Referrals (Lookup)getGet Customer RecommendationsgetGet Points BalancegetGet Customer TiergetGet Points Conversion SchedulegetCustomer LabelsAdd LabelspostGet Org LabelsgetTag Customers (to Labels)postGet Customer LabelsgetSearch Customers by LabelgetTransactionTransaction (V1)Add TransactionpostAdd Transaction with Local CurrencypostUpdate Transaction DetailspostCancel Transaction LineitempostGet Transaction DetailsgetReturn TransactionpostRetro TransactionpostTransaction (V2)Add/Return Transaction(bulk)postUpdate TransactionputAdd/Return transaction (single)postUpdate Transactions in BulkputGet Transaction DetailsgetGet transaction details using bill numbergetSimulation transaction addpostExpose Evaluation log for an eventpostStatus codesTransaction rejectiongetRejectedTransactionsgetgetReTriggerStatusgetmarkFailedputretriggerTransactionAddpostCouponCoupon (V1.1 APIs)Issue CouponpostResend CoupongetRedeem CouponpostGet Coupon detailsgetGet Customer CouponsgetIs Coupon RedeemablegetGet Coupon series detailsgetCoupon (V2 APIs)Create coupon seriespostUpdate coupon seriesputGet coupon series detailsgetIssue single couponpostIssue bulk couponspostIssue multiple coupons to a customer from a seriespostRedeem single couponpostRedeem bulk couponspostCheck if coupon is RedeemablegetReactivate redeemed couponpostGet coupon detailsgetGet All Customer CouponsgetUpdate coupon redeem fieldputUpdate coupon code expiry dateputRevoke couponpostCoupon Upload (V1 APIs)Upload Coupons (Batch)postUpload Redeemed CouponspostGet Uploaded Coupons' StatusgetGet Status of Redeemed CouponsgetPointsPoints (v2)Check if Points TransferrablepostTransfer Customer PointspostGet Points Transfer DetailsgetReverse Redeemed PointspostGroup Points TransferrablepostTransfer Group PointspostConvert Promised PointspostUpdate redeem pointsputDeduct points and alternate currencies from userpostDeduct points and alternate currencies from user using userIdpostPoints (v1.1)Check If Points RedeemablegetIssue Validation Code (to redeem points)getRedeem PointspostPoints LedgerGet Customer Ledger BalancegetGet Points Ledger InformationgetGet Points Ledger Explode infogetCardsGenerate CardspostGet Card Generation LoggetAdd Card (Single)postUpdate Card Details (Single)putUpdate Card Details (Bulk)putGet Card DetailsgetGet Status LoggetLimit Active Cards per CustomerpostAdd Card Number to a Card SeriespostAdd External Reference ID to CardputSearch APIsCreate search criteriapostRetrieve search criteria detailsgetEnable search index of older datapostPerform searchpostBadgesCreate badgespostFixed Window Restriction in BadgesUpdate badgesputGet badge by IDgetGet all badgesgetGet fixed window detailsgetClaim badgepostUnclaim badgepostUpdate activation status of badgeputEnrol customers for badgespostIssue badge (earn)postMultiple Badge IssuancesIssue badge to multiple customerspostImport earned (issued) badges of customerpostRevoke enrolled badgespostRevoke issued badgepostGet badges for customergetGet all customer badgesgetGet individual badge details of a customergetCreate badges grouppostUpdate badges groupputGet group by IDgetGet all groupsgetCreate custom field for badgespostUpdate badge custom fieldputGet badge custom field by IDgetGet all badge custom fieldsgetRewards CatalogCreate Reward CategorypostUpdate Reward CategoryputGet Reward CategorygetCreate rewardpostAdding revenue metadata against a rewardUpdate RewardputClaim RewardpostIssue single rewardpostReward Issuance with Quantity and Redemption Value DetailsIssue bulk rewardpostIdempotency Check for Issuing RewardGet rewards for usergetGet all brand rewards using Brand IDgetGet reward details by IDgetGet brand rewardsgetGet purchased rewards for user (New API)getGet available reward details for user by idgetGet all reward transactions for a usergetGet Reward Transaction Details using Reward Transaction IDgetCreate catalog promotionpostUpdate catalog promotionputGet catalog promotion detailsgetGet list of promotionsgetDisable promotionputGet available brand rewardsgetCreate custom field for rewardpostUpdate reward custom fieldputGet all custom fieldsgetCreate reward grouppostUpdate rewards groupputGet rewards groupgetGet rewards group by IDgetCreate points restrictionpostUpdate points restrictionputGet points constraintsgetOrganisation Level Configuration for Rewards CatalogpostCreate a VendorpostCreate Vendor RedemptionpostGet Vendor Redemptions detailsgetGet Vendor list for specific brandgetGet Vendor DetailsgetUpload images to file servicepostCreate fulfillment statuspostUpdate fulfillment statusputGet fulfillment statusgetUpdate fulfilment