Custom report

What are Custom Reports?

Custom reports refer to reports that are specifically designed and tailored to meet unique requirements and preferences.

Custom reports allow you to select multiple charts and create one single report for these charts.

When do you need Custom Reports?

Insights+ offers standard reports but sometimes these reports do not fulfil the reporting requirements, hence custom reports can be created using charts.

Custom reports are of 4 types:

  1. Normal - These reports consist of normal charts where that are built upon KPIs and dimensions.
  2. Funnel - These reports consist of a sequence of steps a user takes to convert to a qualified goal. The funnel chart translates a sequence of steps customers go through to complete an objective(purchase).
  3. Migration - These reports consist of a chart that helps track the migration of users from one slab or segment to another slab or segment.
  4. External - External reports can be used to embed reports that are available in databricks notebooks. In these reports, you can add charts that are built on top of Databricks Notebooks.

What do Custom Reports offer?

  1. Customization of size and position of charts selected for the report.
  2. Audience comparison
  3. Powerful filters
  4. Report Archive/Unarchive
  5. Report scheduling and delivery