Profiles & attributes

This topic provides the list of attributes supported for each profile.

Current Customer (currentCustomer)

This profile consists of attributes related to fetching customers' profile information and loyalty details as listed in the table below. Use this profile to execute actions based on loyalty information and profile details of customers when they make transactions.

nameCustomer's full nameNA
firstnameCustomer's first nameNA
lastnameCustomer's last nameNA
avgBasketSizeThe ratio of total items purchased to the number of transactions of a customerNA
avgSpendPerVisitAverage purchases amount of a customer per visitNA
clusterValueIncludes()To check customers of a particular cluster (segment)clusterValueIncludes(String clusterName, String clusterValue)
clusterValueExcludes()To check customers who are not part of a particular clusterclusterValueExcludes(String clusterName, String clusterValue)
currentPointsAvailable loyalty points of the customerNA
customFieldValueExcludes()Customer custom field excludes the given valuecustomFieldValueExcludes("Field","Value")
customFieldValueIncludes()Customer custom field includes the given valuecustomFieldValueIncludes("Field","Value")
emailCustomer's email idNA
externalIdCustomer's external idNA
initialCurrentPointsActive points of a customer before evaluating the eventNA
initialLifetimePointsTotal loyalty points earned by a customer before evaluating the eventNA
initialSlabNameCustomer's tier name before evaluating the eventNA
initialSlabNumberCustomer's tier number before evaluating the eventNA
joinDateRegistration date of a customerdateDiff, day, dayOfMonth, daysDiff, daysDiffFromString, isAfter, isHourBetween, isTimeBetween, isValid, isWeekday, isWeekend, month, and year
For examples on using date formats, see the Date Format section on Using Operators in Rule Expressions
lifetimePointsTotal points earned by a customer from the date of registrationNA
lifetimePurchasesTotal purchases amount of a loyalty customer from the date of registrationNA
mobileMobile number of a customerNA
numberOfTxnsTotal number of transactions made by a customer from the date of registrationNA
numberOfTxnsTodayNumber of transactions made by a customer the current dayNA
numberOfVisitsTotal number of times a loyalty customer visited your stores (made transactions in different days)NA
SlabNameName of the current loyalty tier of a customerNA
SlabNumberSerial number of the current tierNA
isLoyalChecks if the current customer is registered in the brand's loyalty programExample: currentCustomer.isLoyal==true
hasInstoreProfileChecks if the current customer has InStore profileExample: currentCustomer.hasInstoreProfile==true
hasWeChatProfileChecks if the current customer has WeChat profileExample: currentCustomer.hasWeChatProfile==true
doesProfileExistsChecks if a specific profile

Current Transaction (currentTxn)

The currentTxn profile returns the details of a transaction. Use this profile to write rules on transactions, basket size, custom fields, and so on. Refer to the table below for all the supported attributes of customerTxn.


  • Value = Gross amount (rate*quantity)
  • Rate = Gross price of a line item
  • Amount = Value-discount
numberTransaction number of the current transactioncontains, exists, isEmpty, isNotNull, isNull, isValidDate, matches, and notExists
basketSum()Sum of value of the items matching the inventory attributecurrentTxn.basketSum("Attribute Name","Inventory Value")
basketSumRegex()Sum of value of the items matching the inventory attribute - regular expressioncurrentTxn.basketSumRegex("Attribute Name","Attribute Regex")
basketQty()Total quantity of items in the bill matching the inventory. For instance, if 2 items of a given line-item are bought, then the basket quantity is 2.currentTxn.basketQty("Attribute Name","Attribute Value")
basketQtyRegex()Quantity of items in the bill matching the regular expressioncurrentTxn.basketIncludes("Jeans","Levis002")
basketCount()Number of products in the transaction of the given inventory type - irrespective of quantityEither pass just value or attribute and value pair.

