Generate Promo codes for Code Linked Promotions

Once you configure benefits and meta information for Code linked promotions, you will see an option to configure promo codes as shown in the following.


  • Promo codes become invalid when the promotion expires.
  • Promo codes are applicable to both loyalty and non-loyalty customers.
  • Promo codes can be redeemed multiple times as per the configuration set

1.Click Continue to configure promo codes.
2. You can generate promo codes in two ways.

Automatically generate promo codes

Select this option to create promo codes automatically and assign it to customers who unlocks the benefit. You can define the length of promo codes, code format, and the number of codes to be generated.

  1. Select Automatically generate unique codes. You will see options to configure auto generated coupons.
  1. In Set digits, enter the length of the promo codes. You can enter any number between 5-40.
  2. In Select format, choose whether to have promo codes with Alphanumeric characters or just Numeric values.
  3. In Number of codes to be generated, enter the number of promo codes you want to generate.

In a single request, you can generate up to 10 million promo codes. However, you can generate any number of times as per your requirement.

  1. Click Continue to proceed. It takes up to 20 seconds to generate codes. You can click on Continue to exit the screen. The codes generation happens in the backend.

If you wish to cancel generating codes at any point before the codes are generated, click Cancel request.

You will the code generation status as In progress. Refresh the page to see the updated status.

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To download generated codes, click Download file.

Upload unique codes

This option lets you upload promo codes manually through a CSV file. Create a CSV file with all the promo codes, upload it here and click Continue. You can also Download Sample CSV file and use the Upload instructions to upload the CSV file.

  • You can upload a maximum of 1 million codes at a time. However, if required you can upload codes any number of times.

Generate more codes in a promotion

You can also generate codes more than once for a promotion even after generating codes. When generating codes for the second time, you can either have auto generated codes or manually upload unique codes.

To generate more promo codes:

  1. On the Promotions tab, navigate to the promotion and click the More options icon (...) > Manage promo codes.
  1. Click Generate new code.
  1. Configure the other options as mentioned in the previous sections.
  1. Click Continue to proceed.