Dimension tables

Dimension tables provide context and additional details about the data stored in fact tables.

Points Promotion

column namecolumn typeDescription
idintegerUnique identifier of a promotions id in the table
nameStringpromotion's name for the points that are awarded
typeStringType of the promotion ex:- Bill level,Customer level
auto_update_promotionintegerDate and time when the points_promotions table is recently updated (Unix timestamp)

Points Awarded Type

1POINT_AWARDEDRegular points awarded for making transaction
2POINT_AWARDED_BILL_PROMOTIONPromotional points given on top of regular point at transaction level
3POINT_AWARDED_LINEITEMRegular points awarded for purchashing a specific product
4POINT_AWARDED_LINEITEM_PROMOTIONPromotional points given on top of regular point at line item level
5POINT_AWARDED_CUSTOMER_PROMOTIONPromotional points given on top of regular point at customer level

Points Category


Points category can be of 4 types at Capillary backend, of which 3 shall be expected to show up at the
front-end in exports

‘REGULAR_POINTS’ – These are redeemable points.
‘TRACKERS’ – These shall not be available in the export.
‘PROMISED_POINTS’ – These are strategy based and return window based delayed accrual points
(conversion date is known for these and will be available in awarded_date)
‘EXTERNAL_TRIGGER_BASED_POINTS’ – These are promised points that are expected to convert to
regular points based on an externally received trigger. (conversion date is not known for these - don’t
search for this anywhere)

Trackers will not be part of point fact.
The treatment of promised points must be done based on points categories only (and not based on non-redeemable values during query writing)
Screen reader support enabled.

Points events type

1POINTS_AWARDEDDepicts that the points have been awarded
2POINTS_DEDUCTEDDepicts that the points have been deducted


Column NametypeDescription
date_idIntegerUnique identifier of a date in the table
dateDateRepresents date in the format of DD-MM-YYYY. For example, 2018-01-01
day_of_monthIntegerStands for the day component (range between 1 to 31)
week_of_yearIntegerStands for the calendar week of the year ( range between 1 to 52)
monthStringStands for each month part Jan 2018
yearIntegerYear in YYYY format
quarterStringQuarterly split of calendar year - Q1 Jan, Feb Mar; Q2 Apr, May, Jun, and so on
quarter_noIntegerDenotes the cumulative quarter count from beginning of date calendar. This is of no practical use case in report or list
year_quarter_noIntegerDenotes quarter number of a year - 1, 2, 3, 4 (1 for Q1, 2 for Q2 and so forth)
week_numberIntegerIt is the cumulative week count from beginning of a date calendar. This is of no practical use case in report or list
week_start_dateDateStart date of the calendar week in DD-MM-YYYY format
week_end_dateDateThe date in the format of DD-MM-YYYY when the calendar week end
day_of_weekIntegerDay of a week - Monday to Sunday
month_noIntegerDenotes the cumulative month count from beginning of date calendar. This is of no practical use case in report or list
month_no_of_yearIntegerDenotes the month number of a year (1 for January , 2 for February and so forth)
month_of_yearIntegerMonth of a year - January, February,..December

Zone till

Column NameTypeDescription
till_idIntegerDenotes point of sale identifier
tillStringPoint of sale name
typeStringIf general the store is a genuine data contributing store, if admin the store is a test store with fake data
is_activeStringIf 1 it means active otherwise its inactive. Active stores are stores where capillary software is activated
storeStringStore code name
store_descriptionStringSometime used to capture external nomenclature of client for store
store_nameStringStore name given by Capillary System
zone_nameStringName of zone


Column NameTypeDescription
time_idIntegerUnique identifier of a date in the table
timetimeRepresents time in HH:MM:SS For example, 12:30:12

IntegerHour of the day - 0 to 24
minute_of_dayIntegerMinute of day - 0 to 60
day_shiftStringShift of the day - Morning.Afternoon,Night
day_shift_noIntegerShift Number of day - 1 to 5
hour_rangeStringHour range of day - (0-1),(1-2)...


Column NameTypeDescription
points_currency_ratioIntergerRatio of the point and currency (Point/curreency)
redeemable_point_category_idintegerCategory id for the points which are redeemable
descriptionStringDescrption for the program
program_nameStringName of the program
program_idIntegerUnique identifier of the tables

Communication channel

Column NameTypeDescription
idIntegerUnique identifier of the tables
channelStringName of the channel for which the communication happen
activity_nameStringName of the activity for which the communication happen

Loyalty type

Column NameTypeDescription
idIntegerUnique identifier of the tables
Loyalty typeStringType of loyalty for the user

Order Channel

Column NameTypeDescription
idIntegerUnique identifier of the tables
order_channelStringName of the channel using that the order has been placed

Repeat status

Column NameTypeDescription
idIntegerUnique identifier of the tables
StatusStringStatus will be from below mentioned list

Source type

Column NameTypeDescription
idIntegerUnique identifier of the tables
TypeStringSource type of event

Customer slab

Column NameTypeDescription
slab_nameStringName of the Slab
slab_noIntegerNumber of the slab
auto_update_program_slabUnixtimestamoUpdated time when the program slab table the bee updated
serial_noIntegerUnique identifier of the tables

SCD type

Column NameTypeDescription
IdStringUnique identifier of the tables
typeIntegerType of the SCD (0,1)

Upgrade event type

Column NameTypeDescription
idIntegerUnique identifier of the tables
categoryStringcategory type for upgrade_event_type
nameNameName of the categories