Example: currentTxn.basketCount("Dvs_flag","DVS_Flag")>1
basketCountRegex()Number of products whose item attribute matches the given regular expressionPass attribute and regex of the attribute that you want to validate
currentTxn.basketSum("Inventory Attribute","Regex")
basketIncludes()Products contained in the transaction.Pass attribute and value pair.
currentTxn.basketIncludes("Attribute Name","Attribute Value")

basketExcludes()Products not contained in the transactionPass attribute and value pair.
currentTxn.basketExcludes("Attribute Name","Attribute Value")

basketIncludesRegex()If the bill includes products whose item attribute does not match the given regular expressionPass attribute and value pair.
currentTxn.basketIncludesRegex("Attribute Name","Attribute Regex")

basketExcludesRegex()If the bill does not include products whose item attribute does not match the given regular expressionPass attribute and value pair.
currentTxn.basketExcludesRegex("Attribute Name","Attribute Regex")

basketSumIfReturns the sum of amount of line items (in basket) that satisfies a specific condition. You can define conditions based on the amount, discount, quantity, rate, or value of line items in the basket.

For example, sum of line items amount in the basket whose quantity is more than 2.
Standard expression:

basketSumIf(“{parameter}”, “{expression}”,"{value}")[operator]{value})



The preceding expression says: From the basket items, calculate the total amount of line items whose quantity is greater than or equal to 3. If this value is greater than 100, then execute a specific action.

Supported parameters:


Supported Operators:

basketCountIfReturns the count of line items of the basket that satisfies a specific condition. You can define condition based on the amount, discount, quantity, rate, or value of line items in the basket.Standard expression:

basketSumIf(“{parameter}”, “{expression}”,"{value}")[operator]{value})



Count of line items from the basket whose amount is less than 50. If this count exceeds 3, then execute an action.

Supported parameters:


Supported Operators:

basketQtyIfReturn the sum of quantities of qualifying line items in the basket. The qualifying condition could be on the amount, discount, quantity, rate, or value of the line item..

For example, quantity of all line items in the basket whose discount is less or equals to $10.
Standard expression:

basketSumIf(“{attribute}”, “{expression}”,"{value}")[operator]{value})

Example :


Calculate the sum of the quantity of all line items in the basket whose discount value is $10 or above. If the quantity of those line items is more than 20, execute an action.

Supported parameters:


Supported Operators:

basketSizeTotal number of items in the bill - irrespective of quantity of each itemNA
basketSumGrossReturns the sum of the gross amount of each line items in a basket whose attribute name matches with a specific value. Supported attribute names: product name, short description, SKU number, category, and subcategory.Standard expression:

currentTxn.basketSumGross{("[Attribute Name]","[Inventory Value]")[Operator][Value]}

Sample expression:


The expression implies: If the total gross amount of line items in the basket with attribute name value is "demoname", exceeds 2000, then execute a specific action.
basketSumRegexGrossReturns the sum of gross amount of each line item in the basket
whose product attribute values match the given regular expression.
Standard expression:

currentTxn.basketSumRegexGross{("[Attribute Name]","[Attribute Regex]")[Operator][Value]}

Sample expression:


It implies: If the sum of gross amount of line items of the basket, whose attribute name (brand) starts with purple, exceeds 5000 execute a specific action.
basketSumRegexBrandGrossReturns the sum of the gross amount of each line item in the basket whose brand name matches with the given the regular expression.

