Secret Manager in DevConsole

The Secret Manager, also called Config Manager, is a section within the DevConsole that allows you to manage organization-specific configurations (name: value pairs) in a centralized and secure manner. It serves as a tool to store sensitive information—such as API keys, passwords, and other configuration details—thus eliminating the need to hardcode these values directly in Neo dataflows.

Key Benefits and Features

  • Centralized Configuration Management:
    Provides a single location to view, request, and manage configurations for each organization.

  • Enhanced Security:
    Stores sensitive values securely to avoid exposing them in dataflows. Values marked as secret can be masked for additional security.

  • Request-Approval Workflow:
    All modifications (adding, updating, or rejecting configurations) follow a secure request-approval process, ensuring controlled and auditable updates.

  • Org-Specific Configurations:
    Manages configurations that are specific to the selected organization in DevConsole.

  • Real-Time Integration with Neo Workflows:
    You can dynamically access and utilize the approved configurations within Neo workflows.

  • Access via DAO
    You can use the Data Access Objects (DAOs) functions getValueByKey(), getParentValueByKey() to fetch stored values in your dataflows.

  • Extensions Configurations Section:
    A dedicated section in DevConsole displays organization-specific configurations retrieved from the Neo backend via an API call.

  • Config Request Management Section:
    Users can track the status of their submitted configuration requests (which remain pending until approved).

How to Use the Secret Manager

  1. Login to DevConsole

    Login to DevConsole using your Capillary Google credentials using the below link:


    Dev Console page

    Dev Console page

  2. Select Organization:
    From the dropdown in the top-right corner, select the organization whose configurations you want to manage.

    Select organization

    Select organization

  3. View Configurations:
    On the left pane, choose Extensions Configurations to see the existing configurations for the selected organization.

    Secret Manager or Config Manager

    Secret Manager or Config Manager

  4. Submit Configuration Requests:

    1. Use the "Add Config" section to add a new configuration or modify an existing one.
    2. Provide the configName (name of the configuration) and configValue (value of the configuration).
    3. Enable the isSecret option if the value contains sensitive information that should be masked.
    4. Submit the request.
  5. Track Requests:
    Monitor the status of your submitted requests in the "Config Requests" section.

  6. Access Configurations in Neo Workflows:

    • In script blocks within your dataflows, reference values from the Secret Manager.
    • Use DAOs (e.g., secretManager.get(<your_key>)) to retrieve the configuration value associated with a specific configName.

Role of Secret Manager in Block Properties

The Secret Manager is a crucial source for values used in block properties. Instead of hardcoding sensitive information directly into a block’s configuration, you can store it securely in the Secret Manager and retrieve it using a DAO or direct reference (depending on the block’s capabilities). The value retrieved from the Secret Manager is applied during the execution of the dataflow, following the established priority order for the field values in the Blocks.