Return type

Column NameTypeDescription
idIntegerUnique identifier of the tables


Column NameTypeDescription
item_codestringcode for each and every item
brand_nameStringBrand name for the item
styleStringStyle for the item
sizeStringSize of the Item
inventory_descriptionStringDescription for item
image_urlStingLink for the item image
colorStingColor of the item
is_validBoolenStands for the validation for item
item_idIntegerUnique identifier of the tables
auto_update_inv_mastersUnixtimestampTimestamp when the inventory master table has been updated.
priceIntegerPrice of the item

Users (users)

Column NameTypeDescription
auto_update_merged_customerBigintThis denotes the timestamp indicating when the merged customer table is last updated.
auto_update_loyaltyBigintDenotes the timestamp when the loyalty table is last updated.
fraud_statusStringFraud status of the user.
test_control_bucketStringAssists in determining whether a user should be categorized as a test or control user for the campaign. While both test and control users are included in the campaign, only test users receive the campaign messages.
is_merged_customerStringIndicates if the customer is the result of merging multiple customers.
subscription_status_email_bulkStringSubscription status (opt-in/opt-out) for email.
first_nameStringFirst name of the user.
slab_nameStringSlab name for the user. For example, platinum, gold etc.
subscription_status_wechat_bulkStringSubscription status (opt-in/opt-out) for wechat.
emailStringemail ID of the user.
last_nameStringLast name of the user
merged_user_idBigintUser ID of the merged customer. For example, if customer A is merged with customer B, the user ID of customer A will be updated to that of customer B.
user_idBigintUser ID of the customer.
subscription_status_wechat_transStringSubscription status (opt-in/opt-out) for the we-chat transactions.
subscription_status_sms_bulkStringSubscription status (opt-in/opt-out) for SMS.
ndnc_statusStringIndicates the Do Not Disturb status.
subscription_status_email_transStringSubscription status (opt-in/opt-out) for email transaction alerts.
test_control_statusStringIndicates if the customer belongs to the Test or the Control group.
auto_update_fraud_userBigintThis denotes the timestamp indicating when the fraud user table is last updated.
is_inactiveStringIndicates if the customer is inactive.
sourceStringIndicates the source of the customer. For example, Instore, WebEngage etc.
slab_numberIntegerSlab number associated with the slab of the customer.
auto_update_usersBigintDenotes the timestamp when the users table is last updated.
registered_till_idbigintRegistered till ID of the customer.
auto_update_customer_enrollmentBigintThis denotes the timestamp indicating when the customer enrollment table is last updated.
slab_expiry_dateStringExpiry date of the slab.
customer_external_idStringExternal ID of the customer
subscription_status_sms_transStringSubscription status for the SMS transaction alerts.
mobileStringMobile number of the customer.
loyalty_typeStringLoyalty type of the customer. For example, loyalty, non-loyalty.
auto_update_ndnc_statusBigintDenotes the timestamp when the NDNC (National Do Not Disturb, Invalid, DND, or Unknown) status table is last updated.

Badges meta (badgemeta)

Column NameTypeDescription
badgeRankStringThe rank of a badge within a group
groupRankStringThe hierarchical order of various groups, determining their priority.
expiresOnBigintExpiry date of the badge.
isActiveStringIndicates whether the badge is currently active
startOnBigintTimestamp indicating when the badge starts.
badgeMetaIdStringUnique identifier for each badge. This is generated during the creation of the badge.
earnTypeStringThe method (EARN/ISSUE EARN) the brand has used to issue the badge.
badgeNameStringName of the badge.
groupNameStringName of the badge group.
groupIsActiveStringIndicates whether the group is currently active or not
badgeGroupIdStringUnique identifier for the badge group.

Badge owner type (badges_owner_type)

Column typeTypeDescription
idIntegerA unique identifier associated with the owner.
valueStringThe module for which the badge is created. For example, Loyalty.

Streaks (streaks)

Column typeType

Streak status (streak_status)

Column typeType

Rewards (rewards)

Column NameTypeDescription
nameStringName of the reward.
redemption_typeStringType of intouch reward or vendor reward. For example, INTOUCH_REWARD, VENDOR_INTOUCH_REWARD etc.
idBigintUnique identifier for the reward
is_enabledIntegerIndicates if the reward is active.
reward_typeStringType of the reward. For example, POINTS, VOUCHER etc.

Catalog promotion (reward_catalog_promotion)

Column nameTypeDescription
nameStringName of the catalog promotion.
idBigintUnique identifier for the catalog promotion.
language_codeStringLanguage code of the language used for the promotion. For example, en.

Coupon series (coupon_series)

Column nameTypeDescription
purposeStringPurpose of the coupon series.
discount_typeStringType of discount. For example, ABS - the absolute discount type where the discount value is fixed.
descriptionStringDescription for the coupon series.
owner_valid_till_dateStringValidity of the card series in UTC timestamp.
metadataStringMetadata associated with the coupon series.
campaignStringCampaign associated with the coupon series.
client_handling_typeStringDefines the method using which the coupons should be generated. DISC_CODE (generate coupon codes automatically), GENERIC (provide a common coupon code), DISC_CODE_PIN (Upload existing coupon codes).
discount_valueStringThe discount value provided through the coupon.
campaign_idBigintCampaign ID associated with the coupon series.
expiry_strategy_typeStringExpiry strategy type. SERIES_EXPIRY - coupon expires along with the offer, MONTHS_END - Coupon expires at the end of specific month.
valid_till_dateStringValidity of the coupon.
series_typeStringCoupon series type. For example, Loyalty.
series_idBigintUnique coupon series ID.
discount_codeStringDiscount code associated with the series.
expiry_strategy_valueStringExpiry strategy value for the expiry strategy type MONTH END.

Coupon issual type (coupon_issual_type)

Column nameTypeDescription
idBigintCoupon series ID from which the coupon should be issued.