Calculates the total gross amount of basket items whose brand name contains xyz.
Standard expression:


Sample expression:


It implies: If the sum of gross amount of line items of the basket with brand names containing 'demo', exceeds 1000 execute a specific action.
basketSumRegexCategoryGrossReturns the total gross amount of line items in the basket whose category names matches with the given regular expression.Standard expression:


Sample expression:


It implies: If the sum of gross amount of line items of the basket whose category names that start with shirt, exceeds 1000 execute a specific action.
customFieldValueExcludesTransaction custom field excludes the given valueMention the custom field value that you want to validate as shown below
customFieldValueIncludes()Check if customer's transaction level custom field value includes the given valueMention the custom field value that you want to validate as shown below

dateDate of transactiondateDiff, day, dayOfMonth, daysDiff, daysDiffFromString, isAfter, isHourBetween, isTimeBetween, isValid, isWeekday, isWeekend, month, and year
discountDiscount availed for a transactionNA
pointsTotal points issued for a transactionNA
totalQtyTotal quantity of all items in a transaction. For instance, if 2 items of a given line item are bought, then the 2 is added to the basket quantity.NA
valueTotal value of the transactioninterval
notesTransaction level notes specified by the cashier during transactioncontains, exists, isEmpty, isNotNull, isNull, isValidDate, matches, and notExists

Current Event (currentEvent)

The current event profile returns the event that is triggered by the event listener, i.e., the event on which the rule is created. The following table consists of the descriptions of all the attributes of currentEvent.

eventTypeName of the eventNA

previousCustomFieldValue()Value of custom field before updatingcurrentEvent.previousCustomFieldValue("Custom Field Name","Field Value")

currentCustomFieldValue()Value of custom field after updatingcurrentEvent.currentCustomFieldValue("Custom Field Name","Field Value")

previousMobileCustomer's mobile number before updatingNA
previousEmailCustomer's email ID before updatingNA
previousExternalIDCustomer's external ID before updatingNA
previousNameCustomer's full name before updatingNA
previousFirstNameCustomer's first name before updatingNA
previousLastNameCustomer's last name before updatingNA
currentMobileCustomer's mobile number after updatingNA
currentEmailCustomer's email id after updatingNA
currentExternalIDCustomer's external id after updatingNA
currentNameCustomer's first name after updatingNA
currentFirstNameCustomer's first name after updatingNA
currentLastNameCustomer's last name after updatingNA
previousLoyaltyTypeChecks the loyalty status of the customer before the current event. Supported only for CustomerUpdate eventValues: LOYALTY/NON_LOYALTY

currentEvent.previousLoyaltyType=="LOYALTY" or currentEvent.previousLoyaltyType=="NON_LOYALTY"
previousLoyaltyTypeChecks the current loyalty status of the customer. Supported only for CustomerUpdate eventValues: LOYALTY/NON_LOYALTY
targetAchievedProvides the numeric value of the actual achievement of the customer for the given target.currentEvent.targetAchieved("Target Name")
targetDefinedProvides the numeric value of the target set by the marketing/org user for that customer.currentEvent.targetDefined("Target Name")
targetExistsChecks if a target value exists or set by the marketing user for that customer.currentEvent.targetExists("Target Name")
targetGroupReturns the name of the target group for which the current event is being executed. This is used to target customers in different groups.currentEvent.targetGroup
targetPeriodReturns the name of the target period for which the current event is being executed. This is used to target customers across different groups.currentEvent.targetPeriod
isTargetAchievedEventVerifies whether a customer has completed the allotted target before the target period ends.

Applicable only to Target period elapses event.

Current Line Item (currentLineItem)

The currentLineItem profile returns line-items of a current transaction. You can use this profile only on forward cases and when transaction unroll is enabled. Use this profile to check line-item level details of the current transaction as provided in the table below.

codeItem code of the line-item as assigned in the inventoryNA
descriptionThe description specified for the of the line-item in the inventorycurrentLineItem.description==""
discountPercentageDiscount percentage at line-item levelNA
doesItemMatch()Check if an item code matches with the given codedoesItemMatch("","")
qtyQuantity of a line-item purchasedNA
rateActual price of a line-itemNA
valueSelling price of a line-itemNA

Return Bill (returnBill)

The returnBill profile is used to return the bill amount of a current transaction. You can use this profile only on forward cases and when transaction unroll is enabled. Use this profile to check line-item level details of the current transaction as provided in the table below.