status and transaction custom fields for issued rewardsputCreate Reward Expiry ReminderpostUpdate Reward Expiry ReminderputGet Reward Expiry RemindergetConnected Org APIsGet all available rewards for user in connected orgsgetGet reward details by ID in connected orgsgetIssue Reward in connected orgspostGet purchased rewards for user in connected orgsgetGet all reward transactions for a user in connected orgsgetGet transaction details by reward transaction ID in connected orgsgetMerge User RewardspostGet User Reward Merge DetailsgetTarget/MilestoneMilestone & Streaks APIsCreate target groupspostUpdate target groupputGet target groups based on IDgetGet associated target groups of a usergetGet Promotion DatagetGet active targetsgetGet all target groupsgetGet target periodsgetGet targets detailsgetGet target communication templategetUpsert target communicationpostGet target channelsgetDelete target groupdeleteCreate target periodpostUpdate target periodputCreate targets (milestone)postModify targetsputDeactivate targetdeleteCreate unified target grouppostUpdate unified targetputCreate streakspostEdit streakputCreate target based on Behavioural eventpostCreate target based on EMF eventpostCreate target group based on alternate currenciespostGet all milestones (target)getEnrol/Re-enrol a customer to a milestone/streakpostUnenrol users from a milestone and streakpostCheck the Validity of Milestone / Target NamepostGet target eventsgetUser-Created ChallengesConnected Org APIsEnroll/Re-Enroll a Customer to a Milestone or StreakpostUnenroll a Customer to from Milestone or StreakpostGet Associated Target Groups of a UsergetGet Customer Ledger InfogetGet Customer Ledger Explode InfogetData ScopesLeaderboardsGet top ranked usersgetGet user rank across target groupsgetLoyalty PromotionIntroductionEnrol and Issue PromotionpostRevoke Enrolled and Issued PromotionspostConnected Org APIsGet Promotion Data of a CustomergetUser Created ChallengeCreate Promotion for UCCpostGet promotion by IDgetGet details of all promotionsgetGet Promotion Data of a Specific CustomergetCart PromotionsGet Promotion SettingsgetGet Promotion RedemptionsgetGet Promotions code APIgetGet Promotions for a particular tillgetGET Lock unlock -Pending cartsgetGet Promotions Config APIgetCreate PromotionpostSet Promotion SettingspostEarn PromotionpostDeactivate PromotionpostActivate PromotionpostPost Revoke Earned PromotionpostPost Earn Promotions in BulkpostPost Evaluate PromotionspostPost Cancel Cart EvaluationpostPost Promotions Code link APIpostGet Promotions for a CustomergetUser GroupAdd GrouppostUpdate User GroupputSearch user groups by name, ID, and mobile numbergetDelete User GroupdeleteJoin Member to GrouppostRemove group memberdeleteTransfer Group MemberpostGet group transactionsgetRetrieve user group members listgetRetrieve user group members list with cards & status detailsgetRetrieve Primary & Secondary Member DetailsgetRetrieve group slab/tier log historygetRetrieve points expiry schedule of a groupgetRetrieve points conversion schedulegetStatus codesUpdate permissionsputSearch for groups using the extended fieldspostOrganizationOrganization (V1)Get Org DetailsgetGet Org EntitiesgetGet Org ConfigurationsgetGet Org StatisticsgetGet Top Selling ItemsgetGet Org Custom FieldsgetRetrieve Brand IDpostGet Org Payment ModesgetOrganization (V2)Add TillpostUpdate Till with Custom FieldsputGet Custom FieldsgetGet Config Key ValuesgetGet org till detailsgetGet Active TillsgetGet Loyalty ProgramsgetAdd StorepostRetrieve org hierarchy detailsgetAdd Store in bulkpostCommunications (v2)Send communication messagepostError codeCommunications (v1)Send communication messagepostError codeReferralCustom FieldsCreate a Custom FieldpostGet Custom FieldsgetTag Custom Field to an EntitypostAudit logsGet audit logs of entitiesgetGet Audit Logs by event namegetPII deletionAdd a PII deletion requestpostUpdate PII deletion statusputRetrieve request status of PII deletiongetRetrieve PII deletion request detailsgetError codesLeadsAdd LeadpatchAdd Lead SubstatuspostUpdate Lead StatusputUpdate Lead FollowupspostUpdate LeadputConfigure lead reasonspostGet Lead Status LoggetGet Lead follow-upsgetGet Lead ReasonsgetGet Lead DetailsgetGet Lead SubstatusgetAssign LeadgetSearch leadgetStaffAdd Staff AccountpostGet Access TokenpostEdit Staff DetailspostGet Staff DetailsgetChange Account PasswordpostSend OTPpostValidate OTPpostChange Identifier (Send OTP)postChange Identifier (Validate OTP)postTransfer Staff UserpostGet Staff of Store/ZonegetLogout Staff AccountgetRemove Staff AccountpostBehavioral EventsCreate Event (Custom)postUpdate Event (Custom)putGet Org EventsgetGet Running Events StatusgetGet Customer EventsgetDisable EventputAdd WebhookpostGet Events LogsgetGet Events MetagetGet event data using request IDgetSearch eventsgetPost EventpostEvent notification logsGet Event Log (by Request ID)getGet Event Log (by Reference ID)getGet Event Log (by Event ID)getResponse codeCompanyAdd CompanypostUpdate CompanyputGet Company DetailsgetRemove CompanydeleteGet Org CompaniesgetGet Companies by Extended Field ValuesgetRequest (V1)Add RequestpostApprove RequestspostReject RequestspostGet Request DetailsgetGet Request LogsgetRequests (V2)Add transaction requestpostUpdate transaction requestputRetrieve transaction request statusgetRetrieve transaction request detailsgetStatus event notificationError codes(New) Request workflowCreate a requestChange customer status requestpostPoints redemption requestpostIssue goodwill points requestpostIssue/Earn badge requestpostEnrol customers for badgespostRetro transaction - Claim transactionpostApprove or reject a requestputGet details of all requestsgetGet details of a particular requestgetError codesPartner ProgramLink Customer to Partner ProgrampostUpdate CustomerpostDelink CustomerpostGet Customer ActivitygetGet customer activity historygetUser AuthenticationRegister UserpostAuthorize UserpostUpdate PasswordputOTPGenerate OTPpostOTP template guidelinesValidate OTPpostGet OTPgetSuccess and error codesProductAdd ProductpostGet Product DetailsgetSearch ProductsgetAdd Product AttributespostGet Product AttributesgetGet Product CategoriesgetGet Product BrandsgetGet Product ColorsgetGet Product SizesgetGet Product Meta SizesgetResponse codesStoreGet Store DetailsgetGet Store Staff DetailsgetGet Store TasksgetVerify Store Login CredentialsgetUpload Store LogspostUpload Store ReportspostGet Store ReportsgetGet Store ConfigurationsgetVerify Login CredentialsgetTaskAdd TaskspostUpdate TaskspostGet Tasks MetadatagetGet Task LogsgetUpdate Status MappingspostGet Status MappingsgetGet Task RemindersgetCreate/Update Task ReminderspostRetrieve Individual Task DetailsgetCustomer Authentication (Web/Mobile)First factor authenticationGenerate Authentication TokenpostGenerate OTPpostValidate OTPpostValidate PasswordpostRegenerate Authentication TokenpostChange PasswordpostForget PasswordpostStatus codesMulti-factor authenticationGenerate MFA tokenpostGenerate MFA OTPpostValidate MFA OTPpostMFA password flowValidate passwordpostChange passwordpostForgot passwordpostRegenerate tokenpostDelete tokendeleteAuthentication configurationsReferralRefer CustomerpostGet Referral CodegetValidate Referral CodegetDIY Template APIsCreate DIY templatepostGET WorkspacesgetGet ProcessorgetOther APIsGet Transaction EarninggetTrigger Walk-in Notifications on InStoregetUpdate Currency RatiopostGenerate Card/customer External IDgetConfigure Org Extended FieldpostGet Org Extended FieldsgetCreate Store AssociatespostFeed (Scan Event)postGet Configured Card Limit per CustomergetGet Org SourcesgetGet org configsgetRetrieve extended field config detailsgetExtensionsIntroductionUnderstanding Neo DataflowBuilding Blocks of Neo DataflowTrigger BlockSchema BlockScript BlockAPI Request BlockGET Mongo BlockPUT Mongo BlockBulk Upsert Mongo BlockRedis Evict BlockKafka BlockHMAC BlockEncrypt BlockNeo DAO FunctionsEnabling & Managing Access to NeoIntroduction to the Neo UIUse CasesCreating and Customising APIsEvent Notification Transformation and EnrichmentPayload TransformationAPI Extension CatalogueAdding Extensions to the CataloguePunches Calculator ExtensionAirmiles Calculator ExtensionTroubleshootingFAQsReporting on Extension DataVULCANIntroductionGetting StartedApplication Development ProcessAPI Management on VulcanExamplesCreating a Microsite Using VulcanCustomising the Member Care UITroubleshootingFAQsmobile SDKsAndroid SDKOverviewConfigure firebaseSet up source accountConfigure gatewayInstall SDKInitialise SDKSet up events trackingPush notificationsIn-app messagingNotification centerXiaomi push notification (Push Amplification)iOS SDKOverviewSet up source accountConfigure gatewayInstall SDKInitialise SDKSet up events trackingPush notificationsIn-app messagingNotification centerSetting up React native project for Hydra SDKIntegrate Push Notifications into your React Native projectIntegrate In-App messaging into your React Native projectIntegrate Notification center into your React Native projectPluginsShopify pluginMagento pluginPowered by Get Promotion Detailsget https://{host}/v1/api_gateway/loyalty/v1/programs/{programId}/promotions/{promotionId}Retrieves the promotion details.