API Management on Vulcan

Vulcan supports two categories of APIs accessible directly through the Vulcan node layer and those available through Arya APIs.

Types of APIs Supported on Vulcan

Type 1

APIs supported on the Vulcan node layer (whitelisted)

  1. Intouch
  2. XAJA
  3. Extension (avengers API extension.)
  4. Neo Extensions
  5. Shield / Workflow Management APIs
  6. Cortex APIs

Sample Method for Services/API.js:

export const methodName = (param) => {
	const url = `${endpoints.vulcan_endpoint}/<intouch|neo|extensions|xaja/AjaxService>/<URL path of svc>`;
	return httpRequest(url, getVulcanAPICallObject('GET'));



Always use getVulcanAPICallObject in the api.js method

Type 2

APIs supported on Arya (Node APIs and Whitelisted BE APIs):

  1. EMF (/loyalty/emf/v1)
  2. File service (/v1/file-service)
  3. Promo engine (/v1/promotion-management)
  4. Observability engine (/v1/observability)
  5. Rewards core (/core)
  6. Gamification (/gamification)
  7. Badges (/v1/badges)
  8. Any node API (loyalty/api/v1, member-care/api/v1, arya/api/v1/org-settings, arya/api/v1/creatives, any other Arya APIs)



For all the above APIs, if the endpoint has "arya/api/v1" then use endpoints.arya_endpoint.
Else define an endpoint in the endpoints.js file.



Sample Method for Services/API.js:

export const methodName = (param) => {
	const url = `${endpoints.fileservice_endpoint}/<URL path of svc>/<param>`;
	return httpRequest(url, getAryaAPICallObject("GET"));



Always use getAryaAPICallObject in the api.js method.

Whitelisted Endpoints

The endpoint.js file contains all the possible whitelisted endpoints callable from Vulcan (Type 1 and Type 2). These are based on the InTouch cluster specified during the project setup

Making Vulcan endpoint calls for OAuth APIs

To make Vulcan endpoint calls for OAuth APIs, follow these steps:

  1. Register the OAuth client key, secret, and till ID using the metadata/oauth-clients API.
    curl --location 'https://{host}/vulcan/api/v1/metadata/oauth-clients' \
    --header 'x-cap-api-auth-org-id: <orgId>' \
    --header 'x-cap-remote-user: <userId>' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ct_token>' \
    --data '{
        "key": "<client_key>",
        "secret": "<client_secret>",
        "defaultTillId": <till_id_number>
  2. After you register the OAuth client, make the necessary API calls, and ensure that the x-cap-api-auth-type: oauth header is included in the request.

Compressing a Vulcan API response

To improve the handling of large Vulcan API responses, enable response compression. This involves configuring the API to compress the response data and decompress the data on the client side once received. This reduces response size, improves data transfer speed, and prevents performance issues such as UI slowdowns or server-side timeouts during response parsing.

To compress an API response, follow these steps:

  1. Update the Vulcan SDK to version 2.3.1.
  2. Open the project folder on your local machine, then navigate to the ./app/services/api.js file.
  3. At the start of the api.js file, add the following code:
    return httpRequest(url, { ...getVulcanAPICallObject('GET'), useResponseCompression: true });
  4. . Update the Vulcan SDK to v2.4.0.