basketCountNumber of products in the transaction of the given inventory type - irrespective of quantityNA
basketCountRegex()Number of products whose item attribute matches the given regular expressionreturnBill.basketCountRegex("Inventory Attribute","Regex")
basketCountRegexBrandNumber of products whose brand name matches the given regular expressionreturnBill.basketCountRegexBrand("Brand Name","Regex")
basketCountRegexCategoryNumber of products whose category name matches the given regular expressionreturnBill.basketCountRegexCategory("Category Name","Regex")
basketExcludes()Products not contained in the transactionExample:
basketIncludes()Products contained in the transactionExample:
basketExcludesRegex()To check if the transaction includes products whose item attribute does not match the given regular expressionExample:
basketIncludesRegex()To check if the transaction includes products whose item attribute matches the given regular expressionExample:
basketIncludesRegexBrand()To check whether the transaction contains items of a specific brandreturnBill.basketIncludesRegexBrand("Brand Regex")
basketIncludesRegexCategory()To check whether the transaction contains items of a specific categoryreturnBill.basketIncludesRegexCategory("Category Regex")
basketQty()To check number of items in a transactionreturnBill.basketQty("Attribute Name","Attribute Value")
basketQtyRegex()Quantity of items in the bill matching the regular expressionreturnBill.basketQty("Attribute Name","Attribute Value")
basketQtyRegexBrand()Number of quantities of a specific item whose brand name matches the given regular expressionreturnBill.basketQtyRegexBrand("Brand Name","Regex")
basketQtyRegexCategory()Number of quantities of a specific item whose category name matches the given regular expressionreturnBill.basketQtyRegexCategory("Category Name","Regex")
basketSizeTotal number of items in the bill - irrespective of quantity of each itemNA
basketSum()Sum of value of the items matching the inventory attributeExample:
basketSumRegex()Sum of value of the items matching the inventory attribute - regular expressionExample:
customFieldValueExcludes()Transaction custom field excludes the given valuePass the custom field value that you want to validate as shown below

customFieldValueIncludes()Check if customer's transaction level custom field value includes the given valuePass the custom field value that you want to validate as shown below

dateDate of transactiondateDiff, day, dayOfMonth, daysDiff, daysDiffFromString, isAfter, isHourBetween, isTimeBetween, isValid, isWeekday, isWeekend, month, and year

For examples on using date formats, see the Date Format section on Using Operators in Rule Expressions
discountDiscount availed for a transactionNA
notesTransaction level notes specified by the cashier during transactioncontains, exists, isEmpty, isNotNull , isNull , isValidDate, matches, and notExists
numberTransaction number of the current transactioncontains, exists, isEmpty, isNotNull, isNull, isValidDate, matches, and notExists
pointsTotal points issued for a transactionNA
totalQtyDate of transactionNA

Current Store (currentStore)

The currentStore profile is used to check store level details. You can write rules based on the attributes provided in the table below.

codeUnique code of the storeNA
nameName of the storeNA

Tender Profile (tenderProfile)

This tenderProfile is used to write rules based on the payment mode combinations.

amountThe amount paid for a transaction using the payment modeNA
codeReturns code or name of the combination created in loyalty for the payment modecontains, exists, isEmpty, isNotNull, isNull, isValidDate, matches and notExists
notesReturns notes described for the tendercontains, exists, isEmpty, isNotNull, isNull, isValidDate, matches and notExists

Current Customer Partner (currentCustomerPartner)

This currentCustomerPartner consists of attributes related to fetching customer partner's profile information and loyalty details as listed in the table below.

additionalBenefitsInMembershipCycleAdditional benefits available during the membership life cycleNA
benefitsAvailedInActiveMembershipBenefits that are available with the active membershipNA
benefitsAvailedInEventCycleBenefits available during the event cycleNA
benefitsLimitThe maximum or minimum limit of benefit that can be availedNA
countBillsCurrentCycleCalculate the number of bills generated during the current cycleNA
countPromotionPointsIssuedCurrentCycleCalculate the number of points issued during the current cycleNA
daysElapsedInCurrentCycleNumber of days elasped in current cycle for customer partnerNA
isLinkedOnSpecificDateChecks if the current cutomer partner is linked on a specific date or not.NA
isLinkedToChecks if the current cutomer partner is linked to a loyalty program or notNA
sumPurchaseValueCurrentCycleSum of all purchase value during current cycleNA

Current Tracker (currentTracker)

This currentTracker is used to write rules based on the recent tracker details.

Current Tracker Condition (currentTrackerCondition)

This currentTrackerCondition is used to write rules based on the recent tracker condition.

numberOfVisitsNumber of visitsisNotNull and isNull
trackedValueinterval, isNotNull and isNull
trackerConditionNameName of the tracker conditioncontains, exists, isEmpty, isNotNull, isNull, isValidDate, matches and notExists
trackerConditionPeriodDuration of the tracker conditionisNotNull and isNull
trackerCurrAggrinterval, isNotNull and isNull
trackerInitialPrevAggrinterval, isNotNull and isNull
trackerNameName of the trackercontains, exists, isEmpty, isNotNull, isNull, isValidDate, matches and notExists
trackerPrevAggrinterval, isNotNull and isNull

Group Primary Customer (groupPrimaryCustomer)

This groupPrimaryCustomer is used to write rules for the primary customer.

avgBasketSizeLets you evaluate conditions on the average basket size of the primary customer.

(The ratio of the total quantities of line items purchased to the total number of transactions made).
isNotNull and isNull
avgSpendPerVisitLets you evaluate conditions on the average spend per visit by the primary customer.

(Total purchases amount)/ (Total number of transactions made).
interval, isNotNull and isNull
countActiveCouponsInCouponSeriesLets you evaluate conditions on the count of active coupons of the primary customer.NA
currentAllPointsinterval, isNotNull and isNull
currentNonRedeemablePointsLets you evaluate conditions on the current points that are not redeemable by the primary customer.interval, isNotNull and isNull
currentPointsLets you evaluate conditions on the active points of the primary customer.interval, isNotNull and isNull
customFieldValueExcludesLets you evaluate conditions on a custom field value of the customer. (Any value other than the value you mention here).NA
customFieldValueExistsLets you evaluate conditions on a custom field value of the primary member ( if a specific custom field value exists for the member).NA
customFieldValueIncludesLets you evaluate conditions on a custom field value of the primary member (if a specific custom field value exists for the member).NA
doesProfileExistsLets you evaluate conditions on the availability of the primary member's profile/account.NA
emailLets you evaluate conditions on email of the primary customer.contains, exists, isEmpty, isNotNull, isNull, isValidDate, matches and notExists
externalIdLets you evaluate conditions on the external ID values of the primary member.contains, exists, isEmpty, isNotNull, isNull, isValidDate, matches and notExists
firstnameLets you evaluate conditions on the first name of the primary customer.contains, exists, isEmpty, isNotNull, isNull, isValidDate, matches and notExists
hasInstoreProfileLets you evaluate conditions based on the primary customer's Instore profile.isNotNull and isNull
hasWeChatProfileLets you evaluate conditions based on the primary customer's WeChat profile.isNotNull and isNull
initialCurrentAllPointsinterval, isNotNull and isNull
initialCurrentPointsinterval, isNotNull and isNull
initialLifetimePointsinterval, isNotNull and isNull
initialLifetimePurchaseinterval, isNotNull and isNull
initialSlabNamecontains, exists, isEmpty, isNotNull, isNull, isValidDate, matches and notExists
initialSlabNumberisNotNull and isNull
isControlisNotNull and isNull
isGroupMemberisNotNull and isNull
isLoyalisNotNull and isNull
isPrimaryisNotNull and isNull
isSecondaryisNotNull and isNull
isTestisNotNull and isNull
joinDateLets you evaluate conditions based on the registration date of the primary customer.dateDiff, day dayOfMonth, daysDiff, daysDiffFromString, isAfter, isHourBetween, isNotNull, isNull, isTimeBetween, isValid, isWeekday, isWeekend, minutesDiff, month, year
lastnameLets you evaluate conditions based on the last name of the primary customer.contains, exists, isEmpty, isNotNull, isNull, isValidDate, matches and notExists
lifetimeAllPointsinterval, isNotNull and isNull
lifetimeNonRedeemablePointsinterval, isNotNull and isNull
lifetimePointsLets you evaluate conditions on lifetime points of the primary customer.interval, isNotNull and isNull
lifetimePurchaseLets you evaluate conditions on lifetime purchases of the primary customer.interval, isNotNull and isNull
mobileLets you evaluate conditions on the mobile number of the primary customer.contains, exists, isEmpty, isNotNull, isNull, isValidDate, matches and notExists
nameLets you evaluate conditions based on the name of the primary customer.contains, exists, isEmpty, isNotNull, isNull, isValidDate, matches and notExists
numberOfRedemptionsInCalendarMonthLets you evaluate conditions based on the number of times points are redeemed in the current calendar month.isNotNull and isNull
numberOfRedemptionsInCalendarWeekLets you evaluate conditions based on the number of times points are redeemed in the current calendar week. (Monday to Sunday)isNotNull and isNull
numberOfRedemptionsInPastDaysLets you evaluate conditions based on the number of times points are redeemed in the last x days.NA
numberOfRedemptionsTodayLets you evaluate conditions based on the number of times points are redeemed on the present day.isNotNull and isNull
numberOfTxnsLets you evaluate conditions on the total number of transactions by a primary customer.isNotNull and isNull
numberOfTxnsTodayLets you evaluate conditions on the number of transactions made by the primary customer on the current day.isNotNull and isNull
numberOfVisitsLets you evaluate conditions on the number of visit primary customer.isNotNull and isNull
pointsRedeemedInCalendarMonthLets you evaluate conditions on points redeemable by a primary customer in the calendar month.interval, isNotNull and isNull
pointsRedeemedInCalendarWeekLets you evaluate conditions on points redeemable by a primary customer in the current calendar week.interval, isNotNull and isNull
pointsRedeemedInPastDaysLets you evaluate conditions on points redeemable by a primary customer in the last x days.NA
pointsRedeemedTodayLets you evaluate conditions on points redeemable by a primary customer on the present day.interval, isNotNull and isNull
slabChangeDateLets you evaluate conditions based on the tier change date by the primary customer.dateDiff, day dayOfMonth, daysDiff, daysDiffFromString, isAfter, isHourBetween, isNotNull, isNull, isTimeBetween, isValid, isWeekday, isWeekend, minutesDiff, month, year
slabExpiryDateLets you evaluate conditions based on the tier expiry date of the primary customer.dateDiff, day dayOfMonth, daysDiff, daysDiffFromString, isAfter, isHourBetween, isNotNull, isNull, isTimeBetween, isValid, isWeekday, isWeekend, minutesDiff, month, year
slabNameLets you evaluate conditions on the tier name of a primary customer.contains, exists, isEmpty, isNotNull, isNull, isValidDate, matches and notExists
slabNumberLets you evaluate conditions on the tier number of the primary customer.isNotNull and isNull

Organization (organization)

This organization is used to write rules based on the organization's details.

Program (program)

This program is used to write rules based on the loyalty program details.

Referrer Code (referrerCode)

This referrerCode is used to write rules based on the referrer code details.

refereeRegCountTotal number of registered refereeisNotNull and isNull
refereeTxnCountNumber of transactions done by the refereeisNotNull and isNull